
"New Life": The unfinished ending is a big surprise, the greater the expectations, the deeper the disappointment?

author:Junjun talks about entertainment


reversed again and again, and the audience's expectations were disappointed

The beginning of "New Life" is like a well-laid out chess game, and each episode skillfully weaves the clues of the story, which makes people want to stop. The audience is attracted by the complexity of the characters in the play and the reversal of the plot, and looks forward to a battle of intelligence. However, as the plot progresses, the game seems to spiral out of control, and the original subtle layout becomes fragmented.

"New Life": The unfinished ending is a big surprise, the greater the expectations, the deeper the disappointment?

Netizens took to social media to express their opinions, with someone saying, "I thought I was watching "Sherlock Holmes", but it turned out to be "Peppa Pig." This humorous self-deprecation reflects the audience's disappointment with the direction of the plot. The reversal in the play was originally a highlight to attract the audience, but because of the lack of reasonable foreshadowing and explanation, it became a "surprise" that made people scratch their heads.

Character motivations, elusive


Fei Ke, the central character in this play, has always been the focus of discussion among the audience. The series tries to reveal his inner world through memories, but these memory fragments are like pieces of a puzzle, and the audience can't put together a complete picture. Fei Ke's motives were finally revealed by the heroine, and this "hindsight" way of revealing made the audience feel the unnaturalness of the plot.

"New Life": The unfinished ending is a big surprise, the greater the expectations, the deeper the disappointment?

Some netizens joked: "Fei Ke's motivation is like a review on the eve of the exam, you know it's important, but you just can't see it." This humorous metaphor expresses the audience's helplessness about the character's unclear motives. The behavior of the characters should be a natural result of the development of the plot, not a temporary explanation when the plot needs it.

"New Life": The unfinished ending is a big surprise, the greater the expectations, the deeper the disappointment?

Love clues, lack of emotion

The love story between Chen Jiajia and the driver should have been a bright spot in the play, but because of the lack of emotional foreshadowing and the expressiveness of the actors, it has become a "chicken rib" in the eyes of the audience. Their love, without spark, without depth, is like a cup of unsweetened coffee, bitter and tasteless.

"New Life": The unfinished ending is a big surprise, the greater the expectations, the deeper the disappointment?

Netizens' comments on this are even sharper: "The love between Chen Jiajia and the driver is like a tasting in the supermarket, you taste it, and then decide to buy a meal." This humorous irony reveals the audience's dissatisfaction with the love clues in the play. Love should be a heart-warming feeling, not a filler in the plot.

"New Life": The unfinished ending is a big surprise, the greater the expectations, the deeper the disappointment?

The end ends, justice comes?

The ending of "New Life" was supposed to be the climax of the whole play, but because of the sharp turn of the plot, it became a "trough" in the eyes of the audience. Fei Ke's death, Chen Shufa's madness, and the fate of other characters all seem hasty and unnatural. The advent of justice seems to be just to give the audience an explanation, rather than the inevitable result of the development of the plot.

"New Life": The unfinished ending is a big surprise, the greater the expectations, the deeper the disappointment?

Netizens' comments on the ending are full of irony: "The ending is like catching a train, everyone rushes to the end, only to find that the train has already left." This humorous metaphor reflects the audience's dissatisfaction with the ending. A good ending should be a natural extension of the development of the plot, not an abrupt ending.

"New Life": The unfinished ending is a big surprise, the greater the expectations, the deeper the disappointment?

In summary, the audience's expectations and disappointments

The ending of "New Life" undoubtedly caused a huge controversy among the audience. On the one hand, the beginning of the series did bring surprises and expectations to the audience, and on the other hand, as the plot developed, this expectation gradually turned into disappointment. The reversal in the play, the motivation of the characters, the love clues, and the ending of the ending have all become the focus of discussion among the audience.

"New Life": The unfinished ending is a big surprise, the greater the expectations, the deeper the disappointment?
"New Life": The unfinished ending is a big surprise, the greater the expectations, the deeper the disappointment?

This kind of controversy is exactly the challenge faced by modern dramas. The audience's needs are constantly improving, and whether the screenwriter's creative level can keep up has become the key to measuring the success of a series. The ending of "New Life" may not be the most perfect, but it undoubtedly left a deep impression on the audience and also triggered deep thinking about the creation of the series.

"New Life": The unfinished ending is a big surprise, the greater the expectations, the deeper the disappointment?

On social media, viewers expressed their opinions in humorous and sarcastic language. This kind of interactive discussion not only makes the audience feel engaged, but also allows the creators of the series to hear the audience's voice. The ending of "New Life" may not be perfect in everyone's heart, but it is undoubtedly an attempt worth discussing.

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