
Xu Huafeng: It took 7 years to get rid of the original partner, and I was a wife for 3 years, but I was seriously ill and died in my husband's arms

author:I don't know if I don't look at it

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Xu Huafeng: It took 7 years to get rid of the original partner, and I was a wife for 3 years, but I was seriously ill and died in my husband's arms

In the uncertain journey of life, there are many things that we cannot control or force, such as power, authority, and enviable wealth, and of course, the fascinating love.

Xu Huafeng is a classic representative of many cases, she gave everything and spent her precious youth to chase the love that belonged to her, but the final result ended in tragedy.

The old proverb often faithfully tells people that what is destined will come as expected, and that those seemingly beautiful fantasies are better not to be pursued too much. The reason is actually very simple, those things that are forcibly distorted will never reach the desired state, and no matter how much effort and strength you put in, they will eventually make you feel unbearable pain.

This truth is particularly acute when dealing with complex emotional issues, countless people have lost their way to it, and many infatuated people can only taste the bitter fruit in solitude.

Xu Huafeng: It took 7 years to get rid of the original partner, and I was a wife for 3 years, but I was seriously ill and died in my husband's arms

Xu Huafeng is one of these people, she was too attached to other people's families, and finally fell into a miserable situationAlthough she once played the high-profile role "Sister Daoming Temple" in the popular Asian TV series "Meteor Garden", showing a unique personal charm, but her acting career did not make a major breakthrough because of this, and only relied on hype to maintain a certain popularity.

In order to improve her social status, she has long understood the importance of emotions. When she first set foot in the showbiz, she fell in love with the director Xu Zhonghua of the same group, and the relationship between the two lasted for three years.

However, the stagnation in their careers prevented the relationship from lasting long, and financial problems eventually led them into legal troubles and eventually parted ways.

This undoubtedly dealt a heavy blow to Xu Huafeng's acting career, and in the next few years, her career has never improved, and she has been in a state of stagnation.

Xu Huafeng: It took 7 years to get rid of the original partner, and I was a wife for 3 years, but I was seriously ill and died in my husband's arms

On that cold night in December 2011, 41-year-old Xu Huafeng lay quietly in the arms of her husband Tang Weishi, her eyes slowly closed, and tears slipped quietly down the corners of her eyes.

At this time, she was too weak to resist the relentless invasion of the disease, so she left this world. In the second half of her life, Xu Huafeng devoted almost all of her life to the tenacious fight against cancer.

Just when she was looking forward to spending the rest of her life with Tang Weishi, fate played a cruel joke on her, she was diagnosed with stomach cancer, and it had developed to the middle and advanced stages.

To save her life, she had to undergo surgery to remove three-quarters of her stomach.

Xu Huafeng: It took 7 years to get rid of the original partner, and I was a wife for 3 years, but I was seriously ill and died in my husband's arms

The operation was undoubtedly quite successful, and the doctor told her that for a while, her life was temporarily guaranteed. However, this is only a temporary victory! After a brief respite, the cancer spread through her body like a storm, forcing her to step into the operating room again, this time requiring a removal of her uterus to stop the deterioration of her condition.

Since then, the dream of having a child that has been hidden in my heart has been completely shattered. Her body was covered in tumors, but only the face was still clean. In the face of such a cruel reality, what kind of pain and torture did she endure in her heart? Thankfully, Tang Weishi did not choose to give up because of this, he went all out to find various treatments for Xu Huafeng, in the past three years, she has undergone five chemotherapy treatments, twenty-five radiation treatments, it can be said that her entire married life has been consumed in a hospital bed.

After the breakup, Xu Huafeng did not lose confidence because of this, she still struggled firmly in the entertainment industry. During the filming of the second part of the TV series "I am Kind", she had an entanglement with Wen Zhaolun, a hot male star at the time.

Although Wen Zhaolun already had a place in his heart at that time, Xu Huafeng tried to intervene in the emotional world of others without scruples, and resolutely pulled Wen into his own emotional whirlpool.

Xu Huafeng: It took 7 years to get rid of the original partner, and I was a wife for 3 years, but I was seriously ill and died in my husband's arms

As expected, as soon as the contract expired, their "sister and brother love" came to an end, Xu Huafeng was once again defeated on the battlefield of love, she was secretly glad that she was still young, and it was still possible to marry into a wealthy family in the future.

Fate always seems to like to play tricks on people, and it wasn't long before she became acquainted with the eldest son of the Tsai family, a Taiwanese financial magnate. In order to be able to successfully join this wealthy family, Xu Huafeng can be said to have worked hard.

She first decided to quit the entertainment industry, from her dress to her speech and demeanor, she began to move closer to the traditional ladies, hoping to win the favor of the Cai family.

As a famous family, the Cai family has strict requirements for their future daughters-in-law: dignified and ladylike, traditional and conservative and able to endure loneliness, etc., only if these conditions are met, it is possible to become an ideal candidate.

Xu Huafeng: It took 7 years to get rid of the original partner, and I was a wife for 3 years, but I was seriously ill and died in my husband's arms

However, Xu Huafeng's past experience did not make the Cai family feel at ease, and her development prospects in the entertainment industry were not optimistic, so she was finally directly persuaded to quit.

Xu Huafeng was immediately furious, which prompted her to return to the entertainment industry again, and soon spread the scandal of having a homosexual relationship with her agent, which is really bold and avant-garde.

In 2004, she launched a personal photo album "Ten Thousand Styles", officially announcing her retirement, and since then she has gradually faded out of public view.

When Xu Huafeng was about to leave this strange stage like a family member and plunge into the arms of a new life, she met Tang Wei, a giant in Taiwan's shoe industry. At that time, Tang Weishi had already entered his old age, with a happy marriage and a pair of children, so he should have seen all kinds of things in the world.

Xu Huafeng: It took 7 years to get rid of the original partner, and I was a wife for 3 years, but I was seriously ill and died in my husband's arms

However, Xu Huafeng's mature and charming unique charm made this weather-beaten old man deeply trapped and unable to extricate himself.

Although Tang Weishi's family situation is not ideal, Xu Huafeng still resolutely accepts this challenge and firmly wants to win his true love. They quickly came together and lived an ordinary life like a legal couple.

However, Tang Weishi already has a family after all, and needs to go home twice a week to accompany the children. His feelings for his wife have long been exhausted, and Xu Huafeng is patiently waiting for the original partner's active divorce.

Sometimes, when she recalls her persistent feelings for Tang Weishi, she will secretly rejoice that she was once just an out-and-out third party in the eyes of others, but now, she is more like a warrior who bravely pursues love.

Xu Huafeng: It took 7 years to get rid of the original partner, and I was a wife for 3 years, but I was seriously ill and died in my husband's arms

In this way, they supported each other, accompanied each other day and night, and spent a long five years. However, five years later, Xu Huafeng was diagnosed with stomach cancer, and the disease had progressed to an advanced stage.

For a moment, she fell into a deep fear, because it meant that she might be about to leave Tang Weishi forever.

Faced with the severe test of life and death, Tang Weishi suddenly realized what was really important, and he decided to go all out to strive for happiness for Xu Huafeng. After countless efforts, he finally succeeded in persuading his wife to divorce and paid a high breakup fee of up to NT$100 million.

In 2009, he and Xu Huafeng held a wedding in Hawaii, which was undoubtedly the happiest moment in Xu Huafeng's life.

Xu Huafeng: It took 7 years to get rid of the original partner, and I was a wife for 3 years, but I was seriously ill and died in my husband's arms

However, the good times are always short-lived. Xu Huafeng's health deteriorated, and in order to save her life, she had to have most of her stomach and uterus removed during surgery. Since then, her dream of having a child of her own has been completely shattered.

Seeing that the cancer had spread to the whole body, Xu Huafeng's appearance gradually lost its former brilliance, and his body was covered with tumors, only that face was still clean and tidy.

All this made Xu Huafeng have to endure endless pain and suffering. Tang Weishi was naturally heartbroken, he would never sit idly by and let his wife leave him like this, so he began to do his best to find various treatments for her.

In just three years, Ms. Xu Huafeng suffered from the disease, and underwent up to five chemotherapy sessions and a total of 25 radiation treatments. She spent almost all of her married life in a hospital ward.

Xu Huafeng: It took 7 years to get rid of the original partner, and I was a wife for 3 years, but I was seriously ill and died in my husband's arms

Although Ms. Xu Huafeng has been involved in the entertainment industry for a long time, she has never been able to achieve a major breakthrough. When she first entered the showbiz, she fell in love with the director of the same group, Mr. Xu Zhonghua, and this relationship lasted for three years.

At that time, Xu Huafeng was in her youth, and Xu Zhonghua was the guide in her career, and the love between the two came naturally. However, the stagnation in their careers eventually affected their relationship, and three years later, due to financial problems, they had to choose to resolve the dispute through legal means, and since then, they have gone their separate ways.

This is undoubtedly a heavy blow to the young Xu Huafeng. The collaboration between directors and actresses is convenient, but there are few successful examples. After breaking up with Xu Zhonghua, Xu Huafeng's career fell into trouble and has been standing still for many years.

However, Ms. Xu Huafeng is by no means an easy person to give up. She often reflects on herself, why is she always standing still? Is it a lack of courage, or a lack of resources? Whatever the reason, she can't stop and must look for a new beginning.

Xu Huafeng: It took 7 years to get rid of the original partner, and I was a wife for 3 years, but I was seriously ill and died in my husband's arms

Therefore, Xu Huafeng decided to change her image, from dressing to words and deeds, she is working hard in the direction of traditional ladies, looking forward to attracting the public's attention again.

She is convinced that as long as she is good enough, she will be able to rise again in the entertainment industry.

Xu Huafeng paid her best youth in order to pursue sincere emotions, and her life course was like a bumpy drift in the torrent of emotions. On the surface, she seems to have succeeded in winning the affection of Mr. Tang Weishi and secured the position of "little three".

However, the truth is that she has never felt true happiness as a result of her elevated status. The cruel reality of being covered with tumors all over her body pushed her to the edge of the realm that is difficult for ordinary people to reach.

Xu Huafeng: It took 7 years to get rid of the original partner, and I was a wife for 3 years, but I was seriously ill and died in my husband's arms

Cancer tormented her mercilessly, and she suffered more than ordinary people could imagine.

Even if Tang Weishi is committed to her, how much comfort can this bring Xu Huafeng? After all, her body was already overwhelmed.

Fate is like a ruthless person, it laughs at Xu Huafeng's unwavering dedication to feelings again and again. This woman poured all her heart and energy into that deep love, but in the end, it only came to such a sad ending.

Looking back on the long journey she has traveled, Xu Huafeng did not hesitate to exhaust every bit of strength in her life for the love of her heart. In the end, in the arms of her loved ones, she closed her eyes peacefully and left this world forever.

Xu Huafeng: It took 7 years to get rid of the original partner, and I was a wife for 3 years, but I was seriously ill and died in my husband's arms

This unforgettable love affair ended in a heartbreaking tragic way.

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