
Can't uremia eat eggs? Doctor: If you want to have healthy kidneys, you can't eat these two things

author:Mingjie Health Chinese Medicine

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Wang Wei is a programmer working in an IT company, and he often feels unwell due to the high pressure of work and irregular daily life.

Recently, he noticed that his lower limbs were a little swollen and he urinated more often.

At first, Wang Wei didn't pay much attention to it, thinking that it was just caused by too much exertion recently, but as the symptoms worsened, he began to worry about whether there was something wrong with his kidneys, so he decided to go to the hospital for a check-up.

Can't uremia eat eggs? Doctor: If you want to have healthy kidneys, you can't eat these two things

In the hospital, Wang Wei first did some routine examinations, such as urine routine, kidney function, etc.

The moment he got the test results, his heart sank.

Doctors found that his urine protein and creatinine were higher than normal and suspected that he had chronic kidney disease.

Can't uremia eat eggs? Doctor: If you want to have healthy kidneys, you can't eat these two things

In order to further confirm the diagnosis, the doctor recommended that he have a kidney biopsy, but Wang Wei was a little hesitant, he was afraid that the examination would bring pain.

But the doctor patiently explained, "I understand your concerns, but a kidney biopsy is currently the most accurate way to diagnose kidney disease."

Only by identifying the cause can we prescribe the right medicine and control the deterioration of the condition in time.

Can't uremia eat eggs? Doctor: If you want to have healthy kidneys, you can't eat these two things

Trust me, the short pain is worth it, and for the sake of your health, I advise you to get this test done as soon as possible. "

Wang Wei was so moved by the doctor's words that he agreed to undergo a kidney biopsy.

Although the examination process was a little uncomfortable, it was quickly concluded with the skillful operation of the doctor.

Can't uremia eat eggs? Doctor: If you want to have healthy kidneys, you can't eat these two things

A week later, the results came back and Wang Wei was diagnosed with chronic kidney failure.

The doctor told him that his kidney function was currently impaired and that if left untreated, his condition could continue to deteriorate and even develop into uremia.

Wang Wei suddenly felt very frustrated and helpless. He asked the doctor, "What should I pay attention to?" Can you still eat eggs? I've heard that uremia patients can't eat eggs. "

Can't uremia eat eggs? Doctor: If you want to have healthy kidneys, you can't eat these two things

The doctor patiently explains, "For patients with chronic kidney failure, diet is really crucial.

You need to limit your protein and phosphorus intake, as damaged kidneys are unable to metabolize and excrete these substances efficiently, and excessive intake can increase the burden on your kidneys.

As for eggs, it is not completely impossible to eat, the key is to control the amount, and the protein should be of high quality and easy to digest.

Can't uremia eat eggs? Doctor: If you want to have healthy kidneys, you can't eat these two things

You can eat egg whites in moderation, but it is best to have no more than 2-3 egg yolks per week. "

"In addition to eggs, what other foods should people with kidney disease be aware of?" Wang Wei asked.

The doctor replied: "In addition to eggs, foods rich in phosphorus and protein, such as animal offal, soybeans and their products, cheese, etc., should also be eaten as little as possible.

Can't uremia eat eggs? Doctor: If you want to have healthy kidneys, you can't eat these two things

On the contrary, you can eat more staple foods, vegetables and fruits, which can provide enough energy and vitamins without putting additional burden on the kidneys.

In addition, you should also pay attention to controlling sodium and potassium intake, because the function of the kidneys to excrete sodium and potassium is also affected. "

"Is there anything else I need to pay attention to in my life?" Wang Wei asked.

Can't uremia eat eggs? Doctor: If you want to have healthy kidneys, you can't eat these two things

"It's important to get enough sleep and exercise in moderation, but avoid strenuous exercise, and keep regular check-ups and close monitoring for changes.

If the condition worsens, dialysis may be needed.

But it's still too early to talk about this, cooperate with the treatment, and I believe that your condition will be under control. The doctor encouraged.

Can't uremia eat eggs? Doctor: If you want to have healthy kidneys, you can't eat these two things

After leaving the hospital, Wang Wei's mood could not be calmed for a long time.

I always thought that chronic kidney disease was far away from me, but I didn't expect it to suddenly befall me.

He fell into a deep self-reproach and regretted that he had not taken good care of his body in the past.

Can't uremia eat eggs? Doctor: If you want to have healthy kidneys, you can't eat these two things

But Wang Wei quickly perked up, he understood that frustration and self-blame were useless, the key was to face it positively and cooperate with the treatment.

Begin to learn more about chronic kidney disease and adjust your diet and lifestyle habits.

Under the guidance of doctors and dietitians, he developed a detailed diet plan with strict control of protein, phosphorus, sodium, and potassium intake.

Can't uremia eat eggs? Doctor: If you want to have healthy kidneys, you can't eat these two things

At the same time, it ensures a balanced nutrition. He also began to stick to aerobic exercise, walking or cycling for 30 minutes a day to improve his physical condition.

Three months later, Wang Wei went to the hospital again for a follow-up, and the results showed that his urine protein and creatinine levels had decreased compared with before, and the deterioration of kidney function had been curbed.

The moment he saw the results of the examination, Wang Wei's face showed a smile of relief.

Can't uremia eat eggs? Doctor: If you want to have healthy kidneys, you can't eat these two things

He is deeply grateful to the doctors for their careful treatment and guidance, and even more grateful to his family and friends for their continued care and support.

Through this experience, Wang Wei truly felt the preciousness of life.

He realized that a healthy life requires not only personal efforts, but also professional guidance and care from all walks of life.

Can't uremia eat eggs? Doctor: If you want to have healthy kidneys, you can't eat these two things

He decided to share his experience with more people and remind everyone to pay attention to kidney health, early prevention, early detection and early treatment.

At the same time, he also called on the whole society to give more attention and help to patients with chronic kidney disease, so that they can feel the warmth of life and regain their confidence and courage in life.

As an M.D., I very much agree with Wang Wei's idea.

Can't uremia eat eggs? Doctor: If you want to have healthy kidneys, you can't eat these two things

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a disease that seriously threatens human health, but it often has no obvious symptoms in the early stage and is easy to be ignored.

Many people, like Wang Wei, did not realize the seriousness of the problem until the condition was severe, but by then it was too late, which brought great difficulties to treatment.

Therefore, it is important to raise the awareness of kidney health care and regularly screen high-risk groups to control the occurrence and progression of chronic kidney disease.

Can't uremia eat eggs? Doctor: If you want to have healthy kidneys, you can't eat these two things

In addition, for patients with chronic kidney disease who have been diagnosed, scientific dietary conditioning and life intervention are also essential.

Medical staff should do a good job of health guidance, help patients establish a correct diet concept, and correct bad living habits.

At the same time, patients should also actively cooperate, strictly follow the doctor's instructions, have regular check-ups, and closely monitor changes in their conditions.

Can't uremia eat eggs? Doctor: If you want to have healthy kidneys, you can't eat these two things

Only by the joint efforts of doctors and patients can we delay the deterioration of kidney function to the greatest extent, improve the quality of life, and give more care and support to patients with chronic kidney disease from all walks of life.

[This content is a fictional short story, and any name, place name, or other aspects involved in the text have nothing to do with reality (without any implications). If there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read it rationally. 】

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