
In order to add congestion to players, how hard does PUBG fight? It seems that the enhancement is all about making trouble for the player

author:Explosive gifts

Ever since PUBG started to get nostalgic, I understand that Blue Hole finally understands what PUBG players really want? It's a pity that the blue hole reaction seems to have come too late, those chicken-eating players back then, most of them have run almost now, and there are not many players who can stay, and now I look back to win over the old players, and it is estimated that how many old players will buy it? I'm afraid that these players have long been dissuaded by the blue hole.

In order to add congestion to players, how hard does PUBG fight? It seems that the enhancement is all about making trouble for the player

Blue Hole over the years in order to add blockage to the chicken players,Most of them don't have good intentions.,Take the weapons and props we're most familiar with.,In the eyes of the Blue Hole,There's never been anything to strengthen,The weakening of various weapons and equipment,There's never been anything good for the player beforehand.,Take my favorite bazooka as an example.,Once Britney.,Now it's not even Mrs. Niu.,Since the addition of the cutting gun animation,The rapid response of this weapon has been cut.,It's really reduced to a scrap iron weapon.。

In order to add congestion to players, how hard does PUBG fight? It seems that the enhancement is all about making trouble for the player

Do you think weakening weapons is the biggest trick in the Blue Hole? That's not necessarily.,That's the player's limit.,The biggest problem with eating chicken is that they don't just weaken weapons.,But also like all kinds of demons.,The most typical,It's definitely the plug-in problem of eating chicken.,What is the way to solve the plug-in of the blue hole? It is to let more plug-ins come in, make the game free, directly treat players as leeks, greatly reduce the cost of plug-ins, and make plug-ins become unscrupulous, how to play this?

In order to add congestion to players, how hard does PUBG fight? It seems that the enhancement is all about making trouble for the player

Later, seeing that many games next door started to get a pass, looking at this wave of operations that looked very rich, I hurriedly began to engage in this set of models in the chicken eating, this way of cutting leeks for the second time, did achieve particularly good results, so that the blue hole has a continuous and stable cash flow, but what is the price? PUBG has changed from a chicken game to a miracle warmth, with all kinds of bells and whistles skin, making PUBG a colorful game battlefield.

In order to add congestion to players, how hard does PUBG fight? It seems that the enhancement is all about making trouble for the player

Miracle Nuan Nuan is to make money, so it's understandable, after all, making money is not cold, but PUBG is turning back history, so what's going on? I always feel that if I move the classic Erangel back, the player will follow back, but as everyone knows, this is the player who entered the pit after the sacrifice, and the players who entered the pit after the pit are not very interested in the original Erangel, and even those players who have been playing have become familiar with the current Erangel, and changing back is tantamount to adding blockage to these players.

In order to add congestion to players, how hard does PUBG fight? It seems that the enhancement is all about making trouble for the player

In the end, the most difficult thing for players to accept,That must be the man-machine of eating chicken,Many people play chicken is nothing more than a happy fierce shootout,But later,There are fewer and fewer players,Matching has become a problem,So,Blue Hole hurriedly increased man-machine,Hoping to improve the speed of the player's start,But in doing so,It seems that it greatly reduces the player's sense of experience,Let the game atmosphere of eating chicken become a little boring,The sense of experience will not be as cool as before。