
The economy is down, the most decent way to save money: 3 ways

author:I don't eat spicy Sichuan girls

Today is the 15th, which is the day I pay my salary, and the hope of ordinary people every month is to pay thousands of dollars.

The money is not hot in my hand, and I paid another 2,000 yuan in rent, emo! After coming to Chengdu to work for several years, I found it more and more difficult to save money.

I don't know how many people are like me, working every month, every month is a moonlight family, and when they go out, they can't do without money for food, clothing, housing and transportation.

Especially this year, many people around me are unemployed and can't find a job, and a 35-year-old friend of mine who uses to earn 20,000 yuan a month is optimized after the Chinese New Year.

Now it's hard to find a job for even 10,000 yuan, and after looking for a job for 2 months, I have no choice but to become an online car-hailing driver.

As an ordinary worker, I have come to understand that money is saved, not spent.

On the Internet, "money is spent" and "only those who can spend money will make money" chicken soup for the soul is for the rich, and the poor can only listen to it.

The economy is down, share 3 decent ways to save money, I hope it will help you in front of the screen.

The economy is down, the most decent way to save money: 3 ways

1. Adhere to the principle of quality first

As the saying goes: you get what you pay for, and there is some truth to this sentence.

Within the economic range that you can afford, buy a better quality product as much as possible, the price is a little more expensive, maybe the use cycle will be a little longer.

As a simple example, I used to buy clothes for no more than 200 yuan, and I would feel distressed when I bought them expensive, but after buying many cheap clothes home, they were deformed, shrunk, and faded after washing them several times.

Later, gritting my teeth, I decided to buy some clothes with quality and texture, maybe a little expensive, but comfortable to wear, and can be worn for several years.

1000 yuan, buying one piece of clothing at a time and buying 5 low-quality clothes, there is still a big difference between wearing it on yourself.

After I started to practice minimalist life last year, I found that there is no better way to save money than to focus on quality and light weight, and buy less.

The economy is down, the most decent way to save money: 3 ways

Second, sewing and repairing instead of purchasing

In life, some products are a little flawed, or they have been used for a long time and are a little rusty, and most of them are directly thrown away for new ones, not repaired.

To tell you the truth, many things can continue to be used after being sewn and repaired, and some can even be used for a year or two, or even longer.

In the past, my shoes were degummed, and I bought a new one without saying a word, although a pair of shoes was not expensive, I threw it many times, and it was quite distressing.

In order to save money, the shoes are never thrown away after degumming, either buy a bottle of glue to stick to it yourself, or find a shoe repairer.

So, if something is broken, don't always think about replacing it with a new one, fix it yourself, or find a professional to solve it, not only can you save money, but also contribute to the beautification of the environment.

The economy is down, the most decent way to save money: 3 ways

3. Explore the joy of spending no money

If we want to save money, it is still not possible to rely on "saving" alone, which also requires us to use our brains to explore the projects around us that do not cost money.

It's normal to work for 5 days and want to relax on the weekend. Some people choose to go to KTV to sing, and some people go on a trip.

Not to mention spending money, I also tired myself like a dog.

Now, when I have a weekend holiday, I will walk around the nearby wetland park with my roommates, bring snacks, fruits, and set up a tent by the way, and lie down in the tent to sleep for a while when I am tired, while breathing in the fresh air of nature, and at the same time connecting with friends, killing two birds with one stone.

Best of all, this project doesn't cost much extra money yet, as long as there is water and poker, you can play all day.

Not all happiness in life costs money.

That's it for the 3 decent ways I shared to save money.

From now on, we all start to save money minimalist, reduce the desire to buy, only when there is more and more surplus food in our hands, we can have the confidence to face everything in life.

The picture source is the Internet, invaded and deleted!

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