
The four great feats created Wei Yan, the first general in the late Shu Kingdom, but he was born at the wrong time, but he had three nemesis

author:Wang History

Wei Yan's life can be described as ups and downs, and he has experienced countless hardships and obstacles. Although he has made great achievements and is known as the first general of Shu, fate never seems to have really favored him. From the first time he defected to Liu Bei and encountered a strong enemy, to being repeatedly suppressed later, until he finally died for life, Wei Yan was shrouded in the shadow of several "nemesis" all his life. Who exactly are these nemesis? How did it affect Wei Yan's fate? Let's find out.

The four great feats created Wei Yan, the first general in the late Shu Kingdom, but he was born at the wrong time, but he had three nemesis

Wei Yanchu threw Liu Bei into the first nemesis

The sharp knife technique, the courage to fight bravely, this is Wei Yan when he was young. Top Gun, he was originally just an unknown martial artist, but he had great ambitions to devote himself to the great cause of the founding of the country. Finally, he made up his mind to leave his hometown for Jingzhou and join Liu Biao's banner.

At that time, under Liu Biao's command, many heroes had gathered, and Wei Yan's arrival did not attract any attention. Cai Mao was very displeased with this upright young man, and reluctantly arranged for him to patrol the city as a young general. Wei Yan, who was well-read in military books, was dissatisfied with his meager position, and he was eager to display his talents on the battlefield and show his skills.

The four great feats created Wei Yan, the first general in the late Shu Kingdom, but he was born at the wrong time, but he had three nemesis

Suddenly, one day, he learned that Liu Bei had raised troops in the public security, and took the opportunity to break through Jingzhou City to join Liu Bei, but the general Wen Ping forced him into a desperate situation. The two sides launched a thrilling battle of life and death under the city of Jingzhou, Wei Yan accumulated some upper hand with his unique sword skills, but the other party was a veteran of the battlefield after all, Wen Ping was not afraid of danger, even if he was attacked by Wei Yan's fierce attack, he gritted his teeth and defended the city. What's more, he ordered the soldiers at the head of the city to keep shooting stones at Wei Yan's head, making the latter's situation critical.

It's a pity that Wei Yan's ambition was not rewarded, so he had no choice but to give up the breakthrough and retreat to Changsha. This battle made him and Liu Bei play the battle of Chibi and missed. Thinking about it in the future, if Wei Yan was present, maybe Chibi would be a different result. However, the appearance of the strong enemy of Wenpin became Wei Yan's first "nemesis" on the road to Liu Bei.

Persistently repay the favor and make great achievements

Since the Battle of Jingzhou missed a good opportunity, Wei Yan has been looking for an opportunity to defect to Liu Bei. At this time, Huang Zhong and his family were besieged by Han Xuan in Changsha City. Wei Yan came to the rescue in time, showed his skills to capture Han Xuan, relieved Huang Zhong's urgent need, and was finally able to worship Liu Bei.

Liu Bei praised Wei Yan's martial prowess and appointed him as the general of Yamen. This military rank was an honor at that time, which was enough to show Liu Bei's importance to him. At the same time, Wei Yan was also determined to serve his benefactor Liu Bei with loyalty.

The four great feats created Wei Yan, the first general in the late Shu Kingdom, but he was born at the wrong time, but he had three nemesis

Soon, Zhuge Liang sent Wei Yan to quell the rebellion of Lingbao. Ling Bao is a fierce general under Sun Quan, who has been plundering the Jiangling area for a long time. Wei Yan led hundreds of elites to advance into Jiangling, and after an arduous pursuit, he finally captured Ling Bao and more than 30,000 people under his command, and captured a large number of war horses. This is undoubtedly the first major achievement made by Wei Yan after defecting.

Another year, Liu Bei sent Wei Yan on an expedition to Zhang He. This northland fierce general is known for his bravery, and has defeated famous generals such as Wei Wucao and White Horse Iceman. But in the face of Wei Yan's iron cavalry, Zhang He was defeated and retreated. In the end, Wei Yanqin led a large army to Yangping Pass, where Zhang He was stationed, annihilated his entire army, and captured Zhang He alive. This great victory made Wei Yan's second major feat.

What's even more remarkable is that Wei Yan performed another miracle in the subsequent Battle of Pound. Pang De is Zhang He's favorite general, with more than 10,000 strong teams, known as the world's iron horseman. The two sides duel at Nagasaka Han, and Wei Yanqin led the elite to rush into battle and break the Pang De army. After this battle, Pang De was captured alive, and Wei Yan made great achievements in front of the battle.

After returning to China, Liu Bei personally entrusted Wei Yan with the post of Taishou in Hanzhong. This is the greatest appreciation for him. As the first general, Wei Yan showed extraordinary command talent on the Hanzhong side, and his impregnable defense caused Cao Wei to lose several attacks on Shu. This is Wei Yan's fourth major achievement.

Caught in the unpopular, the sea is full of ups and downs

Although Wei Yan has repeatedly performed miraculous feats in the battle array, his fate is still bumpy. Liu Bei is very important, but he is also worried that he will start a new business in the future. Zhuge Liang is even more vigilant, and often humiliates and suppresses him in the name of anti-bones. If it weren't for Zhang Yili's protection, Wei Yan would have been in prison long ago.

The four great feats created Wei Yan, the first general in the late Shu Kingdom, but he was born at the wrong time, but he had three nemesis

Liu Bei is talented and discerning. Wei Yan, who has known people, naturally attracted his attention. However, even so, Liu Bei was wary of this young general. He often repeatedly instructed his cronies to prevent Wei Yan from starting a new stove in the future. It can be seen that even if he is favored, Wei Yan's situation is still like a man's back, and he will be suppressed by suspicion at any time.

Zhuge Liang was like this to Wei Yan. Wang Zuo, who was born in a famous family, has always been cautious and thinks highly of himself. He was deeply afraid that Wei Yan would steal the power of Shu in the future, so he was hostile to him everywhere, and he was often humiliated in the name of rebellion. At one point, Zhuge Liang intended to kill Wei Yan to get rid of future troubles, but it was only because of Zhang Yili that he was able to avoid this catastrophe. This kind of treatment, Wei Yan is really aggrieved.

The battle of Jingzhou shows the depth of Zhuge Liang's prejudice against Wei Yan. In the Battle of Maicheng, Zhuge Liang kept silent and did not listen to advice, resulting in the defeat of the Shu army. Subsequently, there was a fiasco in the burning of the company camp, which caused Zhang Yi and other famous Shu Han generals to die. In the successive brutal battles, those old troops who had fought side by side with Wei Yan were also annihilated. In the later stage, the only one who can share the ups and downs with him is his best friend Ma Dai.

In this way, Wei Yan became a victim of the ups and downs of the Huan Sea. Although he has repeatedly performed miraculous feats and is unparalleled in martial arts, it is difficult to win Zhuge Liang's sincere admiration. As a loyal minister, Wei Yan's talent was undoubtedly wasted. But he still fought alone on the battlefield, defending the home that his former benefactor had given him with his blood and life.

The four great feats created Wei Yan, the first general in the late Shu Kingdom, but he was born at the wrong time, but he had three nemesis

Meridian Valley's conspiracy was spurned and met the second nemesis

In the face of Cao Wei's approaching army, Wei Yan bravely offered a plan to take advantage of the victory to counterattack. He set up a strange plot in the dangerous Meridian Valley, intending to lure the enemy deep into the future and block his way back, and destroy Cao's army in one fell swoop. However, Zhuge Liang scoffed at his plan, and instead of adopting it, he slandered it, causing Wei Yan to suffer an unprecedented blow.

Meridian Valley is located in the north of Yinping, and the terrain is very dangerous. There is a steep mountain in front and a winding mountain stream in the back, surrounded by trees on both sides, and there is only a narrow entrance. At this time, Wei Yan proposed to set up an ambush in the valley, first lead the enemy deep and then block his retreat, and launch a surprise attack while the enemy was tired, which would definitely annihilate Cao's army in one fell swoop. This is a clever strategy, and if it can be done, it will definitely turn the tide of the war.

However, Zhuge Liang scoffed at this and dismissed it as "crazy". He considered this plan too reckless and risky, and flatly refused to adopt it. What's more, he claimed that Wei Yan was carried away by power and deliberately led his cronies to set up another door. Such slanderous words can be described as extremely slanderous.

Although Wei Yan was already angry at that time, he was helpless. He had no choice but to put his heart on the sidelines, ordered his subordinates to stand by, and besieged the enemy legions with his hands. Cao Wei's army was helpless, and was finally forced to flee. Although Wei Yan's strategy was not fully implemented, it was also considered to have won the battle.

The four great feats created Wei Yan, the first general in the late Shu Kingdom, but he was born at the wrong time, but he had three nemesis

However, Zhuge Liang did not stop there, but continued to belittle Wei Yan in front of the king, framing him for other plans. This humiliation made it difficult for Wei Yan to tolerate himself, and the sores that had been depressed in his heart for a long time also completely exploded at this time. Since then, he broke with Zhuge Liang, and the contradiction between the two has intensified, and finally reached the point of being out of control.

This incident can be called the second biggest "nemesis" that Wei Yan encountered in his life. Zhuge Liang's prejudice and slander undoubtedly dealt him a heavy blow, causing him to be on the verge of collapse for a while. If it weren't for the only remaining reason and loyalty that dragged him to the last ray of life, I am afraid that this first brave general of Shu Han would have died here.

In the last battle, he went to Wenchuan and died heroically

After Zhuge Liang's death, Wei Yan remained loyal to Shu and fought bravely to kill the enemy. Until the final Battle of Wenchuan, the first fierce general of Shu Han turned into a wandering spirit, defended the territory for his benefactor, and sacrificed his country.

The battle of Wenchuan was the last fight of Shu Han. First, Wei Yan led 5,000 warriors and held the street pavilion for several months, so that Cao Wei's army returned in vain. But then Cao Wei increased his troops by more than 300,000 and reopened Wenchuan. Seeing that the situation was becoming more and more severe, Wei Yan personally stepped forward and led his troops to sneak across Ala Water in the dark night and raid Cao's military camp.

The four great feats created Wei Yan, the first general in the late Shu Kingdom, but he was born at the wrong time, but he had three nemesis

In this battle, Cao Wei's army was well defended and impregnable. Wei Yan led hundreds of elite cavalry of the personal guard, rushed straight into the encirclement, and fell into the tiger's den in an instant, and was attacked from all directions. He has been through a hundred battles, and he has long been free of worries. I saw him rushing to kill in all directions, killing a bloody way like a ruthless one, and actually jumped his horse and went straight into Cao Ying to patrol the hunt. The retinue only rushed forward bravely, and no one flinched.

However, Cao's army was outnumbered, and Wei Yan and others resisted desperately and stubbornly, but it was still difficult to be encircled. Several times the horse fell under the trap, and there were servants who sacrificed their lives to relieve the siege. Gradually, reinforcements arrived, and they joined up with them and became more and more courageous. The battle lasted until dawn, and the two sides were evenly matched, and it was difficult to distinguish the winner from the loser. At this moment, Wei Yan was suddenly shot by a flying arrow, and blood shot several feet on the spot. He died of exhaustion, but he insisted on going his own way, refusing to call his men to retreat until he died.

The next day, Wei Yan came to the funeral. The body had long been trampled on, and the limbs were mutilated. Ma Dai cried bitterly on the spot, he never expected that the final battle would be so bleak. A few days later, Cao Wei's army took advantage of the victory to cover the attack and broke through Wenchuan in one fell swoop. Subsequently, Hanzhong also fell, and the Shu Kingdom was completely destroyed in this battle.


Although Wei Yan has been martyred, he also drew the final end to Shu Han with his heroic deathbed. This brave and fearless general, his life has been full of difficulties, although he was suppressed by his nemesis, he never gave up the struggle, and defended his faith and home with his devastation. Despite his fate, his spirit will forever be engraved in the long river of history.

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