
The average value of a word is 120,000 - the beautiful and secluded style of Wen Zhengming's book "Miscellaneous Poetry Scroll".

author:Look at the past and know the present

Wen Zhengming's calligraphy from the Song and Yuan dynasties to the Jin and Tang dynasties, the early works are very similar to Zhao Mengfu, the grass to learn Song Ke, Huaisu, and then refer to the Yellow Valley method, with large characters in the majority, and the other fusion of the "Holy Order" penmanship, then more to show people in sketches.

The average value of a word is 120,000 - the beautiful and secluded style of Wen Zhengming's book "Miscellaneous Poetry Scroll".
The average value of a word is 120,000 - the beautiful and secluded style of Wen Zhengming's book "Miscellaneous Poetry Scroll".
The average value of a word is 120,000 - the beautiful and secluded style of Wen Zhengming's book "Miscellaneous Poetry Scroll".
The average value of a word is 120,000 - the beautiful and secluded style of Wen Zhengming's book "Miscellaneous Poetry Scroll".
The average value of a word is 120,000 - the beautiful and secluded style of Wen Zhengming's book "Miscellaneous Poetry Scroll".

Wen Zhengming, Miscellaneous Poetry Scroll, written on paper, 25 cm in length and 258 cm in width. This volume of "Miscellaneous Songs" was written by Wen Zhengming at the age of 57, and recorded ten poems from himself, totaling 670 words. The writing is rigorous, beautiful and vigorous, the law is rigorous and vivid, steady and old, with an elegant, pure, mellow character, showing the "literati popularity" and the style of seclusion, which is the style of calligraphy that he learned in his middle and late years.

The average value of a word is 120,000 - the beautiful and secluded style of Wen Zhengming's book "Miscellaneous Poetry Scroll".
The average value of a word is 120,000 - the beautiful and secluded style of Wen Zhengming's book "Miscellaneous Poetry Scroll".
The average value of a word is 120,000 - the beautiful and secluded style of Wen Zhengming's book "Miscellaneous Poetry Scroll".
The average value of a word is 120,000 - the beautiful and secluded style of Wen Zhengming's book "Miscellaneous Poetry Scroll".
The average value of a word is 120,000 - the beautiful and secluded style of Wen Zhengming's book "Miscellaneous Poetry Scroll".

It was recorded in the "Preliminary Edition of Shiqu Baoji" and was determined to be of the highest grade. In the 2015 Beijing Poly Autumn Auction, the transaction price was 81.65 million yuan, and the average value of a word was 120,000 yuan.

The average value of a word is 120,000 - the beautiful and secluded style of Wen Zhengming's book "Miscellaneous Poetry Scroll".
The average value of a word is 120,000 - the beautiful and secluded style of Wen Zhengming's book "Miscellaneous Poetry Scroll".
The average value of a word is 120,000 - the beautiful and secluded style of Wen Zhengming's book "Miscellaneous Poetry Scroll".
The average value of a word is 120,000 - the beautiful and secluded style of Wen Zhengming's book "Miscellaneous Poetry Scroll".
The average value of a word is 120,000 - the beautiful and secluded style of Wen Zhengming's book "Miscellaneous Poetry Scroll".
The average value of a word is 120,000 - the beautiful and secluded style of Wen Zhengming's book "Miscellaneous Poetry Scroll".
The average value of a word is 120,000 - the beautiful and secluded style of Wen Zhengming's book "Miscellaneous Poetry Scroll".

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