
is persuaded to divide every day, and the return show of affection is questioned, is Chen Xiao and Chen Yanxi's marriage really plastic?

author:Talk about the past and the present

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is persuaded to divide every day, and the return show of affection is questioned, is Chen Xiao and Chen Yanxi's marriage really plastic?

Chen Yanxi sat firmly on the sofa, her arms folded, holding a carefully treasured old photo album, and suddenly she gradually immersed herself in memories. She carefully examined each picture in the album page by page, which were the sweet moments she had spent with her husband Chen Xiao in the past eight years.

The focus of the eyes is the photos that vividly illustrate the love between the couple. Whether it's a sweet kiss, a cheerful hug or a snuggle, it seems to bring the happy couple's life to life again.

However, when she delves into the stories behind these precious images, she finds that they are not as smooth as she imagined.

Chen Yanxi deeply understands that every page is like setting off a strong emotional wave in her heart.

is persuaded to divide every day, and the return show of affection is questioned, is Chen Xiao and Chen Yanxi's marriage really plastic?

From the time they met and got to know each other until they entered the marriage hall, they experienced countless doubts and objections from the outside world. When Chen Xiao was single, he had already become the Prince Charming in the hearts of many women, and he had countless loyal fans.

However, when he made his relationship with Chen Yanxi public, it immediately caused a huge repercussion inside and outside the entire entertainment industry.

All kinds of "persuasion" remarks quickly emerged on the Internet. Some "Chen Xiao fans" resolutely resisted this relationship, accusing Chen Yanxi of being a "third party", and it was she who "tempted" Chen Xiao and ruined his originally bright future.

Some people even think that Chen Xiao gave up the pursuit of the popular actress Zhao Liying and chose Chen Yanxi instead, which is simply "unreasonable stupidity". In the face of these doubts, Chen Xiao was once furious, but he still firmly adhered to his beliefs.

is persuaded to divide every day, and the return show of affection is questioned, is Chen Xiao and Chen Yanxi's marriage really plastic?

In this way, from confirming the relationship to walking into the palace of marriage hand in hand, the lovers have endured countless reproaches and slanders. The life after marriage has always been shrouded in the shadow of various gossip, and has been questioned as "in name only" and "plastic couple".

Whenever they show their affection and share their happy life on social media, netizens always attack wildly, questioning whether there is really love between them. Countless times, after Chen Yanxi posted on Moments, she could only silently endure the negative comments on the screen, and her heart was full of helplessness.

"Don't worry too much about that, my dear." Chen Xiao hugged his wife tightly from behind and comforted gently, "How can there be waves without wind?" As long as we believe in each other, everything will be better.

Chen Yanxi nodded gently, although there was still a little bitterness in her heart.

is persuaded to divide every day, and the return show of affection is questioned, is Chen Xiao and Chen Yanxi's marriage really plastic?

The eight-year marriage journey has indeed been full of hardships and hardships, but they have always come through it firmly and have never wavered in their trust in each other. Staying together day and night, sharing weal and woe, has made them what they are today.

Rewind to that sunny day eight years ago, Chen Yanxi stepped into the filming site of "The Girl We Chased Together in Those Years" with passion. At that moment, she was so excited, I am afraid that she would never have imagined that she would be lucky enough to play the heroine of this high-profile and sensational big-budget film! .

As soon as she appeared, Chen Yanxi's pure, lovely, sweet and lovely appearance immediately caught the attention of all the audience. The image of "Shen Jiayi" she created in the film has made countless men obsessed with it and regarded it as the "goddess of first love" in their hearts.

Since then, Chen Yanxi has become popular overnight, and her career is like a giant ship sailing away, and finally ushered in the moment of sailing. However, who would have predicted that just as her career was in full swing, her life was about to face a major turning point.

is persuaded to divide every day, and the return show of affection is questioned, is Chen Xiao and Chen Yanxi's marriage really plastic?

At the same time, Chen Xiao is also at the peak of his career. After years of painstaking research and unremitting efforts, he finally won wide acclaim in the industry for his successful performance of the role of "Yang Guo" in the costume drama "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

This series can be called a star-studded series, in addition to Chen Xiao, there are also many legendary superstars such as the powerful movie star Huo Jianhua to join. In the face of such a strong lineup, Chen Xiao was under tremendous pressure, but in the end, he successfully interpreted the classic role of Yang Guo with his superb acting skills.

This is undoubtedly a peak in Chen Xiao's acting career, shining brightly. The audience is full of expectations for this young powerful actor and firmly believes that he will become a leading figure in the entertainment industry in the future.

However, no one expected that at this critical juncture, the lives of Chen Xiao and Chen Yanxi would converge in a wonderful way and completely change the direction of each other's destinies.

is persuaded to divide every day, and the return show of affection is questioned, is Chen Xiao and Chen Yanxi's marriage really plastic?

At that time, Chen Xiao and Chen Yanxi both reached the pinnacle of their lives on their respective career paths, and gained unprecedented honor and attention. And it is at this critical moment that a marriage bond binds them together and becomes the most important partner in each other's lives.

However, at that time, they may still be immersed in the glory of their careers, and they have not yet realized that the arrangement of fate is so magical, which makes people inadvertently understand the true meaning of life and are given a new chapter.

It was a sunny day exactly eight years ago, and the crew of "The Condor Heroes" of that era was filming intensely and enthusiastically. In this world full of strong atmosphere, the two young actors met and formed an unforgettable relationship.

Chen Xiao, a calm and introverted actor with both ability and political integrity, uses his charming voice and profound thinking eyes to show Yang Guo's deep firm will and outstanding wisdom vividly.

is persuaded to divide every day, and the return show of affection is questioned, is Chen Xiao and Chen Yanxi's marriage really plastic?

As for Chen Yanxi, the image of the little dragon girl she created is so lively and lovely, straightforward and honest, full of the enthusiasm and vitality unique to young girls.

Due to the huge contrast in the characters' personalities, they always have a wealth of rivalry and interaction in and out of the play. During work, Chen Xiao was often amused by Chen Yanxi's straightforward and pungent personality; At the time of rest, Chen Yanxi was deeply attracted by Chen Xiao's steady and generous temperament.

In this way, while both parties admired each other's talents, a subtle emotion also quietly sprouted in their hearts.

Every day of the crew is so monotonous and boring, in order to enhance the relationship between each other and relieve the pressure caused by work, Chen Xiao always invites Chen Yanxi to a nearby restaurant for dinner.

is persuaded to divide every day, and the return show of affection is questioned, is Chen Xiao and Chen Yanxi's marriage really plastic?

They talk about life ideals and artistic concepts, and unconsciously they have been shoulder to shoulder, arm in arm, like a loving couple.

As time passed, the relationship between them grew stronger. On the day when the whole cooperation project was about to end, Chen Xiao finally mustered up the courage to confide in Chen Yanxi his true feelings in his heart.

What he didn't expect was that Chen Yanxi actually had the same deep affection and friendship for him.

From that day on, they formalized their relationship, and since then they have embarked on a tortuous and touching marriage journey.

is persuaded to divide every day, and the return show of affection is questioned, is Chen Xiao and Chen Yanxi's marriage really plastic?

At first, Chen Xiao was extremely excited and ecstatic about this sudden love. However, it wasn't long before he realized that the relationship would face many serious challenges.

Chen Yanxi has long been controversial in front of the public, and accompanying him will inevitably cause an uproar in public opinion. However, none of this can stop the flame of their love from burning.

No matter how bumpy the road ahead, they are determined to spend the rest of their lives together.

When Chen Xiao and Chen Yanxi's relationship was made public, it immediately set off a lot of turmoil and controversy inside and outside the entertainment industry. Soon, various "persuasion" remarks appeared on the Internet, questioning the innocence of the relationship.

is persuaded to divide every day, and the return show of affection is questioned, is Chen Xiao and Chen Yanxi's marriage really plastic?

The fierce boycott mainly comes from Chen Xiao's personal solid fan base. In their eyes, Chen Xiao can be called the prince charming in the hearts of countless girls, with a handsome appearance, outstanding talent, and an unlimited future.

Some people even ruthlessly shifted the responsibility to Chen Yanxi, accusing her of being a "little three", and actually "seducing" Chen Xiao, who is both talented and beautiful, causing his originally bright future to come to naught.

In fact, long before Chen Xiao and Chen Yanxi fell in love, a striking scandal was widely spread on the Internet: Chen Xiao and popular actress Zhao Liying once had a relationship full of twists and turns.

Zhao Liying not only has a sweet face and elegant temperament, but also her superb acting skills have been highly recognized by the audience, she and Chen Xiao met and knew each other during the filming of the same TV series, and the intimate interaction between the two was repeatedly captured by the paparazzi, causing a lot of scandals about them.

is persuaded to divide every day, and the return show of affection is questioned, is Chen Xiao and Chen Yanxi's marriage really plastic?

At that time, Zhao Liying had already emerged and was at the peak of her career; And Chen Xiao, as a powerful actor from a professional class, has also attracted much attention. Therefore, when the scandal between the two came out, it immediately set off heated discussions and expectations among the fan group.

However, what is unexpected is that at this critical moment, Chen Xiao suddenly announced his relationship with Chen Yanxi, which is undoubtedly a huge blow to many loyal fans of Chen Xiao! They accused Chen Xiao of giving up the goddess of national beauty and superior strength, and instead chose a little-known small role.

In the face of such strong pressure from public opinion, Chen Xiao's heart is undoubtedly full of contradictions. He was hesitant at the moment, but in the end he mustered up the courage and chose his true love. In this way, in the "questioning love" rumored by the outside world, the relationship between Chen Xiao and Chen Yanxi has undergone a severe test, but it is this test that has made them more firm in each other's beliefs.

Looking back on Chen Yanxi's acting career, she has indeed encountered setbacks and difficulties. The movie "The Girl We Chased Together in Those Years" quickly became popular as soon as it was released, and she was also known as the "pure goddess".

is persuaded to divide every day, and the return show of affection is questioned, is Chen Xiao and Chen Yanxi's marriage really plastic?

However, the subsequent works did not attract much attention, and it was not until she co-starred with Chen Xiao in the costume drama "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" that she won the public's attention and love again, however, this success did not come from her strength, but because of her unique "Xiaolongbao" image that left a deep impression on the audience.

When playing the role of Xiaolongnu, Chen Yanxi's delicate and delicate figure, coupled with her pure white and flawless long dress, inevitably reminds people of the sweet image of "Xiaolongbao", giving this character a vibrant, bold and straightforward personality.

However, this image is in stark contrast to the stereotype of the classic little dragon girl in people's hearts, which is gentle and virtuous, dignified and elegant, and immediately sparked heated discussions among the majority of netizens.

Some people praised her innovative attempts and felt that she injected new life into the characters; However, more voices mercilessly accused her of "destroying the classics" and "not entering the stream".

is persuaded to divide every day, and the return show of affection is questioned, is Chen Xiao and Chen Yanxi's marriage really plastic?

For a while, Chen Yanxi's "xiaolongbao" image became the target of public criticism in the online world, and various negative comments sprung up like mushrooms after a rain.

In addition to the setbacks in her acting career, Chen Yanxi's private life is often questioned and criticized by netizens. In 2016, because of some intimate interactions with actor Wen during the filming of the movie "Fuji Detective", she instantly fell into the suspicion and controversy of the "third party".

At that time, some netizens captured photos of Chen Yanxi frequently holding the article's arm on the set, and even broke the news that they had a sweet feeding interaction after dinner. As soon as these photos were made public, they immediately caused an uproar on the Internet.

Although neither side has made a clear response to this matter, the rumors always spread at an astonishing speed, and Chen Yanxi has deeply realized how much harm and pain gossip and malicious speculation can bring to public figures like them.

is persuaded to divide every day, and the return show of affection is questioned, is Chen Xiao and Chen Yanxi's marriage really plastic?

What's even more distressing is that even her friend Wu Junru once bluntly said to her at an event: "Chen Yanxi is not as simple as you think." Although this is just a seemingly joking sentence, after malicious interpretation, it has become a strong evidence to prove that her "private life is chaotic".

Faced with a steady stream of abuse and doubts, Chen Yanxi once felt physically and mentally exhausted and in pain. Fortunately, she finally chose to deal with everything with silence, and her husband Chen Xiao was always by her side, giving her endless support and love.

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