
A bite from a small insect actually leads to hospitalization? Longhui has already been recruited

author:Good morning new Shaoyang

——Rare scrub typhus disease has reappeared, and everyone needs to be alert to the risk of outdoor insect bites

Recently, a citizen of Longhui was sent to the Infectious Diseases Department of Longhui County People's Hospital for high fever, rash and other symptoms after being bitten on the back by an unknown insect, and was diagnosed with a rare "scrub typhus" (also known as jungle typhus). The disease is caused by scrub typhus orientalis (scrub typhus rickettsias), which is mainly transmitted by the larvae of scrub mites and is a natural infectious disease.

It is understood that the patient Xiao has a recent history of working outside his home, and soon after returning home, he felt vague pain and discomfort in his back, a black scab, and fever appeared after 4 days, and the symptoms did not improve after the local "light burst" and infusion, and there was a red rash all over the body, at first, he did not associate these symptoms with insect bites, until the symptoms continued to worsen, and he felt chest pain when breathing, so he went to the Infection Department of Longhui County People's Hospital for treatment. After a detailed examination and diagnosis, the doctor confirmed that Xiao was suffering from a rare "scrub typhus" with "pleurisy and lung infection." ”

A bite from a small insect actually leads to hospitalization? Longhui has already been recruited

▲ Black scab on the back

A bite from a small insect actually leads to hospitalization? Longhui has already been recruited

▲The black scab was picked off by the patient

"Many people with scrub typhus have been thinking that they have a common cold and fever, and they drag it out to the hospital, or the doctors are inexperienced enough to make a correct diagnosis, thus delaying treatment." Dr. Zhang Caihong, who received the treatment in the department, told reporters that scrub typhus is not a self-limiting disease, that is, it will not heal on its own, and if it is delayed for too long, it will lead to multi-organ failure, which can be fatal in severe cases.

Scrub typhus has been recorded in the history of the mainland for a long time, but in recent years, due to the impact of environmental changes and human activities, the incidence of the disease has increased (the statistical incidence rate of Guangdong Province in 2023 is 5.6 people/100,000 people), and if it is not treated in time, the case fatality rate can be as high as 30%~70%. Chigger mite larvae are mainly parasitic on animals such as rodents and birds, and when they bite humans, they can transmit the pathogen to humans. Therefore, outdoor workers and people who enjoy outdoor activities need to be extra vigilant.

The patient, Xiao, is currently under treatment at Longhui County People's Hospital, and his condition has been controlled. Hospital infectious disease experts said that drugs such as doxycycline have a specific effect on "scrub typhus", but patients still need to pay attention to rest and nutritional support. In addition, patients need regular follow-up examinations to ensure that the condition is completely cured.

A bite from a small insect actually leads to hospitalization? Longhui has already been recruited
A bite from a small insect actually leads to hospitalization? Longhui has already been recruited

▲ Red rash on the patient's body

The emergence of scrub typhus reminds us once again that there are many unknown risks in nature. Everyone should always be vigilant, strengthen the awareness of self-protection, when going out to work, they should tighten the cuffs, neckline and trouser cuffs, and apply mosquito repellent to the exposed parts of the body to prevent the bites of chigger mite larvae. Jointly maintain a healthy and safe living environment.

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A bite from a small insect actually leads to hospitalization? Longhui has already been recruited

Patients with scrub typhus often have an acute onset and are characterized by fever, specific eschar or ulceration, lymphadenopathy, and rash. When a scrub insect bites a person, it secretes an enzyme that paralyzes the person, making it difficult to detect pain and itching. After a bite, the wound will form a round black eschar with a red halo around it. When the scab falls off, a painless ulcer forms. Most patients have an eschar, and a very small number of patients can see multiple eschars, which are distributed on the trunk, limbs, or groin, popliteal fossa, armpits, perineum and other folds hidden parts, which are easy to miss and misdiagnose.

Experts warn that the key to preventing scrub typhus is to avoid being bitten by chigger mite larvae. When outdoors, try to wear long sleeves and pants and apply insect repellent. At the same time, it is necessary to maintain a clean and hygienic living environment to reduce the breeding of rodents. Patients with suspected scrub typhus should seek medical attention and receive professional treatment in a timely manner.