
Huairen City: Promoting the Creation of Comprehensive Demonstration Communities and Building a "Frontier Position" for Disaster Prevention and Mitigation

author:Shanxi Pictorial Shuozhou

In recent years, Huairen City has taken the creation of comprehensive disaster reduction demonstration communities as the key work of disaster prevention and mitigation, coordinated resources, strengthened the linkage between emergency response and township, community and other departments, and focused on the creation of standards, in the organization and management, disaster risk and hidden danger investigation, emergency management, publicity and training, volunteer team construction and other aspects of the creation of in-depth promotion of the creation of work, the establishment of a "territorial, community implementation, departmental support, mass participation" linkage mechanism, urban and rural communities comprehensive disaster reduction level significantly improved.

Huairen City: Promoting the Creation of Comprehensive Demonstration Communities and Building a "Frontier Position" for Disaster Prevention and Mitigation

Recently, the reporter walked into the Xinsheng Street community of Xinjiayuan Township, Huairen City, and accompanied by the relevant person in charge of the community, came to the emergency shelter of the community. According to the person in charge, in order to facilitate the residents of the jurisdiction in the event of earthquakes, fires and other disasters, the location of the refuge place can be clear at the first time, they chose the Wangping Mine Club Square, which has a wide open space and is convenient for gathering surrounding residents, as the emergency refuge place, and drew an emergency evacuation path map, and informed the residents, merchants and resident enterprises in the residents' WeChat group.

Huairen City: Promoting the Creation of Comprehensive Demonstration Communities and Building a "Frontier Position" for Disaster Prevention and Mitigation

In order to effectively improve the community's ability to prevent and respond to natural disasters and various emergencies, the Xinsheng Street Community of Xinjiayuan Township signed a co-construction agreement with the resident enterprise Wangping Coal Mine Security Department and Fire Brigade respectively to share resources and establish an emergency linkage mechanism.

Gu Yongjun, secretary of the fire brigade of Wangping Coal Company, told reporters: "We organize firefighters and community volunteers to carry out fire protection knowledge and practical drills on a daily basis to enhance the fire safety knowledge of employees and community residents, improve the ability to resist disaster relief, and ensure the safety and stability of the mining area and community." ”

In order to better implement disaster prevention and mitigation work, the Xinsheng Street Community of Xinjiayuan Township and Wangping Coal Mine jointly carry out disaster risk and hidden danger investigation, emergency drills, publicity, education and training on a daily basis. When there is a community emergency material reserve point, the community cooperates with the Wangping Coal Mine Public Security Department, the Wangping Coal Mine Fire Brigade, the Wangping Coal Mine Hospital and the adjacent supermarket to carry out the emergency material reserve agreement, and the community residents and families are equipped with fire prevention and disaster reduction supplies, such as escape ropes and common medicines.

"The community staff often go to our homes to publicize electricity safety, emergency knowledge, and coal to electricity, and the community staff are very thoughtful." Zheng Yunmei, a resident of the Xinsheng Street community, said.

In recent years, the Xinsheng Street Community and the Basi Street Community in Xinjiayuan Township have organized more than 30 fire safety trainings for individual industrial and commercial households, regularly organized electricity safety publicity, distributed nearly 10,000 leaflets, and regularly sent fire protection knowledge and other information in residents' WeChat groups. The community has also established a list of vulnerable groups according to the actual situation, understood and grasped the situation and needs of vulnerable groups, issued disaster prevention and mitigation cards, and established one-to-one targeted assistance.

Hao Xiachun, secretary of the 84th Street community, said, "The creation of a comprehensive disaster reduction demonstration community is a never-ending work, which requires us to adhere to long-term promotion and continuous improvement, constantly consolidate the achievements of construction, and jointly build a beautiful, livable, safe and happy community." ”

In order to effectively implement the overall requirements of the state on strengthening community disaster prevention and mitigation work, ensure the safety of the lives and property of community residents, and maintain community harmony and stability, all communities in Huairen City have established leading groups for community comprehensive disaster reduction work, formulated rules and regulations for community comprehensive disaster reduction, continued to carry out actual combat drills and exercises, science popularization and education, and expanded the volunteer team for disaster prevention, mitigation and relief, etc., to promote the grid management of disaster risks and hidden dangers, and standardize the comprehensive disaster reduction work.

Huairen City: Promoting the Creation of Comprehensive Demonstration Communities and Building a "Frontier Position" for Disaster Prevention and Mitigation

Wang Jianjun, director of Liuxiaolu Community, said: "Community disaster prevention and mitigation work is an important part of the city's social welfare undertakings, and it is also an important part of building a beautiful home, which is related to the safety of the lives and property of the community residents. Through the establishment of emergency rescue teams, the reserve of emergency supplies, frequent fire safety training, earthquake emergency drills, emergency knowledge publicity, etc., we have improved the residents' awareness of disaster prevention and mitigation, community emergency management capabilities and residents' ability to avoid disasters and save themselves, and created a safe and stable community environment for residents. ”

Over the years, the Huairen Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government have attached great importance to disaster prevention, mitigation and relief, resolutely implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on disaster prevention, mitigation and relief, adhered to the people-centered, constantly summed up experience from the practice of resisting natural disasters, actively integrated resources, coordinated forces, improved the system, and effectively improved the comprehensive ability of the whole society to resist natural disasters, so as to ensure the normal operation of society and the tranquility of the people.

"At present, a total of 16 communities in our city have completed the creation of comprehensive disaster reduction communities, of which 3 have won national honors and 13 have won provincial honors. In the next step, the Huairen Emergency Management Bureau will continue to implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on safe production and disaster prevention and mitigation, firmly establish the concept of safe development, and strive to improve the ability of grassroots disaster prevention and mitigation through the creation of a comprehensive disaster reduction demonstration community, and lead the promotion of grassroots emergency management to a new level. Li Jianyuan, full-time deputy captain of the Huairen City Emergency Management Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Brigade.

Photo: Wang Xiaoli

Editor: Ma Shijie

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