
The historical Popeye, originally a supporting role in the makeshift appearance, became the birth of Popeye, the king of goods, about Popeye and his author's misunderstanding of Popeye

author:Read the past and the present

Mini burgers can be put into cans, an impression that comes from a very early cartoon, Popeye, but unfortunately I have never seen such a food until now. Spinach is still very common, although the taste has not been very good, and it is not bottled, but it is still very delicious due to the influence of cartoons. And there was a flurry of rumors that spinach can replenish iron, but it was eventually debunked.

The historical Popeye, originally a supporting role in the makeshift appearance, became the birth of Popeye, the king of goods, about Popeye and his author's misunderstanding of Popeye

The Popeye we know as the American cartoon of the 1960s was introduced to us in the 80s, but the history of Popeye is much earlier than that. Previously, it existed in the form of animated short stories, but at the earliest it was manga serialized in major newspapers, as if the classic and famous manga were all derived from manga. Today, I will talk about the history of Popeye and see our misunderstanding of him.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > misconceptions about Popeye and his authors</h1>

Before checking the information, I saw a very interesting situation, many people are lamenting the death of popeye's author, his name is Modilo, and the protagonist color setting is also his neighbors and neighbors. After a sigh, he hung up his birth year: "He was born in 1894 and became famous for creating Popeye." This is a complete fabrication, writing that these people do not even know who the author of Popeye is, Modilo is the creator of Popeye, and he also died last year. But he was born in 1932, and he was only one of Popeye's animators, and his participation time was relatively short, and he has been developing in Europe since 1963 and has achieved great success. Somehow, he was regarded as the author of Popeye.

The historical Popeye, originally a supporting role in the makeshift appearance, became the birth of Popeye, the king of goods, about Popeye and his author's misunderstanding of Popeye

The real author of this IP is Seeger, which can also be said to be the first author, his full name is "Elzi Chrysler Seeger", born in 1894 in a small town near the Mississippi River in the United States, at the age of 18, he taught himself to become a cartoonist, and died in 1938, the cause of death was leukemia and liver disease. But this person, who only lived for 43 years, still successfully created "Wave Pai". After his death, the comic was not discontinued, but was taken over by Tom Sims and Bella Zaduri for a while, and then during the 1994 suspension, Popeye's authors changed three more people. It is these people working together, coupled with the makers of the animation, that Popeye has become an immortal classic image in our hearts.

The historical Popeye, originally a supporting role in the makeshift appearance, became the birth of Popeye, the king of goods, about Popeye and his author's misunderstanding of Popeye

As mentioned earlier, Popeye originated from the author's hometown, which is true, but it is also Sieg's hometown, called "Frank", the profession is not verifiable, but he does have a strong physique, likes to smoke a pipe, and prefers to fight with others. He never married in his lifetime, and after his death, the tombstone was engraved with the image of Popeye, which can be regarded as a memorial to him. It is worth mentioning that people often talk about the fact that Popeye is actually a one-eyed person, and the reason for this is because Frank's picture is like one eye missing, and the image of Popeye is one eye closed. There is little direct evidence for this claim, and frank's old photographs may be due to light, and Popeye's frequent closure of one eye may also be intended to reflect the character. The main thing is that in the animation he also opens that eye from time to time.

< h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > the birth of Popeye</h1>

Popeye was not originally the protagonist, but a supporting character, and made an improvised appearance. In 1919, Seeger created a series of small comics for a sports magazine, which gradually began to attract attention. In December of the same year, he was discovered by the head of a newspaper in the United States and recruited him as an employee who worked for comic strips in the newspaper. Since then, Seeger has been working on Thimble Theatre, which can be translated as "Thimble Theatre", with the protagonist Hamm Grevi, whose plot is not coherent and is basically a collection of short stories. At the same time, Seeger's comic was also popular with the public at that time.

The historical Popeye, originally a supporting role in the makeshift appearance, became the birth of Popeye, the king of goods, about Popeye and his author's misunderstanding of Popeye

When the comic was updated to 1929, the plot set Hamm Gravey needed to go to an island, provided he had to find a sailor with a boat. On the dock, he saw a middle-aged man who had nothing to do, and he looked very angry, so he went up to ask if he was a sailor, but the man replied, "Do you think I'm a cowboy?" ”。 It is this sentence that makes the dragon set begin the journey of stealing the scene, and in this episode Popeye and the protagonist Gregy go through the adventure together, after which he should have quit the comic permanently, but because of the reader's feedback, it did not take long for Popeye to return. Seeger also discovered this phenomenon and began to consciously or unconsciously increase the role of this new character.

The historical Popeye, originally a supporting role in the makeshift appearance, became the birth of Popeye, the king of goods, about Popeye and his author's misunderstanding of Popeye

In the ensuing plot, Popeye gradually begins to take over the original protagonist's place, and even Grevie's girlfriend Oliver becomes Popeye's partner, but is not initially a girlfriend. At this time, Grevi became a dragon runner, only occasionally appearing, and finally the author Seeger arranged for him to buy a farm in the American West, which was an official withdrawal. Since then, the protagonist of the comic series has become Popeye, but it is worth noting that the name of the comic is still "Thimble Theatre", and the IP of "Popeye" only appeared many years after Seeger's death. By the way, Popai and Oliver didn't have children, the little baby was adopted by Pope, and his earliest image setting not only smoked a pipe, he also smoked a cigar, and he didn't like spinach.

The historical Popeye, originally a supporting role in the makeshift appearance, became the birth of Popeye, the king of goods, about Popeye and his author's misunderstanding of Popeye

After Seeger's death, other artists continued to take over his work, and this image has become a popular figure, even popular throughout the Western world, and a series of his derivatives have also appeared, such as animated films. The manga was first animated in 1933, and the setting for eating spinach began at this time, because the sponsors sold canned spinach. In the late 1950s, Popeye reached the pinnacle of his career, and the television industry began to collaborate to launch a TV version of Popeye. This is the one we often see later, and spinach has become more popular.

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > concluding remarks</h1>

Spinach is not our native crop, and the reason for the name is simple, because it is native to Persia, and it turns out that it does not contain high iron. But presumably, everyone who has watched this cartoon must have eaten a lot of spinach when they were young, and their parents often used Popeye as a cover to deal with those who did not like to eat spinach. In 1999, Popeye ended his journey and is one of the longest-lived classic figures.

The historical Popeye, originally a supporting role in the makeshift appearance, became the birth of Popeye, the king of goods, about Popeye and his author's misunderstanding of Popeye

References "Saturday Morning: Cartoons' Greatest Hits", "Popeye the Sailor Man", "Popeye Official Website Homepage"

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