
The 51-year-old eldest sister insists on eating apples to prevent arteriosclerosis, how is her body now? Let's take a look

author:Lao Ge Health Talk

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"You've been losing your appetite lately, and it may have something to do with your eating habits." The doctor reviewed the medical records and made a preliminary judgment to the patient sitting across from him.

The patient's name was Sheng Lianfen, a 51-year-old woman who worked as a librarian.

The 51-year-old eldest sister insists on eating apples to prevent arteriosclerosis, how is her body now? Let's take a look

When Sheng Lianfen heard this, her brows tightened. She does feel that the amount of food she has eaten is not as good as before, and she often feels that she has no appetite and cannot eat.

When she first heard the doctor say this, she was both surprised and a little worried.

Her daily meals can be described as carefully matched, and her three meals a day are indispensable for fruits and vegetables, especially apples, and she insists on eating at least one a day.

The 51-year-old eldest sister insists on eating apples to prevent arteriosclerosis, how is her body now? Let's take a look

"Apples are good, but eating apples isn't enough." The doctor continued, "We need to do a full physical exam to see if there are other causes of the loss of appetite. ”

In the following physical examination, some data indicators of Sheng Lianfen attracted the attention of doctors.

Although her weight and blood pressure were in the normal range, blood tests showed that her cholesterol levels were high, which is a special concern for women her age.

The 51-year-old eldest sister insists on eating apples to prevent arteriosclerosis, how is her body now? Let's take a look

"Actually, this situation of yours is not uncommon in medicine." The doctor said, and he began to explain what he had to say about cholesterol.

Cholesterol is an essential substance in the body, but high cholesterol levels can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, especially arteriosclerosis.

Although Sheng Lianfen insists on eating apples, the natural fiber and antioxidants in apples do help regulate cholesterol levels, but eating apples alone is not enough to combat the problems caused by cholesterol accumulation.

The 51-year-old eldest sister insists on eating apples to prevent arteriosclerosis, how is her body now? Let's take a look

The doctor further elaborated on a unique point: although it is often thought that eating apples will "keep the doctor away", in reality, a single food choice is not enough to prevent arteriosclerosis.

This requires a more comprehensive diet and lifestyle changes.

In addition, doctors cite statistics showing that even people who consume high-fiber foods daily still have a relatively high risk of cardiovascular disease if they do not pay attention to their overall dietary balance.

The 51-year-old eldest sister insists on eating apples to prevent arteriosclerosis, how is her body now? Let's take a look

According to research, the formation of arteriosclerosis is related to a variety of factors, including genetics, diet, lifestyle, etc.

When dealing with cholesterol, doctors recommend that in addition to eating fiber-rich foods such as apples, you should also increase your intake of vegetables, reduce your intake of saturated and trans fats, and increase your physical activity.

During the long conversation, the doctor also mentioned several other examples of patients. A middle-aged male patient had high cholesterol levels due to a high-fat diet, despite running every day.

The 51-year-old eldest sister insists on eating apples to prevent arteriosclerosis, how is her body now? Let's take a look

These practical examples left a deep impression on Sheng Lianfen and made her realize the seriousness of the problem and the complexity of dealing with health issues.

As the conversation deepened, Sheng Lianfen began to understand that although the idea of eating apples alone to prevent arteriosclerosis was popular, it had limited effect in practice.

She decided to replan her eating habits, increase physical activity, and focus more on her overall health.

The 51-year-old eldest sister insists on eating apples to prevent arteriosclerosis, how is her body now? Let's take a look

Finally, the doctor asked a thought-provoking question: "If apples and other health foods have limited effects, how can we be more effective in preventing cardiovascular disease?" ”

Here, we can't help but analyze that although adherence to a healthy diet plays an important role in the prevention of cardiovascular disease, it must be a comprehensive diet management and a comprehensive adjustment of lifestyle.

In fact, an effective prevention approach should be a multifaceted and comprehensive strategy that includes a reasonable diet, regular exercise, appropriate medical monitoring, and mental health management.

The 51-year-old eldest sister insists on eating apples to prevent arteriosclerosis, how is her body now? Let's take a look

This holistic approach may be a more effective way to combat cardiovascular disease, especially arteriosclerosis.

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The 51-year-old eldest sister insists on eating apples to prevent arteriosclerosis, how is her body now? Let's take a look

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