
They are the real human tonic Two ancient prescriptions to replenish yang qi and nourish yin and blood

author:Qi Huang University Chinese Medicine

Men are mainly yang and qi-oriented. Women are mainly yin and blood-based, and these two things are the real human tonic.

Men want to replenish "qi" first choice Lizhong soup, women want to replenish "blood" first choice Bazhen soup.

They are the real human tonic Two ancient prescriptions to replenish yang qi and nourish yin and blood


This "qi" refers to yang energy, how important yang energy is, there is no need to emphasize it, people live this breath. Gay men often run around, smoke and drink, work under high pressure and do not exercise much, these unhealthy habits can easily damage the yang qi, especially the kidney qi of the main innate qi.

At this time, I have to mention Lizhong soup, which comes from Zhang Zhongjing's "Treatise on Typhoid Fever", also known as ginseng soup. The medicinal materials inside are all pure yang things, ginseng, angelica, atractylodes, and licorice. In the Song Dynasty, aconite was added, which can pass through the twelve meridians and has a strong effect of replenishing yang and driving away cold.

Among them, dried ginger warms the spleen and dispels cold is the main medicine in the formula; Ginseng strengthens the spleen and invigorates qi, and atractylodes strengthens the spleen and dampness, and the two assist dry ginger to strengthen the spleen and stomach; Licorice also strengthens the spleen and stomach, and at the same time reconciles various medicines. The whole recipe warms and replenishes yang qi and drives away the cold and evil of the five internal organs.

Not only that, it can also supplement the spleen and kidney, which is very effective in terms of spleen and kidney yang deficiency resulting in unformed stool, poor appetite, backache and weak legs, sensitivity to cold and cold, and decreased functionality.

They are the real human tonic Two ancient prescriptions to replenish yang qi and nourish yin and blood

Let's talk about the importance of Bazhen soup for lesbians

Women are blood-based. Women's blood loss due to menstruation and childbirth, excessive thinking, blind weight loss and other behaviors can also deplete qi and blood. At this time, it must be said that Bazhen Soup, which is a secret recipe of the palace, is cut from the basis of the Four Gentlemen's Soup and the Four Things Soup, the former can strengthen the spleen and stomach, and the latter is a famous formula for blood replenishment. The spleen is the source of qi and blood biochemistry, and only when the spleen and stomach are strong can the qi and blood be sufficient. The combination of the two medicines can tonify the spleen and invigorate qi, and replenish both qi and blood. It can also improve symptoms such as pale or yellowish complexion, dizziness, fatigue and not wanting to move. It's perfect for girls.

They are the real human tonic Two ancient prescriptions to replenish yang qi and nourish yin and blood

These two prescriptions are the real treasures, but although the medicine is good, it still needs to be used under the dialectical guidance of the doctor