
The U.S. ship approached China's territorial waters to provoke, and the 055 big drive was close to the face warning, and the missile destroyer was forcefully driven away

author:Let's talk when you have time.


Recently, a news story about a US warship provoking China has become a hot topic. According to reports, the US Navy guided missile destroyer USS Halsey recently entered the waters adjacent to relevant islands and reefs in the South China Sea to challenge China's territorial claims. The US side claimed that it was "abiding by international law" and tried to cover up the fact that it was actually driven away by Chinese troops, which attracted widespread attention and heated discussions.

The U.S. ship approached China's territorial waters to provoke, and the 055 big drive was close to the face warning, and the missile destroyer was forcefully driven away

Behind this incident, there are many complex issues such as territorial sea disputes, maritime military confrontation, and the interpretation of international law, and it also reflects the complex relationship between countries in geopolitical wrestling and competition for marine resources. At the same time, as an important part of the modernization of the Chinese Navy, this incident also demonstrated the practical application capability of the PLA's modern warships, and brought profound enlightenment and thinking to the outside world.

Here, this article will conduct an in-depth analysis of this incident from multiple perspectives, and discuss future maritime conflict response, international cooperation, military technology development, etc., hoping to bring some valuable thoughts and inspiration to the majority of readers.

The U.S. military provoked the South China Sea and was driven away by the Chinese military

Recently, a piece of news about a US warship provoking China has gone viral on the Internet, causing widespread concern and heated discussions. According to Senior Colonel Wu Qian, spokesman for China's Ministry of National Defense, on 12 July, the US guided missile destroyer USS Halsey illegally entered the waters adjacent to the relevant islands and reefs of China's Nansha Islands.

Senior Colonel Wu Qian said that the Chinese armed forces resolutely safeguard national sovereignty and security, and urged the US side to earnestly respect China's sovereignty and security interests and stop any provocative actions. At a time when the outside world was paying attention to this matter, the US side issued a statement, claiming that the "Halsey" operation was to safeguard freedom of navigation and challenge China's excessive claims, and that the United States would continue to carry out so-called "freedom of navigation operations" in relevant waters.

The U.S. ship approached China's territorial waters to provoke, and the 055 big drive was close to the face warning, and the missile destroyer was forcefully driven away

Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian also responded at a regular press conference, emphasizing China's consistent and principled position, and urging the US side to earnestly respect China's sovereignty and jurisdiction, stop erroneous words and deeds, and make concrete efforts to maintain regional peace and stability.

This is not the first time that a US warship has provoked the South China Sea, as the US aircraft carrier battle group has also entered the waters of the South China Sea on many occasions to conduct so-called "routine voyages", and the Chinese military has also taken necessary measures such as identification and verification and warning to drive away on many occasions, effectively safeguarding the country's sovereignty and security interests.

This time, however, the US side even tried to cover up the fact that it was actually driven away by the Chinese military, and the US Department of Defense spokesman also claimed that the "Halsey" left China's neighboring waters on its own initiative, in an attempt to distort the facts and deceive the international community.

The U.S. ship approached China's territorial waters to provoke, and the 055 big drive was close to the face warning, and the missile destroyer was forcefully driven away

The deep meaning behind the event

The occurrence of this incident has undoubtedly brought certain impacts and challenges to Sino-US relations and the regional situation, and has also triggered various speculations and interpretations from the outside world.

First of all, the so-called "freedom of navigation operation" by the US side is actually challenging China's territorial claims, and violating China's territorial waters and airspace has seriously violated international law and basic norms governing international relations. The US Department of Defense's attempt to cover up its expulsion by the Chinese military has once again exposed the double standards and hypocrisy of the United States, which is really despicable and shameless in its attempt to create incidents in China's surrounding areas, sow discord, and incite regional tension under the pretext of "freedom of navigation."

Second, the Chinese armed forces have taken warning and expulsion actions in accordance with the law, effectively safeguarding national sovereignty and security interests, and conveying to the outside world China's strong will to firmly defend national interests and regional peace and stability. This also effectively refutes the erroneous words and deeds of the US side, and makes it clear to the international community who is the real threat and spoiler of regional security.

The U.S. ship approached China's territorial waters to provoke, and the 055 big drive was close to the face warning, and the missile destroyer was forcefully driven away

Third, the provocative actions of the US side have also exposed the double standards and hypocrisy of some countries, which know that the US provocative acts are wrong, but selectively ignore or even openly support them in an attempt to suppress China, which is extremely wrong and dangerous, and will only further intensify contradictions and conflicts and undermine regional peace and stability.

Finally, this incident also reminds all parties once again that the current international situation is still complicated, and the contradictions between geopolitical wrestling and competition for marine resources still exist, and that all countries need to strengthen dialogue and communication, strengthen cooperation, and seek ways to peacefully resolve disputes and contradictions through consultation on an equal footing and multilateral mechanisms, so as to jointly maintain regional peace and stability.

The Chinese warship drove away from the US military, leaving what enlightenment for future naval warfare

In this incident, the Chinese military successfully drove away the US military, and also demonstrated the achievements and practical application capabilities of the Chinese navy's modernization, especially the use of Type 055 destroyers, which brought profound enlightenment to the outside world.

First of all, the Chinese Navy has made great progress in modernization, and various types of capital warships have been equipped with all-weather, all-element long-range air defense, long-range anti-ship, and anti-submarine warfare capabilities, which can meet the needs of diversified combat missions and effectively safeguard the country's maritime rights and security interests.

The U.S. ship approached China's territorial waters to provoke, and the 055 big drive was close to the face warning, and the missile destroyer was forcefully driven away

Second, the emergence of the Type 055 destroyer has injected a strong impetus into the combat capability and strategic deterrence capability of the Chinese Navy, and its leading position in technical equipment and combat concept has brought great practical and psychological deterrence to all sides, and has also effectively curbed the rash actions of some countries and maintained regional peace and stability.

Third, in future naval warfare, the difference between technical strength and strategic concept will become more and more obvious, and it will also become an important factor in determining the actual combat effectiveness of warships. All countries need to recognize this point, strengthen the research and development and application of military technology, and enhance their comprehensive national strength and strategic deterrence capability, so as to remain invincible in the fierce geopolitical wrestling.

The U.S. ship approached China's territorial waters to provoke, and the 055 big drive was close to the face warning, and the missile destroyer was forcefully driven away

Finally, the voluntary departure of the US warship in this incident has also given some enlightenment to all parties, behind the withdrawal of the warship may be to avoid conflict and tension, but it may also be a strategic tactical concession, leaving a certain amount of room for future negotiations and games, and all countries need to judge the situation and correctly understand and respond to various military actions, and at the same time safeguard their own interests, they must also do something to promote the peaceful development of international relations.

How to better respond to and prevent future maritime conflicts

In the face of the current complex international situation and regional security environment, all countries need to pay more attention to responding to and preventing maritime conflicts, and also need to draw some useful experience and enlightenment from this incident.

First of all, all countries need to strengthen their awareness of dialogue and communication and settlement of disputes through consultation, abide by international law and basic norms governing international relations, and seek ways to peacefully resolve disputes through consultation on an equal footing and multilateral mechanisms, so as to jointly safeguard regional peace and stability.

The U.S. ship approached China's territorial waters to provoke, and the 055 big drive was close to the face warning, and the missile destroyer was forcefully driven away

Second, when conducting navigation and overflight activities, all countries also need to respect the sovereignty and jurisdiction of other countries, earnestly avoid posing actual or potential threats to the security interests of other countries, and avoid inciting regional tensions and creating incidents and conflicts.

Third, all countries need to strengthen maritime security cooperation, jointly address challenges such as maritime terrorism, piracy and non-traditional security threats, maintain maritime peace, security and freedom, and achieve common prosperity and development.

Finally, all countries need to pay attention to actual combat training and combat readiness, maintain a high degree of vigilance in military operations, and also strengthen the prevention and response to information warfare and public opinion warfare, take a rational view of various military operations, correctly grasp the development trend of the situation, and maintain regional peace and stability.

The U.S. ship approached China's territorial waters to provoke, and the 055 big drive was close to the face warning, and the missile destroyer was forcefully driven away


Through an in-depth analysis of this incident, we can see that the current international situation is still complicated, and various geopolitical wrestling and conflicts and contradictions still exist, which have brought great challenges to the peace and development of the international community.

Against this backdrop, all countries need to strengthen cooperation, enhance mutual trust, jointly address various security challenges, promote the development of international relations in a more just and equitable direction, and achieve the goal of common prosperity and development.

The U.S. ship approached China's territorial waters to provoke, and the 055 big drive was close to the face warning, and the missile destroyer was forcefully driven away

At the same time, all countries need to correctly address each other's strategic intentions and security concerns, enhance understanding and seek consensus through dialogue and consultation, build mutually beneficial and win-win partnerships, jointly safeguard regional peace and stability, and build an open, inclusive and cooperative regional security pattern.

It is hoped that in the coming days, all countries will continue to make new progress in regional security cooperation with an open mind and an inclusive attitude, and make greater contributions to the peace and development of the international community.

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