
To prove that time does not exist, scientists sent women to live in caves for 130 days, and what was the result?

author:Fat cash cow


In NASA's underground caves, several scientists are conducting an experiment to prove that human perception of time is unreliable.

The subject of this experiment is a female volunteer who will live in complete isolation in a cave for 130 days, and for the 130 days that this experiment is conducted, she will not be able to perceive the passage of time.

After the volunteers were sent into the cave, the cave was sealed, and the volunteers were only able to keep in touch with the lab through a computer that did not show the time.

Although the volunteers lost their time-sensing tools, when the 130 days were over, she was surprised to feel like she had only lived in the cave for 60 days.

So what happened to this female volunteer after living in the cave for 130 days?

1. Experiments by scientists.

With the development of science and technology, people have a deeper understanding of abstract concepts such as the universe, time, energy, etc., and among them, the study of time has always been one of the fields of most interest to people.

Time is the most fundamental existence in the universe, and it is also an indispensable and important factor in our lives, and it is also the basis for human beings to understand and perceive the world.

However, in the world we live in, the time we perceive is only a manifestation of time, and this manifestation is often unreliable.

Under the influence of gravity and matter as we know it, time can become very strange and even very difficult to understand, because in these cases, time can become very blurred.

To prove that time does not exist, scientists sent women to live in caves for 130 days, and what was the result?

But in the eyes of a NASA scientist, time can not only become very vague, it doesn't even exist.

The scientist's point of view is that our human perception of time is just an illusion, something that does not exist at all, and he is about to prove his point with an experiment.

To prove that time does not exist, scientists sent women to live in caves for 130 days, and what was the result?

To prove that time doesn't exist, NASA scientists decided to have a female volunteer live in a cave for 130 days and see if the female volunteer still felt that time existed after the 130 days were over.

After hearing about the experiment, the female volunteer was more than willing to participate, not only because she was happy to contribute to science, but also because she wanted to experience what it was like to live in a cave.

To prove that time does not exist, scientists sent women to live in caves for 130 days, and what was the result?

After some time, the female volunteer was sent into the cave, and the female volunteer carried many instruments to record the details of her life.

One of the most important of these devices is a computer, which will serve as the only means of contact between the female volunteer and the outside world.

To prove that time does not exist, scientists sent women to live in caves for 130 days, and what was the result?

The purpose of the computer is that every once in a while, the female volunteer is sent some tasks that must be completed, and each time a task is completed, the female volunteer is rewarded with something she can use to ask for some necessary items from the outside world.

But other than that, there was no time display on the computer, because the scientists wanted the female volunteer to be completely isolated from the world in the cave, unaffected by time.

To prove that time does not exist, scientists sent women to live in caves for 130 days, and what was the result?

However, some time after the female volunteer entered the cave, scientists found that the female volunteer's biological clock could not be synchronized, which was understandable for a short time, but as time passed, the female volunteer's biological clock was never synchronized.

After examining the female volunteer, scientists found that in the cave, the female volunteer was unable to perceive the transition of day and night, and that there was no equipment in the cave that could simulate day and night.

To prove that time does not exist, scientists sent women to live in caves for 130 days, and what was the result?

Therefore, this female volunteer's daily life will be carried out according to her own condition and mood, and such a lifestyle can easily make her biological clock chaotic.

And in the cave, the female volunteer also has nothing to do and quickly becomes bored, and the time of boredom becomes even longer, which also causes her to have an illusion of time.

To prove that time does not exist, scientists sent women to live in caves for 130 days, and what was the result?

2. Disorders of physiological functions.

After all, time is too important for human beings, not only for human mental health, but also for human physical health, because human life is carried out according to the passage of time.

In this female volunteer, there is already a very obvious problem, that is, her biological clock is completely out of sync, which also makes her physiology very disordered.

After examining the female volunteer's physiology, the scientists found that the female volunteer's physiology had obvious problems.

She has a loss of appetite and sleeps a very long time every day, sometimes even sleeping until dawn, and sometimes sleeping until dark without waking up.

To prove that time does not exist, scientists sent women to live in caves for 130 days, and what was the result?

But even so, she couldn't fall asleep late at night, causing her sleep quality to become very low, which seriously affected her life.

At the same time, her sleep quality becomes very low, which often makes her groggy, which causes her energy to become very low.

The only thing she can do in the cave is complete the tasks sent to her by the computer and wait for the next one, but other than that, she gets bored.

Therefore, in her boring life, her energy becomes unusually low, and sometimes she will even complete only one task, and she is so sleepy that she doesn't want to do anything, but sleeps for a day.

To prove that time does not exist, scientists sent women to live in caves for 130 days, and what was the result?

Such changes in the biological clock and physiological functions made the scientists very worried, because if this continues, the female volunteer's physical health will definitely have problems, and her mental health will also have problems.

3. End the experiment early.

After 60 days in the cave, the female volunteer's physical condition was on the verge of collapse, so after learning about her physical condition, the scientists decided to end the experiment.

After opening the cave, scientists went into the cave and examined the female volunteer's physiology, revealing that her body had become very weak.

During her 60 days in the cave, the female volunteer had lost a lot of weight, and her body had become very weak, and she needed help with everything in her life.

As far back as the female volunteer remembers it, she only felt like she had lived in the cave for 60 days, but she didn't know that she had lived in the cave for 130 days.

To prove that time does not exist, scientists sent women to live in caves for 130 days, and what was the result?

So when she learned that she had been living in the cave for 130 days, the female volunteer was very surprised, thinking that she had only lived in the cave for 60 days, but she did not expect that she had been living in the cave for 130 days.

So after leaving the cave, the female volunteer questioned the scientist, saying that she only felt like she had lived in the cave for 60 days and did not know that she had lived in the cave for 130 days.

To prove that time does not exist, scientists sent women to live in caves for 130 days, and what was the result?

Scientists, on the other hand, believe that this is exactly what he is trying to prove, that there is no time as perceived by humans.

Time is just a criterion set by people according to the cycle of the earth's movement, but time itself does not exist, it is just an artificial concept.

To prove that time does not exist, scientists sent women to live in caves for 130 days, and what was the result?

And time is too important for human beings, it is precisely because of the existence of time that human beings can draw their own lives, and if the scale of time is lost, human life will become a mess.

Just like this female volunteer who lives in the cave, she can't organize her life if she doesn't have a scale of time, which can also lead to her illusion of time.

To prove that time does not exist, scientists sent women to live in caves for 130 days, and what was the result?


It is precisely because of time that human beings can arrange their own lives, so time is very important for human beings, without time, human life will become a mess, which will even lead to the collapse of human mental health and physical health.

Therefore, we should cherish our time, arrange our lives reasonably, and maintain regular work and rest habits to maintain physical and mental health.

To prove that time does not exist, scientists sent women to live in caves for 130 days, and what was the result?

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