
Anxiety, turn a corner, and you'll win! (After reading it, I realized it)

author:Nanzhi chatted heart-to-heart

Text by Kusushiba

Anxiety, turn a corner, and you'll win! (After reading it, I realized it)

Maurice Maeterlinck says that it is only when you face your own anxieties and insecurities that you can truly understand yourself and you can truly grow.

So anxiety is not a bad thing, it's a good thing.

When I was anxious and uncomfortable, I told myself in my heart that I wanted to get better.

Encourage yourself in your heart, you can, believe in yourself!

Encouragement again and again, believing again and again, will eventually create a better and better version of yourself.

Jiajia said that whenever I encounter difficulties, I will use it as a stepping stone to success, so I have succeeded again and again.

Therefore, in everyone's eyes, it is a desperate situation, but in your eyes, it is a desperate situation, in everyone's eyes, it is sadness, but in your eyes, it has another meaning.

Don't be afraid of anxiety, when we are not afraid, when we face it, all problems are not problems, all arrangements are the best arrangements.

Anxiety, turn a corner, and you'll win!

Anxiety, turn a corner, and you'll win! (After reading it, I realized it)

01. Emotional anxiety is an opportunity to enhance feelings.

Xiao Ran said that when he was in love, the other party listened to him for everything, and he had a good temper and was very gentle.

I also determined that the person I was looking for in my life was the other party.

When stepping into marriage, as time goes by, the other party is sometimes very irritable and sometimes scolding.

So Xiao Ran was emotionally anxious.

Xiao Ran ignores the fact that people's hearts will change, because everything around them is changing.

If you can't adapt to it, if you can't accept it, then you will suffer and be uncomfortable.

Maybe when you are in love, the other party doesn't have so much pressure and only needs to talk to you about your feelings, but after getting married, the burden on your shoulders is heavier, the responsibility is greater, and the pressure is greater.

So unconsciously, I became very irritable, and my temper became bigger and bigger.

Why do you have to think badly?

Let's think about it, is it because you have been missing your other half recently? Is it something that happened to the other party recently? Does the other person need their own help?

When we don't care about our own feelings, when we stand in the perspective of the other half, even if there is an estrangement and contradictions, gradually it will turn into small things and small things, and the feelings will become deeper and deeper.

Therefore, emotional anxiety is actually an opportunity to enhance the relationship.

Anxiety, turn a corner, and you'll win! (After reading it, I realized it)

02. I am anxious about work, which is a sign of a bright future.

They all said that they didn't have enough time, they all said that they were too busy at work, they didn't even have time to eat, and they were so busy that they didn't even have time to go to the toilet.

Why not think so? Maybe you're going uphill.

Why have you been so busy lately? Is that a decline in your skills? Isn't it time to elevate yourself? Is it that your body can't bear it recently?

It's a good sign that we can fill in the gaps and grow.

If you should improve your skills, you should have a good rest, then you should have a good rest, the money is endless, the body is there, everything is possible.

After resting and getting back light, we were able to walk better and better.

It's like an electric light, you need to connect wires to be able to shine and illuminate the room.

So don't be afraid of work anxiety, which is often a reminder that it's time to turn a corner.

We continue to summarize, continue to learn, and constantly change, on this road of life, we will reap fruitful results, and we will bloom in the wind.

Look at work anxiety correctly, don't bother yourself, and don't think too much, the bright future is often hidden behind.

May we be able to calm down, accept everything calmly, and let the future be smooth.

Anxiety, turn a corner, and you'll win! (After reading it, I realized it)

03, life is anxious, that is the premise of smooth sailing.

Set yourself a goal of waking up at 5:30 every day because your children have to go to school and you have to go to work.

Day after day, year after year, I have survived the spring, summer, autumn and winter, and the ups and downs, but my heart seems to be a little tired.

Sometimes I feel sad and tired inexplicably.

Why does it feel so difficult to live? Why is it so hard to live?

Every day at three o'clock, at home, at school, at work, over and over again, I seem to want to escape from such a strange circle.

In fact, I am anxious about life, often because I want to break through, I don't want the same life, I want a better life.

This is a good sign that you can replan your life and adjust your state.

Maybe you can add some of your own hobbies, even if it's learning a new song, even if it's learning a new dish.

These are all within the scope of time, which can often make us reduce stress, often make us forget a lot of troubles, and often make our lives richer and happier.

Therefore, if you are anxious about life, it is better to come the other way and change your life, and your life will be more exciting.

In short, anxious, whether it is emotional anxiety or not? Work anxiety? Life anxiety? Turn a corner and you'll win!

Anxiety, turn a corner, and you'll win! (After reading it, I realized it)


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