
The precipitous aging of college students: from the high-spirited before graduation to the bright-eyed cow and horse

author:Ding Ding said Finance

Xiao Ming and Xiao Hong, lovers in college, walked out of campus together in high spirits.

Just a year later, when they met again, they were surprised to find that they had aged much more overnight.

What's going on? It turns out that this is the phenomenon of "cliff-like aging" that many college graduates face.

From high-spirited students to "social animals" with dull eyes, what happened here?

The precipitous aging of college students: from the high-spirited before graduation to the bright-eyed cow and horse

1. Physical changes after graduation

The college students who used to be vigorous on campus began to "decline quickly" once they entered the workplace.

Irregular schedules are one of the main culprits.

At school, Xiao Ming and Xiao Hong still enjoy free time, but after work, they often have to stay up late and work overtime, and they rarely have a break on weekends.

Long-term lack of sleep makes their skin lose its luster and dark circles become heavier and heavier.

Sedentary work is even worse. More than 8 hours of desk work put a lot of stress on their spine, muscles and bones.

Xiao Ming gradually hunched over, and Xiao Hong's back hurt.

Studies have shown that sitting for long periods of time not only leads to obesity, but also increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, etc.

The precipitous aging of college students: from the high-spirited before graduation to the bright-eyed cow and horse

Another factor that accelerates aging is endocrine disorders caused by work stress.

Xiaohong's foreign company is highly competitive, and she is in a state of high tension every day.

The excessive adrenaline production caused her blood pressure to soar and her skin problems.

Xiao Ming's hairline is receding day by day, and he suspects that his body secretes too much cortisol because of frequent overtime.

Lin Wei (pseudonym), a university graduate working in the IT industry, was deeply touched.

"When I first started working, I used to stay up all night writing code. In less than a year, I went from a sunny and handsome young man to a middle-aged uncle. "

Lin Wei's experience is by no means unique, but it has sounded the alarm for the majority of graduates.

But physical changes are only the appearance, what really makes people age is psychological changes.

The precipitous aging of college students: from the high-spirited before graduation to the bright-eyed cow and horse

2. Psychological changes after graduation

From a carefree student to a newcomer in the workplace with heavy responsibilities, the change of roles has brought a huge psychological impact.

When Xiao Ming first joined the company, he often felt anxious because he couldn't adapt to the pace of work.

He had to learn new skills quickly while being under pressure from leaders and clients.

This long-term state of psychological tension made him feel as if he had aged ten years overnight.

Interpersonal relationships in the workplace are also a challenge.

Xiaohong always feels out of place among her colleagues, and she is often excluded because she is not good at words.

Even a small office politics was enough to make her feel stressed.

According to a survey of newcomers to the workplace, more than half of respondents cited relationships as the biggest pain point at work.

The precipitous aging of college students: from the high-spirited before graduation to the bright-eyed cow and horse

When there is a gap between the ideal and the reality, a sense of confusion and loss will follow.

Xiao Ming once dreamed of making a career in a large company, but the repetitive work content and limited promotion space made him gradually lose his fighting spirit.

Xiaohong, on the other hand, was doubted about her career choice by the unreasonable demands of her clients and the reproaches of her leaders.

If these complex emotions are not addressed in time, they can seriously affect physical and mental health.

27-year-old Zhang Hua works in an advertising agency, and the huge pressure makes him overeat, drink and smoke, and in less than two years he has gone from a sunny boy to a greasy middle-aged.

It wasn't until the psychological counseling arranged by the company that Zhang Hua regained his confidence and lived his own life.

Scientific research has also confirmed that mental state is closely related to physical aging.

The precipitous aging of college students: from the high-spirited before graduation to the bright-eyed cow and horse

An 80-year study from Harvard University has shown that maintaining an optimistic and positive mindset can significantly slow down aging and reduce the risk of heart disease and memory loss.

On the contrary, negative emotions such as depression and anxiety can accelerate the aging process and even shorten the life expectancy.


After graduating from university, young people are facing tremendous changes and challenges both physically and psychologically, and "cliff aging" also comes from this. But aging is not irreversible, the key is whether we can recognize the problem early and learn to self-regulate and manage stress. The road to the workplace is long, and only by facing it with a positive and optimistic attitude can we last for a long time and maintain our youthful vitality.