
The 20,000-ton giant ship was fully loaded with the People's Liberation Army, crossed the South China Sea to deliver troops, and was stationed in Southeast Asia in three days

author:Shaanxi Chengcheng financial media

Recently, a major operation of the Chinese Navy has attracted widespread attention from the international community. According to reports, the Chinese Navy's Type 071 amphibious landing ship "Qilianshan", a giant ship with a displacement of up to 25,000 tons, loaded with elite troops of the People's Liberation Army, successfully arrived at Sihanoukville, Cambodia. This action not only demonstrates the Chinese Navy's ocean-going projection capabilities, but also demonstrates the deep military cooperation between China and Cambodia.

The 20,000-ton giant ship was fully loaded with the People's Liberation Army, crossed the South China Sea to deliver troops, and was stationed in Southeast Asia in three days

At a press conference on Monday, the spokesman of the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces, Major General Thongsolimo, gave a detailed account to the global media about the background and significance of the Qilian Mountain's visit. He clearly pointed out that the visit of this giant ship is not only a simple military exchange, but also a full preparation for the upcoming China-Cambodia "Golden Dragon-2024" bilateral joint military exercise.

The joint military exercise, described as "unprecedented in scale", is expected to cover three major areas: land, sea and air and last up to 15 days. In the vast world of Kampong Chhnang Province and Sihanoukville Province, Chinese and Cambodian officers and men will work hand in hand to conduct various tactical drills and skills training. According to preliminary estimates, more than 1,300 Cambodian officers and soldiers will participate in the exercise, and more than 700 elite troops of the Chinese People's Liberation Army will participate in the exercise.

The 20,000-ton giant ship was fully loaded with the People's Liberation Army, crossed the South China Sea to deliver troops, and was stationed in Southeast Asia in three days

It is worth mentioning that the strength of the PLA participating in the exercise is equivalent to the size of a complete composite battalion, carrying a large number of armored vehicles and other advanced combat equipment, and crossing the South China Sea on the "Qilianshan" ship. What is remarkable is that they completed this long-distance force projection and deployment task in just three days, fully demonstrating the efficiency and agility of the Chinese Navy.

And the maritime part of the exercise was even more exciting. It is reported that the Chinese Navy will send three large warships to participate in the joint participation with 11 warships of the Cambodian Navy. This huge fleet will conduct coordinated operations, anti-submarine, air defense, and other exercises at sea to enhance the joint combat capability of the two navies.

The 20,000-ton giant ship was fully loaded with the People's Liberation Army, crossed the South China Sea to deliver troops, and was stationed in Southeast Asia in three days

It is worth mentioning that before the arrival of the "Qilianshan" ship, two Chinese Type 056A frigates had already arrived at the Yunlang naval base in Cambodia first. The two frigates, Wenshan and Suqian, have visited the Yunlang Naval Base since December last year, when the upgrade was completed, and have been highly valued and warmly welcomed by the Cambodian side.

Regarding the joint military exercise, Major General Thongsolimo made it clear that its purpose is not to threaten or harm any third country, but to enhance the ability of the Chinese and Cambodian militaries to jointly combat terrorism and provide humanitarian relief. He stressed that the exercise is an important part of the military cooperation between the two countries, which will help enhance mutual trust and friendship between the two countries, and at the same time enhance the ability of the two militaries to cooperate in responding to regional security challenges.

The 20,000-ton giant ship was fully loaded with the People's Liberation Army, crossed the South China Sea to deliver troops, and was stationed in Southeast Asia in three days

However, observers generally believe that the Sino-Cambodian joint military exercise has undoubtedly sent a clear signal to certain countries in the region. Especially in view of the recent provocations by the Philippines on the South China Sea issue, this military exercise has undoubtedly formed a certain deterrent effect on it. From a strategic point of view, Cambodia's geographical location allows the Chinese Navy to put pressure on the Philippines from the direction of Palawan Island in the west in the event of a possible conflict in the South China Sea, thus covering the main force of the South China Sea Fleet heading south from the Hainan base. This has undoubtedly made the Philippines more cautious on the South China Sea issue.

In addition, through such exercises, China has also demonstrated its deep friendship and willingness to cooperate with Cambodia to more Southeast Asian countries. To a certain extent, this has also deterred other countries in Southeast Asia with intentions, such as Vietnam, which has contradictions with China over the South China Sea. After seeing the close cooperation and strong strength of China and Cambodia, they may reconsider their positions and strategies on the South China Sea issue.

The 20,000-ton giant ship was fully loaded with the People's Liberation Army, crossed the South China Sea to deliver troops, and was stationed in Southeast Asia in three days

Carl Schuster, former chief of operations of the Joint Intelligence Center of the US Pacific Command, also had a profound evaluation of the Sino-Cambodian joint military exercise. He believes that the upgrading of Sino-Cambodian defense relations is of great strategic significance, and it will make neighboring countries such as Vietnam and the Philippines more passive and cautious in their actions.

The 20,000-ton giant ship was fully loaded with the People's Liberation Army, crossed the South China Sea to deliver troops, and was stationed in Southeast Asia in three days

Because they are well aware of the great strength and influence of the Chinese Navy in the South China Sea region, which should not be underestimated. At the same time, it also reflects the sense of weakness and insecurity caused by the provocative actions of these countries themselves on the South China Sea issue. They may have realized that confrontation with China is not a wise move, and that they should seek peaceful coexistence to resolve disputes and differences.

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