
How deep is the water in kicking China out of developing countries and Germany shouting "fair competition"?

author:Let's talk when you have time.


China-EU relations have been one of the most important bilateral relations in the world since the establishment of diplomatic relations, and China-EU cooperation is an important pillar of multilateralism and free trade, as well as a key factor in the transformation of the international order and system.

At present, the international situation is complex, and unilateralism and trade protectionism are on the rise, which has brought new challenges to China-EU relations, and China-EU cooperation is facing resistance and interference from many quarters.

How do you view the current EU-China relationship? How to deal with protectionist measures in European countries? How can China and the EU strengthen cooperation, jointly address challenges, and promote greater development of China-EU relations?

How deep is the water in kicking China out of developing countries and Germany shouting "fair competition"?

1. China-EU cooperation is facing new challenges

Since last year, China-US trade frictions have escalated, the United States has frequently wielded the stick of tariffs, unilateral sanctions have emerged one after another, and China-US economic and trade relations have fallen into a state of tension.

The trade war provoked by the United States has not only undermined China's legitimate rights and interests, but also brought a serious impact on the international trade order and the global economy.

In this context, both China and the EU are aware of their importance in international affairs and value the strategic partnership between China and the EU.

The two sides have been working together to uphold multilateralism and free trade, promote the reform of the global governance system and the development of the international order in a more just and equitable direction, and make positive contributions to building a community with a shared future for mankind.

However, as the United States pursues unilateralism and trade protectionism, the attitudes of European countries have begun to diverge, and some countries have been influenced by the United States and have adjusted their policies toward China.

In the Huawei incident, the United States frequently pressured European countries to reject Huawei, and US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo made speeches in many European countries to put pressure on local governments on the Huawei issue, and the attitudes of European countries began to diverge.

The unilateral withdrawal of the United States from the Iran nuclear deal, while European countries expressed their willingness to continue to implement the agreement and uphold multilateralism, have made European countries question what the United States is doing.

European countries have begun to realize that the unilateralist approach of the United States has had a serious impact on the international order and the international system, and has also brought damage to the interests of European countries, so some countries have begun to reflect on their China policies.

How deep is the water in kicking China out of developing countries and Germany shouting "fair competition"?

On the one hand, European countries have expressed their willingness to continue to uphold the Iran nuclear deal, uphold multilateralism, and oppose the unilateral sanctions of the United States; on the other hand, Europe has also stepped up its trade protection against China, begun to investigate some of China's industries, and adopted anti-dumping and anti-subsidy measures against some Chinese products.

On the one hand, the approach of European countries is influenced by the unilateralism of the United States, and on the other hand, it is also out of the protection of their own industries, and they are worried that China's rapid development will have an impact on their own industries, and they are also worried that the "supra-national treatment" of Chinese enterprises will cause unfair competition to their own enterprises.

This is also the reason for the differences between China and the EU, both of which are aware of the new challenges that have arisen in their bilateral relations and the need to jointly deal with unilateralism and trade protectionism from the United States.

How deep is the water in kicking China out of developing countries and Germany shouting "fair competition"?

Second, China-EU cooperation should adhere to multilateralism

Under the current international situation, both China and the EU need to firmly uphold multilateralism and free trade, strengthen communication and coordination, and properly handle problems and differences arising in bilateral relations.

Both China and the EU should recognize that the current international situation is full of uncertainties, the challenges of protectionism and unilateralism still exist, and the international community urgently needs the strategic partnership between China and the EU, as well as the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and the EU, to uphold multilateralism and free trade, and promote the development of a more just and equitable global governance system.

Under the current international situation, both China and the EU should strengthen communication and coordination, strengthen strategic dialogue on major international and regional issues, enhance political mutual trust, promote the Belt and Road Initiative, deepen practical cooperation, and maintain global and regional peace, stability and prosperity.

The two sides should also strengthen coordination and cooperation in the reform of the global governance system, promote the development of the international order in a more just and equitable direction, and promote the development of the global economic governance system in a more balanced and inclusive direction, so as to make greater contributions to building a community with a shared future for mankind.

In addition, China and the EU should also strengthen coordination and cooperation in multilateral mechanisms, promote the reform of the World Trade Organization, safeguard the multilateral trading system, promote the resolution of global challenges such as climate change, cyber security and food security, and strengthen coordination and cooperation within multilateral frameworks such as the United Nations, the G20, APEC and East Asia Cooperation, so as to jointly address global challenges and maintain global and regional peace, stability and prosperity.

How deep is the water in kicking China out of developing countries and Germany shouting "fair competition"?

Third, China-EU cooperation should strengthen strategic dialogue

Under the current international situation, China and the EU should strengthen strategic dialogue on global challenges and major international and regional hotspot issues, enhance strategic communication and coordination in international affairs, and jointly uphold the international order with the purposes and principles of the UN Charter at its core, the basic norms governing international relations based on international law, and multilateralism and free trade.

The two sides should also strengthen coordination and cooperation on regional hotspot issues, promote political settlement of hotspot issues, and maintain regional peace and stability.

In the bilateral relations between China and the EU, the two sides should also strengthen cooperation in the fields of economy and trade, science and technology, and people-to-people relations, so as to promote the development of China-EU relations in a more comprehensive, stable and strategic direction.

China and the EU should strengthen cooperation in the fields of innovation, green development, digital economy, artificial intelligence and intelligent manufacturing, promote cooperation in scientific and technological innovation and industrial upgrading, and inject new impetus into the economic development of both sides.

The two sides should also strengthen cooperation in the fields of people-to-people exchanges, education, youth and tourism, enhance mutual understanding and friendship between the two peoples, and strengthen the foundation of China-EU relations.

In China-EU bilateral relations, the two sides should also strengthen coordination and cooperation in the reform of the global governance system, promote the development of the international order and the international system in a more just and reasonable direction, uphold the international system with the United Nations at its core, the multilateral trading system with the World Trade Organization at its core, and uphold multilateralism and free trade.

How deep is the water in kicking China out of developing countries and Germany shouting "fair competition"?


China-EU cooperation is an important pillar of the international order and the reform of the international system, as well as an important guarantee for building a community with a shared future for mankind.

Under the current international situation, both China and the EU need to firmly uphold multilateralism and free trade, strengthen communication and coordination, and properly handle issues and differences arising in bilateral relations.

China and the EU should strengthen strategic dialogue on global challenges and major international and regional hotspot issues, enhance strategic communication and strategic coordination in international affairs, jointly respond to unilateralism and trade protectionism from the United States, jointly uphold the international order with the purposes and principles of the UN Charter at its core, promote the development of a more just and equitable global governance system, and make greater contributions to building a community with a shared future for mankind.

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