
The sunscreen clothing that only shows the eyes has sold hundreds of millions of dollars a month, netizens: all mysterious people

author:The lamb said that everything in the world is going on
The sunscreen clothing that only shows the eyes has sold hundreds of millions of dollars a month, netizens: all mysterious people

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Editor|Little Sheep says everything in the world


Sun-protective clothing that only shows the eyes above the waist will be stuffy?


Video source: Qilu Evening News Sure Video

Sunscreen anxiety has become a hot topic in society, triggering people's attention and purchase of sunscreen products.

The sunscreen clothing that only shows the eyes has sold hundreds of millions of dollars a month, netizens: all mysterious people

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According to statistics, the sales of many sunscreen clothing brands have exceeded 100 million in just one month.

The sunscreen clothing that only shows the eyes has sold hundreds of millions of dollars a month, netizens: all mysterious people

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This phenomenon shows the importance people attach to sun protection, and experts have raised the health risks that can be caused by excessive sun protection, which can lead to a series of health problems.

The sunscreen clothing that only shows the eyes has sold hundreds of millions of dollars a month, netizens: all mysterious people

Nguyen Quang Phong, director of the Kexin Food and Health Information Exchange Center, pointed out that over-wrapping the skin to block UV rays can lead to problems such as calcium deficiency and acne.

The sunscreen clothing that only shows the eyes has sold hundreds of millions of dollars a month, netizens: all mysterious people

He believes that excessive use of sun-protective clothing during everyday activities such as commuting can be a sign of "excessive sun protection".

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The sunscreen clothing that only shows the eyes has sold hundreds of millions of dollars a month, netizens: all mysterious people

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The sunscreen clothing that only shows the eyes has sold hundreds of millions of dollars a month, netizens: all mysterious people

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The sunscreen clothing that only shows the eyes has sold hundreds of millions of dollars a month, netizens: all mysterious people

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The sunscreen clothing that only shows the eyes has sold hundreds of millions of dollars a month, netizens: all mysterious people

After going to the hospital last year to remove freckles, I paid attention to sun protection, excessive sun protection really lacked calcium, and I often had cramps when I slept at night

The sunscreen clothing that only shows the eyes has sold hundreds of millions of dollars a month, netizens: all mysterious people

The lamb has something to say

Sunscreen anxiety has become a hot topic in today's society, and people's purchase and attention to sunscreen products are increasing. This reflects people's pursuit of health and beauty, as well as the importance of UV damage. However, the expert warnings that come with it remind us that over-reliance on sunscreen can lead to health problems such as calcium deficiency and skin problems.

I agree that people take sun protection seriously. With the increase in environmental pollution and UV intensity, skin health has been more threatened, and sun protection has become one of the necessary measures for daily skin care. Especially in summer and when outdoor activities are frequent, choosing appropriate sun protection measures can effectively reduce the risk of skin damage and maintain skin health.

The experts' warnings are worth heeding. Over-reliance on sunscreen, especially products with a large coverage area such as sun-protective clothing, may affect the normal breathing of the skin and the absorption of vitamin D, and even lead to some skin problems.

When choosing sun protection measures, we need to take into account the balance between health and beauty, do not rely too much on one means or another, pay attention to the suitability and safety of the product, and avoid choosing products that are over-covered or contain harmful ingredients.

At the same time, we should also choose different ways of sun protection according to our own situation and activity needs, such as choosing sunscreen clothing during outdoor activities, and choosing lightweight and easy-to-use products such as sunscreen in daily life.

I think education and science popularization are also key to solving the problem of sun protection anxiety. By strengthening the publicity and popularization of sunscreen knowledge, people can have a more comprehensive understanding of the importance of sunscreen and the correct way to use it, so as to avoid the health problems caused by the blind pursuit of sunscreen.

At the same time, it can also improve people's understanding of their own skin conditions, so that they can choose sunscreen measures that are suitable for them more scientifically and achieve healthy sun protection.


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