
Recognize whether a man loves you or not, and you will know it by "disconnecting for three days".

author:Marriage counselor Liu Jie

Text: Marriage counselor Liu Jie

In love, every woman wants to know, is the man who keeps saying that he loves him sincerely, or is it false? Do you want to fall in love, or just have fun?

Actually, it is not difficult to know if a man really loves you.

Someone said, "True love is like a ghost, everyone talks about it, but few people actually see it." ”

But true love is not so ethereal, and sometimes, it is hidden in the "subtleties", just waiting for you to discover.

In fact, to recognize whether a man loves you or not, you will know it by "disconnecting for three days".


After the disconnection, his reaction revealed his sincerity

When you disconnect with a man for three days, his reaction is actually very telling.

The man who truly loves you, after you suddenly "disappear", will look for you everywhere as if he has lost his soul.

He will be worried about your safety, will call and message you non-stop, and will even contact your friends and family just to make sure you are safe.

Recognize whether a man loves you or not, and you will know it by "disconnecting for three days".

And a man who doesn't really love you so much may only send a few symbolic messages after you disconnect, or simply don't care about your disappearance.

He may also feel that this is just a "means" for you, and he will not really worry about you.

My friend Xiao Ran encountered this situation.

She and her boyfriend have always had a good relationship, and once went on a temporary business trip to the field, and the mobile phone malfunctioned, and she did not contact her boyfriend for three days.

In the past three days, her boyfriend looked for her everywhere like crazy, and even ran to her company to inquire.

When Xiao Ran was finally able to turn on the phone, he saw the screen full of missed calls and messages, and a warm current surged in his heart.

She knew that this man really loved her.


The state of his life during the disconnection

In the three days that you have been disconnected, observing his living state is actually a good way to judge.

A man who truly loves you can become a mess in his life after you "disappear".

He will have no intention of working, he will be absent-minded all day, and he will not even be able to eat.

Because in his heart, you have become a part of his life. Without you, his world seems to have lost its color, and it can't go on normally.

On the contrary, a man who doesn't love you that much may not change much in his life after you break contact.

He'll still eat, work, and play on time, and won't even notice that you haven't contacted him for three days.

As Shakespeare said, "Love is blind, and lovers do not see the lovely silly things they do." ”

A man who truly loves you, after you cut off contact, his blindness and panic cannot be concealed.

Recognize whether a man loves you or not, and you will know it by "disconnecting for three days".


Reunited after disconnection, his performance

When you end the three-day disconnection and reappear in front of him, his performance is often a good reflection of his feelings for you.

A man who truly loves you will have a sense of relief the moment he sees you.

He may hold you tightly, as if you are going to disappear in the blink of an eye, and his eyes are full of joy and cherishment.

And a man who doesn't love you that much, when he sees you, may just say hello lightly or ask you why you haven't contacted him for the past few days.

His reaction isn't too violent, and there might even be a sense of "oh, you're finally back" lightheartedness.

My colleague Hibiscus and her boyfriend once experienced a reunion after three days of disconnection.

When her boyfriend saw her, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he hugged her tightly.

At that moment, Hibiscus deeply felt the love and cherishment of her boyfriend.


During the disconnection, his social media dynamics

In this era of social media, you can also see how much affection a man has for you by observing what he is doing during the disconnection.

A man who truly loves you, after you cut off contact, may post some news related to you on social media, expressing his thoughts and worries about you, and his uneasiness and anxiety can be seen with the naked eye.

And a man who doesn't have that deep feelings for you, after you disconnect, his social media dynamics usually don't change much.

He may continue to share his life trivia, or he may interact with other people as if your disappearance has not had much of an impact on his life.

Recognize whether a man loves you or not, and you will know it by "disconnecting for three days".

Identifying whether a man really loves you by disconnecting for three days may sound a bit "tentative", but it is also a simple and practical method.

A man who truly loves you will show extreme worry and longing after you are disconnected; A man who doesn't have a deep affection for you may show indifference or indifference.

Love needs to be managed by both parties, but sometimes, some small "tests" can also help us better understand each other's minds.

Of course, this is only one aspect of love, and we can't judge that a man's love for you also has to consider many other aspects of daily interaction.

But no matter what the outcome is, please cherish every relationship, after all, it is not easy to find someone who is truly in love.