
Li Ke of traditional Chinese medicine: If there is a spleen and stomach disease, the reason is ineffective, and the four reverses should be used quickly! Today I will talk about how to use the four reverse soups

author:Qi Huang University Chinese Medicine

I believe that many friends who understand traditional Chinese medicine are no strangers to the name of the old Chinese medicine Li Ke, who used his decades of experience in medicine to sum up such a sentence: "Where the spleen and stomach are sick, the reason is ineffective, and the four reverses are used quickly!" In other words, when treating the problems of the spleen and stomach, if the medicine that warms the spleen and strengthens the spleen is not effective, immediately switch to the four reverse decoction to treat it!

Li Ke of traditional Chinese medicine: If there is a spleen and stomach disease, the reason is ineffective, and the four reverses should be used quickly! Today I will talk about how to use the four reverse soups

Mr. Li Ke affirmed the important role of the Four Reverse Soup in the treatment of the spleen and stomach, and it should be known that the Four Reverse Soup is composed of aconite, dried ginger and boiled licorice, which is a classic prescription for returning to the yang and relieving the adversity, warming and replenishing the kidney and yang. Why does Mr. Li Ke advocate using the prescription of tonifying kidney yang to treat spleen and stomach problems?

Li Ke of traditional Chinese medicine: If there is a spleen and stomach disease, the reason is ineffective, and the four reverses should be used quickly! Today I will talk about how to use the four reverse soups

In fact, Chinese medicine believes that the kidney is the innate foundation of a person, and the spleen is the acquired foundation of a person, and the congenital and acquired are interdependent and mutually nourishing.

For a simple example, the relationship between the spleen and the kidney is like cooking rice with firewood, the spleen is a pot above, and the kidney is the fire below, the temperature in the pot is not enough, no matter how good the food is, it will not be delicious. As for the four inverse dispersions, this idea is used, to achieve the effect of tonifying the spleen and yang by warming and replenishing the kidney yang.

Li Ke of traditional Chinese medicine: If there is a spleen and stomach disease, the reason is ineffective, and the four reverses should be used quickly! Today I will talk about how to use the four reverse soups

After saying the truth expressed in this sentence, who can use it and who can't?

For example, the spleen and stomach are not good, often flatulent, loose stools are often accompanied by a feeling of cold, cold hands and feet, lower limbs are not hot, and listless all day long can not lift the spirit.

Li Ke of traditional Chinese medicine: If there is a spleen and stomach disease, the reason is ineffective, and the four reverses should be used quickly! Today I will talk about how to use the four reverse soups

At the same time, the older a person is, the more yang energy in the body will be consumed, like people over 60 years old, or accompanied by various chronic diseases, such as hypertension, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, arthritis, etc., the essence is caused by the deficiency of yang qi.

Li Ke of traditional Chinese medicine: If there is a spleen and stomach disease, the reason is ineffective, and the four reverses should be used quickly! Today I will talk about how to use the four reverse soups

However, it should be noted that the aconite in the soup is hot and the dried ginger is medicated, so it is not recommended for people with a real hot and false cold constitution, otherwise it will aggravate the heat evil and cause fire.

That's all for today's sharing, the content shared in the article is for reference only, it is not recommended to use drugs without authorization, if you need to use drugs, please also use them under the guidance of a doctor.

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