
Buying a house now, is it "smart" or "stupid"? People who know pedestrians say it clearly

author:Ding Ding said Finance

Buying a house is a major event in life. It is not only related to the environment we live in, but also closely related to asset allocation and family happiness.

In the face of the current complex real estate market, people have completely different views on the question of "whether you should buy a house now".

Some people firmly believe that "only when there is a house can there be a home", and regard buying a house as the top priority in life, and they are eager to give everything they have; There are also people who are shy away from high housing prices and are worried about becoming "house slaves" with heavy mortgages.

The controversy reflects the complexity of buying a house.

So, from a rational point of view, should you buy a house now? Is buying a house a "smart" or "stupid" choice?

Buying a house now, is it "smart" or "stupid"? People who know pedestrians say it clearly

First, the "smart" part of buying a house

For many people, buying a home is not only about having a stable home, but also about being an important investment.

From an asset allocation perspective, a house is often seen as a relatively stable option.

While house prices may fluctuate in the short term, property values tend to trend upwards in the long term.

In first-tier cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, for example, housing prices have risen dramatically over the past two decades. A house that was bought back then may now be worth several times.

Even in second- and third-tier cities, there is room for real estate appreciation to be underestimated.

For ordinary families, buying a house is a financial channel for "money to make money".

In addition to economic considerations, it is self-evident that buying a house improves the quality of life.

Buying a house now, is it "smart" or "stupid"? People who know pedestrians say it clearly

With our own home, we have a stable place to live and no longer have to worry about rent going up or landlords pushing us out.

In their own space, families can decorate and decorate to create a warm and comfortable atmosphere and enhance their sense of well-being.

In addition, in some cities, buying a house can also enjoy relevant preferential policies, such as the convenience of hukou migration, children's schooling, etc. In the long run, these offers will also make the return on buying a home more impressive.

Of course, buying a home doesn't happen overnight. It requires us to have sufficient economic strength to support it.

2. Be cautious when buying a house, and don't blindly follow it

While there are many benefits to buying a home, we also need to be aware of the risks and challenges.

Buying a home means a lot of financial pressure. Hundreds of thousands, millions of housing payments are a heavy burden for ordinary families.

Buying a house now, is it "smart" or "stupid"? People who know pedestrians say it clearly

We need to fully assess our financial situation, including income, savings, debts, etc., to see if we can afford the monthly mortgage.

For example, buying a house is like a marathon, we need to prepare in advance, do what we can, and not just try to be impulsive and enthusiastic.

Otherwise, once there is a change in the economic situation, such as unemployment, reduced income, etc., the high mortgage may become a mountain that weighs on us, affecting the quality of life.

Second, there is uncertainty in the real estate market itself. While property values rise overall over the long term, the market also experiences volatility and corrections.

Buying a house now, is it "smart" or "stupid"? People who know pedestrians say it clearly

Some cities may introduce regulatory policies such as purchase restrictions and loan restrictions, which will affect the decision-making of home buyers.

In some areas, due to factors such as planning adjustments and lagging supporting facilities, housing price growth may be less than expected.

Blindly following the trend to buy a house will inevitably face certain investment risks.

In addition, we need to beware of the negative effects of "buying anxiety". When some people see their friends buying houses one after another, they will have huge psychological pressure and worry that they will "fall behind".

In this mindset, they may rush to make decisions, ignore the constraints of objective conditions, and end up in financial trouble.


Buying a house is a big decision that needs to be looked at rationally. Instead of blindly following the voice of the outside world, it is better to weigh the pros and cons and make a wise choice according to your actual situation, such as income level, housing needs, future planning, etc.

Buying a house now, is it "smart" or "stupid"? People who know pedestrians say it clearly

Buying a home is a complex decision, and there is no one-size-fits-all answer.

It requires us to weigh the pros and cons and make a wise choice on the basis of rational analysis and in combination with our own actual situation.

Buying a home is undoubtedly a smart move for those who have a solid financial foundation and long-term living needs.

It not only satisfies our yearning for a better life, but also is a long-term investment with great potential.

But for those with limited financial means and no clear plans for the future, buying a home may not be a priority, and acting rashly can be a heavy burden.

Whether we end up choosing to buy a house or postpone our home purchase plans, the most important thing is to face the present calmly and enjoy the beauty of life. The house is important, but it is only a vehicle for our pursuit of happiness.