
"Double agent" Fan Jiman: Mao Renfeng ordered to prepare for execution, but he miraculously escaped from prison on the same day

author:The lone wolf speaks history

"Double agent" Fan Jiman: Mao Renfeng ordered to prepare for execution, but he miraculously escaped from prison on the same day. This title contains countless suspense and questions. What kind of person can be called a "double agent" in such a dramatic way? Why was he ordered to be executed? And how did he miraculously escape from prison on the eve of his execution? Does an ordinary person have the courage and wisdom to complete such a thrilling experience? What kind of life experiences did Fan Jiman experience to create such a legendary life?

"Double agent" Fan Jiman: Mao Renfeng ordered to prepare for execution, but he miraculously escaped from prison on the same day

Adolescent, Youth, Participatory Revolution

In 1906, Fan Jiman was born in a poor peasant family in Liangshan County, Sichuan. Growing up in a poor family, he longed to change this fate one day. In 1925, at the age of 19, Fan Jiman was admitted to the Wuchang branch of the Whampoa Military Academy, joined the Communist Youth League in the same year, and became a member of the Communist Party of China the following year. As a result, he embarked on the revolutionary road of seeking liberation for his hometown and the nation.

"Double agent" Fan Jiman: Mao Renfeng ordered to prepare for execution, but he miraculously escaped from prison on the same day

Soon, Fan Jiman complied with the party's assignment and participated in the Northern Expedition that broke out in Guangdong. He took the lead and killed the enemy bravely, and bravely charged in the Battle of Tingsi Bridge, but unfortunately was wounded and retired to the front line. After recovering from his injuries, Fan Jiman was transferred back to his hometown of Sichuan, where he served as the secretary of the county party committee in Liangshan and Heshan, and actively carried out underground revolutionary activities.

He adapted revolutionary scripts and propagated revolutionary ideas to the masses through performances in drama clubs; Armed peasant forces were also formed to fight against local landlord bullies. Although they were severely attacked by the reactionaries, Fan Jiman and his comrades never stopped there, but strengthened their revolutionary convictions.

"Double agent" Fan Jiman: Mao Renfeng ordered to prepare for execution, but he miraculously escaped from prison on the same day

In 1930, Fan Jiman was ordered to go to Shanghai to serve as a transportation liaison. Unexpectedly, in May, he was accidentally arrested by the patrol room of the French Concession and transferred to the Kuomintang court for trial. However, no matter how the enemy lured and threatened, Fan Jiman remained steadfast and never let go of his confession to the organization's secrets. In the end, he was imprisoned for three months, and experienced a life-and-death test in the smoke of gunpowder.

Although he suffered severe personal persecution, Van Giman was not discouraged. On the contrary, this encounter deepened his persistent pursuit of the revolutionary cause. After being released from prison, he searched for the underground party organization of the Chinese Communist Party, hoping to rejoin the revolutionary cause. Soon, after consulting with his wife Peng Yaluo, the two decided to go to Peking University to study, where they would look for clues about the organization.

In this way, from a child of a peasant family in Sichuan to a student of Peking University, Fan Jiman firmly embarked on the road of no return to fight for his family and country. This persistent revolutionary spirit is destined to lead him to a more tortuous and legendary life path.

"Double agent" Fan Jiman: Mao Renfeng ordered to prepare for execution, but he miraculously escaped from prison on the same day

Heroic revolutionary struggle

While studying in Beiping, Fan Jiman's revolutionary career encountered a major turning point. In 1930, Cao Ce, then secretary of the Tianjin Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, was unfortunately captured by the Kuomintang and his life was in danger. Cao Ce's wife sought Fan Jiman's help, hoping to find a way to save her husband from prison.

Fan Jiman did not hesitate at all, and he immediately mobilized Chen Gongshu, a classmate of the Whampoa Military Academy, to come to the rescue. Chen Gongshu was serving in the military command department at that time and had a lot of power. After some deliberation, Chen Gongshu finally agreed to come forward to help, but made one condition: to ask Fan Jiman to translate a batch of secret documents from the American Mansion.

"Double agent" Fan Jiman: Mao Renfeng ordered to prepare for execution, but he miraculously escaped from prison on the same day

Fan Jiman knew that these so-called "secret documents" were actually military intelligence of the Kuomintang and the Japanese army, but in order to save his comrades, he could only agree to it. Sure enough, the contents of these materials were as expected, and they were top-secret documents related to major military deployments in North China.

In the process of translation, Fan Jiman secretly passed the content of the intelligence to Ji Piyang, secretary of the Beiping Municipal Party Committee of the underground party, and made outstanding contributions to the CCP's seizure of the enemy's internal secrets. Thanks to this batch of internal intelligence, the CCP was able to control the movements of the Japanese army and the Kuomintang warlords in North China in a timely manner, and avoided heavy losses.

However, the good times did not last long, and half a year later, Ji Piyang accidentally betrayed the party, his identity was exposed, and Fan Jiman fell into a crisis. Chen Gongshu was annoyed and ashamed, and immediately arrested Fan Jiman and imprisoned. At the critical moment, Fan Jiman's wife Peng Yaluo ran around, and finally rescued her husband from prison through the mediation of Whampoa alumni.

"Double agent" Fan Jiman: Mao Renfeng ordered to prepare for execution, but he miraculously escaped from prison on the same day

This experience made Van Giman deeply appreciate the twists and turns of the revolutionary road, and he realized that it was difficult to shake the reactionaries by his own strength alone. At this time, the appearance of a person pointed out a new revolutionary path for Fan Jiman.

In the Spring Festival of 1934, when Fan Jiman's family visited his fellow countryman Liu Zunqi, they met the latter's friend Liu Yiqiao. Liu Yiqiao, an intelligence officer of the General Staff of the Soviet Red Army, took a fancy to Fan Jiman's linguistic talent and asked him to help translate classified documents from the Japanese embassy.

In this way, under the identity of "Honolulu Free Daily reporter in the United States", Fan Jiman quietly joined the work of intelligence translators. Through contact with Liu Yiqiao, Fan Jiman began to participate in the underground intelligence front of the Communist Party.

"Double agent" Fan Jiman: Mao Renfeng ordered to prepare for execution, but he miraculously escaped from prison on the same day

Along the way, Fan Jiman was not fighting against the arbitrariness of the Kuomintang warlords and the cruelty of the reactionaries? Every test of life and death is a big test of his faith. But it was precisely this tempering that created Fan Jiman's heroic revolutionary character and made him a truly resolute underground fighter.

Infiltrate the Kuomintang and seize key intelligence

Since joining Liu Yiqiao's intelligence line, Fan Jiman has been working step by step and has begun the arduous task of lurking within the Kuomintang. In 1935, he entered the Kuomintang military command department as a translator and secretly served the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.

"Double agent" Fan Jiman: Mao Renfeng ordered to prepare for execution, but he miraculously escaped from prison on the same day

With his extraordinary talent for language, Fan Jiman quickly became an indispensable "ace" translator in the Military Command Department. He has translated countless batches of military intelligence provided by the US and Japanese militaries, but he truthfully passed on these internal information to the underground party organizations.

After the outbreak of the all-out War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression in 1937, Fan Jiman became an important channel for the CCP to understand the military deployment of the Kuomintang. He often took advantage of the dead of night to secretly transcribe confidential documents such as the battle plans of the military command departments and then hand them over to the underground party members.

Gradually going deep into the enemy camp, Fan Jiman also gradually figured out a lot of inside information about the top level of the Kuomintang. He found that Dai Dusheng, director of the Kuomintang Military Command Bureau, Chen Zhili, deputy director of the Bureau, and others had colluded with the Japanese puppets to secretly communicate with each other. To this end, he spared no effort to reveal to his superiors the machinations of these reactionaries.

"Double agent" Fan Jiman: Mao Renfeng ordered to prepare for execution, but he miraculously escaped from prison on the same day

In 1938, the Kuomintang and the Communist Party held peace talks in Yan'an, and Fan Jiman played an important role as a liaison. He took advantage of his special position as a military commander to provide important protection for the secret communication line between Shanghai and Yan'an.

Once, three party members sent from Shanghai to Yan'an were arrested, and Fan Jiman secretly exerted pressure after learning the news, and finally released them. On another occasion, a number of important documents sent by the Party Central Committee to Yan'an were seized by the military commanders, and Fan Jiman managed to steal them and pass them on to the underground party members.

In 1940, Fan Jiman was accidentally betrayed and arrested, and was imprisoned in the Roosevelt Road Prison in the French Concession of Shanghai. The cramped cell was only a temporary shift for him, and he was still actively serving the party and delivering important information.

"Double agent" Fan Jiman: Mao Renfeng ordered to prepare for execution, but he miraculously escaped from prison on the same day

On one occasion, he risked his life to escape from his prison cell, and he wore a prison uniform to infiltrate the streets of Shanghai, successfully handing over a batch of important documents to underground party members. This crazy behavior made Fan Jiman famous within the organization, and he was known as a "madman" agent.

At the end of 1943, Shanghai fell, and the situation became more and more critical. In order to protect the organization's secrets, the Shanghai Bureau of the Communist Party of China decided to completely evacuate to Yan'an. Fan Jiman was given the order to destroy all of the organization's documents and underground facilities in Shanghai.

At this time, a group of underground CCP personnel who came from Chongqing were accidentally arrested, and after Fan Jiman learned the news, he immediately drew up a bold rescue plan. He pretended to be a wealthy businessman and took the arrested hostages to the concession, and finally succeeded in freeing all the people.

"Double agent" Fan Jiman: Mao Renfeng ordered to prepare for execution, but he miraculously escaped from prison on the same day

In this way, in the era when the Kuomintang reactionaries were frantically suppressing and the contradictions between the enemy and ourselves were heating up, Fan Jiman made indelible contributions to seizing key intelligence and protecting the underground party organizations with his outstanding wisdom and tenacious will.

The artist is bold and cunning to get out

In 1945, the Pacific War gradually came to an end, and the contradictions between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party became increasingly intense. As a red agent who had been lurking within the Kuomintang for many years, Fan Jiman was caught in an unprecedented crisis.

"Double agent" Fan Jiman: Mao Renfeng ordered to prepare for execution, but he miraculously escaped from prison on the same day

In April of this year, during the interrogation of Fu Zuoyi, the Kuomintang military commander, he was identified by Fan Jiman, and Fu immediately notified the general of the ministry to arrest Fan Jiman. Soon, Fan Jiman was taken to Roosevelt Road Prison in the French Concession of Shanghai, where he was tortured.

However, even in prison, Fan Jiman is still tenacious and unyielding, refusing to give any confidential clues about the underground party. In desperation, the Kuomintang decided to transfer him to Nanjing for trial and judgment.

On the way to Nanjing, Fan Jiman learned that he was most likely to be executed. As the days passed, he became more and more anxious, fearing that the organization's intelligence line would be interrupted. So, taking advantage of the short period of "freedom" on the way, he managed to find an opportunity to secretly stuff a batch of important documents into a tree hole on the side of the road and hand them over to the underground party members.

"Double agent" Fan Jiman: Mao Renfeng ordered to prepare for execution, but he miraculously escaped from prison on the same day

After entering Nanjing, Fan Jiman was imprisoned in the Jing'an Temple prison, awaiting the final verdict. Unexpectedly, an accident happened at this time, and Mao Renfeng, the Minister of Defense who tried him, ordered him to be executed on the spot!

With his fate in the blink of an eye, Fan Jiman made a quick decision and began to implement the escape plan with cunning means. He first bribed the prisoners with a large amount of money to make them relax their vigilance during the escort. Then, while being escorted to the vegetable garden for watering, Fan Jiman suddenly broke free of the shackles, jumped over, climbed over the wall and fled!

The prison immediately sounded the alarm and rounded up Van Giman, but in vain. He has been in hiding with the people for months, during which time he has managed to contact his superiors to report his whereabouts. In the end, under the operation of the underground party, Fan Jiman disguised himself and successfully escaped from the city of Nanjing.

"Double agent" Fan Jiman: Mao Renfeng ordered to prepare for execution, but he miraculously escaped from prison on the same day

In this way, Fan Jiman not only escaped, but more importantly, allowed the underground party's intelligence line to continue. If he had been killed at that time, I am afraid that the line that the Party had painstakingly built up within the Kuomintang for many years would have been interrupted, and it would have been difficult for him to survive this period of crisis.

Although the crisis has passed, Van Giman is faced with a new problem of where to go. For both the enemy and the enemy, he has become a wanted "important criminal". And the party organization urgently needed him to continue to fight behind enemy lines.

At this moment, Fan Jiman had an idea and decided to hide back in Shanghai under the pseudonym "Yang Yuan" and secretly control the party's intelligence operations. In the Shanghai Concession, he acted as a newspaper reporter, and at the same time, he secretly cooperated with the underground party's actions.

"Double agent" Fan Jiman: Mao Renfeng ordered to prepare for execution, but he miraculously escaped from prison on the same day

It is precisely by virtue of the courage and wisdom of this master of art that Fan Jiman not only escaped the life-and-death hurdle on the revolutionary road, but also continued to make contributions to the party's cause. This series of thrilling experiences can be called a legend of life.

Ordered to secretly control the intelligence line

After Fan Jiman successfully escaped, the Party Central Committee immediately transferred him to Shanghai to take up the important post of intelligence liaison and transportation director. In this city full of changes, he continued to fight silently on the party's intelligence front.

"Double agent" Fan Jiman: Mao Renfeng ordered to prepare for execution, but he miraculously escaped from prison on the same day

In August 1945, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China called for the development of a patriotic and democratic movement in areas behind enemy lines, and Fan Jiman was appointed to coordinate the propaganda and mobilization work in the whole city and expand the party's mass base. He used his identity as a "reporter of Yang Yuan" to widely mobilize people from all walks of life to respond to the call.

At the same time, he also planned a series of impressive propaganda activities, such as publishing publications, holding lectures, organizing demonstrations, etc., to widely publicize the demand for democracy and freedom, and set off an upsurge among the citizens. Under his command, the intelligence agents also forged a number of Kuomintang documents and forged official orders to disband a number of reactionary organizations, thus greatly enhancing the fighting spirit of the masses.

After the mutiny of the Chongqing military command in 1946, Fan Jiman decisively carried out the orders of his superiors and went to Chongqing to survey the hidden routes, and soon transferred to the head of the Beiping Liaison Station. After more than a year, he traveled to Shanghai, Beiping, Tianjin and other places, and made great efforts to maintain the intelligence line and transport confidential documents.

"Double agent" Fan Jiman: Mao Renfeng ordered to prepare for execution, but he miraculously escaped from prison on the same day

Since 1948, the civil war has broken out, and the Kuomintang army has been losing and retreating. Shanghai was plunged into chaos and became the focus of fierce contention between the two sides. Fan Jiman was responsible for protecting the underground party members from escaping Shanghai, and at the same time was responsible for collecting sensitive military intelligence such as urban deployment, and constantly reported the battle situation to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, which played a key role in the victory of Shanghai.

At the same time, he also liaised with the local birthplace of the workers' movement and guided the development and growth of the workers' movement organization. With his support and guidance, workers in many factories in Shanghai responded to the call for strikes, and their morale was unprecedentedly high.

In May 1949, Shanghai was recovered, and Fan Jiman ushered in the curtain call of his intelligence career for more than ten years. After countless lives and deaths, his deeds are recorded in history. From then on, he will continue to contribute to the nascent people's power as a senior cadre within the party.

"Double agent" Fan Jiman: Mao Renfeng ordered to prepare for execution, but he miraculously escaped from prison on the same day

In that year, he was promoted to the president of the Party School of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, which was specifically responsible for carrying out the rectification movement and training cadres. A few years later, he became the head of the United Front Work Department of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, in charge of united front affairs.

Until 1964, he became the secretary of the party group of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, and still insisted on working for the party's cause until the last moment of his life. In August 1979, at the age of 73, Van Giman passed away.

From a nobody to an important commander on the intelligence front, Fan Jiman has forged a legend with his revolutionary career. He has endured hardships and dangers, lurked behind enemy lines for more than ten years, suffered torture many times but remained loyal and unyielding, and even dared to escape miraculously at critical moments. Moreover, in terms of organization, he has always had the courage to shoulder heavy burdens, give full play to his language talent, constantly instigate secret operations, and contribute his life's work to seizing intelligence and maintaining the struggle. This legendary experience of "two-sided agents" shows the unremitting revolutionary will and tenacious fighting spirit of an underground communist fighter.