
Famous actor Kou Shixun: Once a smash hit, what is his life like now


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Famous actor Kou Shixun: Once a smash hit, what is his life like now

As the sun sets, this top villa area in Taipei City is gradually covered in dark shadows. Kou Shixun was in this place, he was over seventy, and the years had left a deep mark on his head, and his original black hair had long since turned snow-white.

At this moment, he sat alone and quietly on the rattan chair in the living room, looking out the window with deep eyes, watching the withered yellow leaves fluttering and the atmosphere was extraordinarily peaceful, and there seemed to be only the sound of the passage of time around him, which made him silent for a long time and never said a word.

Time flies, this once shining superstar in the film industry has spent a long seventy years. His face was full of the traces of time, exhausted, and deep down in his heart, there was a past that haunted him and haunted him - it was many years ago, because of his personal desires, he made a decision that, although it seemed okay at the time, later brought untold pain and trauma to his family.

"If I could turn back the clock, I would never choose to have two wives at the same time." Kou Shixun muttered in a low voice, tears glistening in his eyes. Yes, if he had the opportunity to do it all over again, he would have thought it through, not on the spur of the moment, hurting those closest to him.

Famous actor Kou Shixun: Once a smash hit, what is his life like now

Kou Shixun's mind came up with the extremely sad and helpless look of his wife Cui Yaoqi after learning about his relationship with his mistress Xu Lidan. That scene still terrifies him to this day, like a sharp knife, mercilessly piercing his heart.

Cui Yaoqi once begged him to give her some time to calm down, and he did give her enough time to expect her to forgive him for his betrayal and mistakes.

Today, Ko Shixun is no longer as energetic as he was when he was younger, and he longs to live in harmony with his wife and children and spend the last years of his life together. Although he can't change the facts of the past, he sincerely hopes that the children will forgive him from the bottom of their hearts and stop being troubled and sad about his mistakes.

After all, it took him a great deal to realize that the wounds of bad decisions cannot be easily erased.

Famous actor Kou Shixun: Once a smash hit, what is his life like now

Back in time a few decades ago, Kou Shixun was just an ordinary college student, and compared to him now, it was a world of difference. He was born into a poor family and learned to take on household chores and share the burden of the family from an early age.

Despite the difficult living conditions, he never gave up pursuing his dreams, and finally successfully admitted to the acting department of Beijing Film Academy.

University is undoubtedly a new milestone on the road of life, and this is especially true for Kou Shixun, who advocates perfect honor. The moment he stepped onto the college campus, the trajectory of his life took a major turn, and he met the woman who could influence his life - Cui Yaoqi.

Cui Yaoqi is like a soft sunshine, warming Kou Shixun's heart that was depressed in the past because of his poor family.

Famous actor Kou Shixun: Once a smash hit, what is his life like now

Originally, Cui Yaoqi was just a childhood sweetheart playmate of Kou Shixun in his childhood, and they have known each other since childhood. However, over time, that innocent friendship gradually sublimates and transforms into deep love.

Cui Yaoqi's energetic and positive personality deeply attracted the introverted Kou Shixun. She always inspired him with great enthusiasm, inspiring the ideal light in his heart in her own unique way.

After graduating from university, Kou Shixun did not hesitate to devote himself to his acting career and began a passionate struggle. However, along the way, he has also experienced setbacks and losses.

It was the firm support and encouragement of Cui Yaoqi, a virtuous wife, that became the biggest motivation for Kou Shixun to persevere. In order to let her husband devote herself to his career, Cui Yaoqi resolutely decided to quit her job and become a full-time housewife, silently running housework and taking care of children at home.

Famous actor Kou Shixun: Once a smash hit, what is his life like now

Whenever Kou Shixun came back late at night, Cui Yaoqi would always prepare a delicious meal for him carefully and thoughtfully and ask him if he needed other help. With his wife's affectionate care and care, Kou Shixun was able to move from confusion to firmness in the fiercely competitive entertainment industry, and gradually found his own life direction.

As Kou Shixun's status in the entertainment industry continues to improve, he also begins to gradually lose the innocence he had when he first entered the industry. The temptations of power, wealth, fame, etc., swallowed him up like a rough sea.

At this critical moment, Kou Shixun met the beautiful and moving former model Xu Lidan.

When he saw Xu Lidan for the first time, Kou Shixun only felt his heart beating faster. Her bumpy and sexy figure and honey-sweet voice are all intoxicating.

Famous actor Kou Shixun: Once a smash hit, what is his life like now

At first, they only met by chance, but soon after, Kou Shixun offered to invite her to dinner, and the contact between the two became more frequent.

Outsiders only think that this is a simple professional need, but they are not aware that the deep emotions have quietly grown. Kou Shixun was unconsciously attracted by Xu Lidan's unique charm, and every time he spent quality time with her, his heart would be filled with unprecedented excitement and joy.

However, on the other hand, he also knows that once this secret relationship is exposed, it will bring endless pain to the family.

The inner entanglement and struggle lasted for a long time, and Kou Shixun finally made up his mind that he must confess the truth to his wife Cui Yaoqi. That night, he mustered up the courage to tell her everything in a tone full of guilt and apology.

Famous actor Kou Shixun: Once a smash hit, what is his life like now

Cui Yaoqi was as if she had been hit hard, she froze in place, her face was as pale as paper, but her tears had quietly slipped down.

"I once had some intimate contact with Xu Lidan......" Kou Shixun lowered his head, and every word he said was as painful as a knife. Cui Yaoqi's tears finally burst out, and she begged her husband to give her some time to calm down and think, otherwise she wouldn't be able to sleep peacefully tonight.

After Cui Yaoqi learned the secret of her husband and lover Xu Lidan, her whole person seemed to be drained of her soul. Her heart was filled with grief and despair, and she could collapse at any moment.

However, after a fierce ideological struggle, Cui Yaoqi made a decision that shocked Kou Shixun - she chose to forgive her husband, but only if the financial power of the family must be in her own hands.

Famous actor Kou Shixun: Once a smash hit, what is his life like now

At first, Ko was a little confused. He had never expected his wife to make such a request, and it even seemed a little vexatious.

However, after careful consideration, he gradually understood Cui Yaoqi's good intentions. The reason why she did this is nothing more than to protect the interests of herself and her children and avoid any unnecessary disputes in the future.

After all, Kou Shixun has already failed her, and she has the right to lose faith in her husband. Cui Yaoqi's actions are only to defend the last dignity, and at the same time to provide a guarantee for her future life.

Kou Shixun deeply felt his wife's deep affection, so after weighing the pros and cons, he still gladly accepted this condition.

Famous actor Kou Shixun: Once a smash hit, what is his life like now

In order to make the two broad wives get along well, Kou Shixun specially purchased a three-story luxurious villa, and specially placed Cui Yaoqi on the third floor with a wide view, while Xu Lidan lived quietly on the comfortable and elegant second floor.

This "monogamous" life spectacle is really rare, and it can be described as unprecedented!

However, Kou firmly believes that as long as there is mutual respect and understanding, it is not difficult to live in peace.

Sure enough, in the first few years, Kou Shixun lived like a fish in water and was full of happiness. Every day when he got home from work, the two beauties stood upstairs and downstairs looking forward to it, lest he suffer the slightest grievance outside.

Famous actor Kou Shixun: Once a smash hit, what is his life like now

Kou Shixun was deeply honored, and he thought that he had become the envy of everyone's "master" In order to show justice, he would spare four days a week to accompany Cui Yaoqi, and the remaining three days were dedicated to Xu Lidan.

At first, Ko Se-hoon was full of pride and satisfaction in this lifestyle of having two wives at the same time. How many people in the world can enjoy this honor? Whenever he came home from work, Cui Yaoqi and Xu Lidan would wait for his return on the third and second floors respectively, for fear that he would be left out in the cold.

Kou Shixun was intoxicated, as if he was the "master" who was favored by his wife and concubine in the play.

However, the honor of this "master" did not last long. It wasn't long before Kou realized how stressful it was to raise two families on his own. In order to maintain basic living expenses, he had to run around like a tired old scalper, receiving dramas, endorsing advertisements, and even having a break time.

Famous actor Kou Shixun: Once a smash hit, what is his life like now

Once, at the filming site of a certain TV series, due to long-term overwork, Kou Shixun fainted on the spot and was rushed to the hospital for treatment. It was this accident that made him deeply feel the heavy physical and mental burden brought to him by the double family.

The two wives could only take turns taking care of him in the hospital, giving him the "master" level of care he once dreamed of. However, this encounter made Kou Shixun deeply realize that such an absurd lifestyle is really an unbearable burden for him.

Since leaving the hospital, Kou Shixun's life situation has become more and more difficult and difficult. In order to earn enough to make ends meet, he had to accept various types of job opportunities in a way that deviated from his principles.

In addition to participating in the creation and performance of film and television dramas, he also needs to run around, stand for various advertising endorsements and commercial performance activities, as long as there is an opportunity to earn income, he will not hesitate to accept.

Famous actor Kou Shixun: Once a smash hit, what is his life like now

Despite the tremendous pressure and pain that Kou Shixun endured for the sake of his family's livelihood, he never revealed half of it to outsiders. He deeply understands that his mistakes cannot be forgiven, and he can only let this heavy guilt and self-blame gradually settle over time and turn into eternal shackles in his heart.

However, in March of this year, Ko's children posted a family photo full of warmth and harmony on social media. In this picture, Kou Shixun is surrounded by his wife Cui Yaoqi and children, and the whole family is filled with a happy and peaceful atmosphere, which seems to be very lively.

However, what is surprising is that Xu Lidan's figure did not appear in this precious group photo.

This photo has undoubtedly attracted widespread attention and heated discussions from all walks of life, triggering countless speculations and reveries.

Famous actor Kou Shixun: Once a smash hit, what is his life like now

All kinds of mysteries have plunged Kou Shixun's life into a haze.

There will always be some unavoidable regrets in the journey of life, and those choices that once seemed trivial may eventually create a lifetime of pain.

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