
My eldest sister was raising the baby at my house, and after I left, I tidied up my room, which scared me so much that I couldn't stand steadily


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My eldest sister was raising the baby at my house, and after I left, I tidied up my room, which scared me so much that I couldn't stand steadily

My name is Wang Xiaoming, I am the only child in the family, and now I am at home with my parents after graduating from university. The situation in my family is more special, because I have an eldest sister, her name is Wang Lihua. The reason for the incident was that a few months ago, my eldest sister's husband had to go to other places due to job transfers, but my eldest sister chose to stay at my house to raise the baby, which led to the beginning of conflicts in my family.

My eldest sister is a plain-looking but kind-hearted person, and she has always had a good relationship with my mother. The eldest sister and brother-in-law have been married for many years and have no children, which also makes her a little lost in the family. The brother-in-law was transferred to other places, and it was really hard for the eldest sister to be away alone, so she wanted to stay at home for a while, wait for her brother-in-law to transfer back, and then find a house to live with.

Initially, the arrival of the eldest sister did not cause much trouble to our family. She helps with household chores and doesn't take up much space. However, as time went on, some problems slowly surfaced. My eldest sister's living habits are a little different from ours, for example, she likes to stay up late at night to watch TV, while my parents are used to going to bed early and waking up early. This led to some friction, but we all tried to tolerate it.

One night, when I came home from school, I heard the sound of an argument coming from the house. I hurriedly entered the house to take a look, and it turned out that my eldest sister and mother were arguing. The eldest aunt has a high tone and a sharp voice, while the mother is the kind of attitude that quarrels are unreasonable but does not admit defeat. I hurriedly persuaded the two to pull them apart, but the atmosphere was already tense.

The reason why the eldest sister was angry was because her mother urged her to go to bed early, and she felt that her freedom was restricted. And my mother felt that my eldest sister was too casual at home and not sensible enough. The argument made me feel exhausted and made me think about the root of the problem. Is it because my eldest sister's living habits are different from ours, or is there something wrong with the way we treat her? This question bothered me and made me feel powerless.

The next day, I had a good talk with my eldest sister, and I told her that I understood her feelings, but also hoped that she would respect the rules of life in our family. The eldest sister also expressed her understanding and promised to adjust her schedule and no longer affect us. This conversation has eased our relationship somewhat, but I know that this issue is not completely resolved and that we need to work together.

In the days that followed, the eldest sister did change, and she began to pay more attention to not affecting the rules of life in our family. She is also actively involved in household chores and tries to make us feel that her presence is a help rather than a burden. I also try to give her as much understanding and support as possible, and I hope that our relationship can be more harmonious.

However, a serendipitous discovery shocked me. One day, while I was tidying up in my eldest sister's room, I found a diary. I didn't want to disturb her privacy, but an inexplicable curiosity made me can't help but open the diary.

The diary records the life of my eldest sister in my family, and she has a deep affection for everyone in the family. But what shocked me was that she wrote about the problems between her and her brother-in-law. It turned out that the brother-in-law's transfer to the field was not due to work, but because of a rift in the relationship between the two. The brother-in-law felt that the eldest sister was not sensible enough, and the eldest sister felt that the brother-in-law was not considerate enough. These problems persisted until the brother-in-law transferred to other places, and the relationship between the two became more strained.

My eldest sister was raising the baby at my house, and after I left, I tidied up my room, which scared me so much that I couldn't stand steadily

Seeing this, I feel very sick in my heart. I originally thought that my eldest sister would just stay at my house because of a job transfer, but I didn't expect her inner world to be so complex and contradictory. I began to reflect on myself, did I not think enough about how to deal with my eldest sister? Should I be more proactive in getting to know her thoughts and feelings? These questions make me feel incredibly guilty.

I decided to have a good talk with my eldest sister, and I wanted to hear her thoughts and see if we could find a better solution. When I found my eldest sister and was about to talk, I found that she was rummaging through the room looking for something, looking anxious.

I walked over and asked her what was wrong, and my eldest sister told me in a bit of a panic that she couldn't find her marriage certificate. I was shocked, this is a big deal, the marriage certificate is a very important document, and it will be troublesome if you lose it. I immediately helped my eldest sister find it, but I couldn't find it after looking for a while.

At this time, my mother came back from outside, saw us looking for something, and asked what was going on. I told my mother that my eldest sister had lost her marriage certificate, and my mother was also anxious when she heard it. We discussed together where to report the loss, but suddenly, the eldest sister remembered something and said that she wanted to go to her brother-in-law's house to see, maybe the marriage certificate was dropped there.

So, we went to my brother-in-law's house together, and the eldest sister found the marriage certificate under the bed. My mom and I were relieved, and it was an unexpected outcome. The eldest sister held the marriage certificate, and her eyes were full of tears of joy and gratitude. She told us that this marriage certificate means a lot to her, a testimony of commitment and love between her and her brother-in-law.

When I got home, I sat down with my eldest sister and had a good talk. I told her that I had found her diary and that I understood the issues between her and her brother-in-law. My eldest sister burst into tears and told me that she had always felt that many things at home were unsatisfactory, but she didn't know how to change them. She thanked me for understanding her and said that she would work harder to integrate into our family, and at the same time, she would take the initiative to communicate with her brother-in-law in the hope of solving the problems between each other.

This conversation brought our relationship closer and made me more aware of the complexities of family relationships. I realized that it is only through understanding and inclusion that families can be more harmonious. I also hope that this conversation between me and my eldest sister will be the beginning of a further step in our relationship.

After returning home, the eldest sister's attitude did change, and she began to participate more actively in household chores, and also tried to avoid conflicts with her mother. The relationship between us has also become more harmonious, and the atmosphere in the home has become more harmonious.

My eldest sister was raising the baby at my house, and after I left, I tidied up my room, which scared me so much that I couldn't stand steadily

However, just then, an unexpected piece of news shattered our peaceful lives. One day, my brother-in-law called and said that he had finished adjusting his work and was going home to reunite with his eldest sister. Hearing the news, the eldest sister was very excited, and repeatedly said that she would prepare a warm family welcome for her brother-in-law.

My mother and I are also very happy and feel that there is more joy and warmth in our home. We discussed how to welcome my brother-in-law, decided to prepare a good dinner, and cleaned the room so that my brother-in-law could feel at home.

In order to surprise her brother-in-law, the eldest sister decided to cook a sumptuous dinner herself. She has been busy since the morning, shopping, washing, and chopping vegetables, all the time. My mother and I also helped clean up the room and tidy up the house, so that my brother-in-law could feel at home when he came back.

In the evening, the brother-in-law finally returned. The eldest sister couldn't wait to run to the door to greet her, and took her brother-in-law's hand into the house with a smile on her face. My brother-in-law was also very pleasantly surprised to see the changes in his home, he said that it was much cleaner and more comfortable than before.

When dinner was ready, our family sat around the table and enjoyed the delicious meal made by my eldest sister. The brother-in-law ate happily and kept praising the eldest sister's cooking skills. The eldest sister smiled from ear to ear, she felt that this was the best affirmation and encouragement for her.

After dinner, we sat around the living room and chatted. My brother-in-law and eldest sister talked about their experiences living in other places, while my mother and I shared our experiences at home. At this time, the eldest sister suddenly took out the diary, she said that it was her diary at home, which recorded her thoughts and feelings about her family.

The brother-in-law took the diary and read it carefully. After reading it, his eyes were a little moist, he said that he didn't have much time to get along with his eldest sister before, and he didn't know much about it, he thanked his eldest sister for her support and tolerance all the time, and also thanked our family for their understanding and acceptance.

I was touched to hear my brother-in-law's words. The warmth and harmony of the family cannot be maintained by temporary efforts, but requires everyone's tolerance and understanding, and everyone's efforts and dedication. I am also determined to cherish the warmth of my family even more, so that my family will always be full of love and warmth.

My eldest sister was raising the baby at my house, and after I left, I tidied up my room, which scared me so much that I couldn't stand steadily

After my brother-in-law returned home, our family's life became happier and more fulfilling. The relationship between the brother-in-law and the eldest sister has also become more harmonious, the communication between them is smoother, and the understanding and tolerance between each other are also deeper.

After my brother-in-law came home, our family often did some family activities together, such as watching TV together, cooking together, going out for a walk together, and so on. These seemingly ordinary activities have made our feelings closer and the warmth of the family more diffuse.

In the process of getting along with my brother-in-law, I gradually learned more about the importance and preciousness of family. Family is not only the place where we live, but also the harbor of our soul, and the place where we always rely on and belong. In this family, everyone plays a different role, but we are all working hard for the happiness and fulfillment of this family.

One evening, our family sat in the living room, drinking tea and chatting. Suddenly, the eldest sister took out a letter and said that it was written to a friend of hers and that she wanted to share it with us. I took the letter, took a look, and found that the letter was written by the eldest sister to a friend who was out of town, and the letter wrote that the eldest aunt missed her family and loved the family, which was very moving.

After reading the letter, I suddenly felt how important and precious family is. Each of us is in this family, and we share the responsibilities and obligations of the family, and enjoy the warmth and happiness of the family together. Family is not only a place to live, but also a spiritual sustenance and a spiritual belonging.

In the family, everyone has their own roles and responsibilities. As a member of the family, we should try our best to understand and tolerate each other, and cherish and maintain the harmony and happiness of the family. I believe that as long as we work together and work together, our family will become happier and happier and more satisfied.

After a while, I noticed that my eldest sister seemed to be doing something unusual again. She began to often be alone at home in a quiet daze, and sometimes she would burst out laughing, which made people feel a little strange. I'm a little worried, I don't know if my eldest sister has encountered any troubles or troubles.

One night, while my eldest sister was alone, I quietly walked up to her and asked her if she had anything on her mind. The eldest sister listened to my words, was silent for a while, and then said softly: "Actually, I have been missing my brother-in-law all along. Hearing this, my heart moved, and I knew that the relationship between my eldest sister and my brother-in-law had always been very deep, and after my brother-in-law left, my eldest sister must have missed him very much.

My eldest sister was raising the baby at my house, and after I left, I tidied up my room, which scared me so much that I couldn't stand steadily

I comforted my eldest sister and said that my brother-in-law must have missed her very much, and he only left because of work, and he would definitely come back as soon as possible. When my eldest sister heard my words, tears flowed uncontrollably, and she said that she knew that her brother-in-law was very busy with work, but she still couldn't help but miss him.

I felt sad in my heart, and seeing my eldest sister burst into tears, I decided to find a way to help her. So I discussed with my mother to surprise my eldest sister and make her happy. We decided to write a letter to my eldest sister, pretending to be my brother-in-law, telling her that he would be back soon.

The next day, we went ahead and went on track. I pretended to be my brother-in-law's handwriting and wrote a warm letter, telling my eldest sister that he would be back soon, and said some warm words. Then my mother and I put the letter in the place where my eldest sister frequented.

In the evening, when the eldest sister returned home, she saw a letter on the table, and she curiously picked it up and looked at it. Seeing the contents of the letter, the eldest sister's eyes immediately moistened, and she kept repeating those warm words, with a long-lost smile on her face.

My mom and I were very happy to see this. We know that although this letter is only a small gesture, it means a lot to the eldest sister, making her feel the warmth and love of her family.

Since then, the eldest sister's mood has improved a lot, she has begun to participate more actively in family activities, and she is no longer in a daze by herself so often. Our family's life has also become happier and more satisfying, and the home is full of warmth and joy.

Through this incident, I deeply realized the warmth and importance of family. Family is the support of our life, the sustenance of our soul, and the place where we always rely on and belong. It is only in the family that we can truly feel the power of love and truly appreciate the taste of happiness.

I hope that our family can continue to cherish each other and work together to make our family always full of love and warmth, and our lives to be happy and happy forever.

My eldest sister was raising the baby at my house, and after I left, I tidied up my room, which scared me so much that I couldn't stand steadily

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