
Overindulgence beware of backache! This bowl of Chinese herbal soup replenishes the essence and brings you back to the top!

author:Director of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Overindulgence beware of backache! This bowl of Chinese herbal soup replenishes the essence and brings you back to the top!

Many young male friends may experience physical discomfort such as back pain, leg cramps, etc., especially functional problems, such as difficulty lifting, or short time. These problems plague their "happy life".

So, how should we solve these problems?

In fact, these problems are often related to kidney deficiency. Because bad habits at a young age, such as excessive indulgence, may lead to excessive loss of kidney essence.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the kidney is the main reproductive development, and if the kidney essence is sufficient, it is strong and full of physical strength. On the contrary, it may cause problems such as tinnitus, loose teeth, and memory loss. In addition, the waist is the home of the kidneys, and when the kidneys are deficient, the lower back may be sore or weak, and the legs may also feel weak.

Therefore, in the face of this problem, "tonifying the kidney" is the key. However, people with this kind of problem often have a more complicated condition, so they should not only focus on the kidneys when recuperating.

Overindulgence beware of backache! This bowl of Chinese herbal soup replenishes the essence and brings you back to the top!

After thinking about it, I decided to use Lingxian San, which can not only replenish the kidneys, but also replenish the essence of the heart, liver, spleen and lungs, which is good for stool.

Lingxian San is composed of Poria cocos, Jushengzi, Tianmendong, Atractylodes, peach kernel, and Huangjing.

Poria cocos can strengthen the spleen and dampness, calm the nerves and intellectual, improve sleep and relieve anxiety.

Jushengzi is black sesame seeds, which can not only warm the kidneys, fix the kidney essence, but also aphrodisiac and tonify the kidneys and improve function.

Atractylodes atractylodes can warm the spleen and dampness, enhance the qi of the spleen and yang, and promote the biochemistry and activity of qi and blood.

Asparagus can nourish the blood veins, nourish the kidney yin by the lungs and turn water into water, and communicate the lungs and kidneys.

Peach kernels and yellow essence can nourish the internal organs and nourish the body in an all-round way.

Overindulgence beware of backache! This bowl of Chinese herbal soup replenishes the essence and brings you back to the top!

In addition to medication, it is also important to maintain a good lifestyle during the period, which is also an important way to improve kidney deficiency. Being able to achieve a good work and rest, a balanced diet and moderate exercise is not only good for the kidneys, but also can improve physical fitness.