
The power of nature makes Nongfu Spring green, and the ecological environment protects the water source? Do you agree?

author:Shuai Bao talked eloquently

In the drinking water market, a fresh green wave is quietly setting off. The source of this wave is the Nongfu Spring, which was once famous for being "a little sweet". Now, with a new green bottle packaging, it has once again sparked heated discussions in the market. So, who made Nongfu Spring green?

The power of nature makes Nongfu Spring green, and the ecological environment protects the water source? Do you agree?

Half a month ago, when Nongfu Spring announced the resumption of the purified water business and the launch of a new packaging for green bottles, the market's attention was on this battle-hardened drinking water giant. Soon after, people were pleasantly surprised to find that this fresh green had quietly appeared on the shelves of major supermarkets, and the supply was simultaneously supplied online and offline, and the first batch of goods was sold out in a short time.

The power of nature makes Nongfu Spring green, and the ecological environment protects the water source? Do you agree?

This change seems to be diametrically opposed to Nongfu Spring's attitude in the past. Looking back on 2000, the health dispute between pure water and natural water, Nongfu Spring stood firmly on the side of natural water, and even did not hesitate to hold a press conference to "criticize" pure water. Now, why is it picking up the purified water business that it once "disliked", and even packaging it in such a fresh green?

The power of nature makes Nongfu Spring green, and the ecological environment protects the water source? Do you agree?

Walking into the Shuiduoduo Chain Water Station on Chaoyang Road in Beijing, the person in charge told us with a smile on his face: "The first batch of 200 boxes of green bottle Nongfu Spring was sold out in about a week. Customers are very interested in this new product, and I believe that its market prospects will be very good. At another station, the landlady was more cautious, saying that the first batch of only a dozen boxes had been brought in, but they were quickly snapped up by curious customers.

The power of nature makes Nongfu Spring green, and the ecological environment protects the water source? Do you agree?

However, behind the enthusiastic response of the market, there are also some doubts. After all, Nongfu Spring's attitude towards pure water was so clear and firm. So why did it change its stance and launch this green bottle of purified water?

Perhaps, the answer is hidden in Nongfu Spring's financial report. With the increasingly fierce competition in the market and the ever-changing needs of consumers, Nongfu Spring needs to continue to innovate and expand its product line. As a huge market segment, pure water is undoubtedly a piece of cake that Nongfu Spring cannot ignore. Through the launch of Green Bottle Purified Water, Nongfu Spring can not only enrich its product line, but also meet the needs of more consumers, further increasing its market share and brand influence.

The power of nature makes Nongfu Spring green, and the ecological environment protects the water source? Do you agree?

Of course, Nongfu Spring's transformation has not been smooth sailing. It faces the challenge of confusion among consumers and the increasing difficulty of educating the market. After all, Nongfu Spring has always emphasized the advantages of natural water in the past, and now the sudden introduction of pure water will inevitably confuse and confuse some consumers. But Nongfu Spring seems to have been prepared for this, making it clear on its marketing poster: "I have the obligation to inform, and you have the right to choose." One more option, one more comparison. This open and inclusive attitude has undoubtedly won the understanding and support of more consumers for Nongfu Spring.

The power of nature makes Nongfu Spring green, and the ecological environment protects the water source? Do you agree?

Today, this fresh green has become the new business card of Nongfu Spring, and it has set off new waves in the market. Whether it is for the needs of market competition or to meet the needs of consumers, Nongfu Spring has successfully opened up new development space for itself with this green bottle of pure water. And in this process, we also have to admire Nongfu Spring's courage to challenge and innovate.

The power of nature makes Nongfu Spring green, and the ecological environment protects the water source? Do you agree?

Looking back on the past, Nongfu Spring has won the recognition of the market with its firm position and unique vision; Now, it is leading the way again with a new attitude and green packaging. So, what kind of surprises and changes will Nongfu Spring bring us in the future? Perhaps, this is exactly what we are expecting and paying attention to.

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