
A plate of small fried bracken to get the whole family into the hospital? The doctor sighed: There are still many people who don't eat right

author:Lao Ge Health Talk

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"You're having a relapse of an old stomach problem, but how did you get such a severe food poisoning symptom this time?"

At a newly opened rehabilitation center, the doctor anxiously reviewed the examination report and said to Qin Ying, a patient sitting opposite.

A plate of small fried bracken to get the whole family into the hospital? The doctor sighed: There are still many people who don't eat right

Qin Ying, a freelance designer, usually works under pressure and often stays up late.

Since the opening of the rehabilitation center downstairs, she has often experienced various conditioning services, hoping to relieve her physical fatigue.

However, this time, her health problem was not simply exhaustion, but because the whole family had symptoms of food poisoning to varying degrees after a family dinner.

A plate of small fried bracken to get the whole family into the hospital? The doctor sighed: There are still many people who don't eat right

That night, Qin Ying decided to cook a "healthy" dinner for her family, and she chose fresh bracken bought at the market as her main course.

Bracken looks fresh, but it hides the danger of food poisoning. After dinner, Qin Ying and her family felt unwell one after another, and severe abdominal pain and vomiting caused the whole family to panic.

The results of the hospital examination showed that their symptoms were related to the accidental ingestion of wild bracken that had not been properly handled.

A plate of small fried bracken to get the whole family into the hospital? The doctor sighed: There are still many people who don't eat right

In traditional Chinese medicine and modern medicine, bracken can contain toxins such as fern acid that can cause food poisoning and even require hospitalization in severe cases if it is not cooked adequately or is used incorrectly.

"In fact, most of the bracken sold in the market is artificially cultivated, which is relatively safe. But if it's wild, especially if it's picked yourself, it's likely that poisonous ferns will be collected. ”

In his explanation, the doctor said that he had seen many similar cases, usually because people did not know enough about bracken.

A plate of small fried bracken to get the whole family into the hospital? The doctor sighed: There are still many people who don't eat right

The doctor further explained that the fern acid in wild bracken is mainly a bicyclic triterpenoid, a substance that, when left untreated or not boiled enough, can easily cause food poisoning.

In fact, according to a recent study, there are hundreds of cases of food poisoning caused by eating wild bracken each year.

Data shows that within 24 hours of consumption, about 70% of people will experience symptoms of poisoning.

A plate of small fried bracken to get the whole family into the hospital? The doctor sighed: There are still many people who don't eat right

In addition, the seasoning used by Qin Ying in family dinners may also be the problem.

Many times, people use a lot of condiments in order to pursue the taste when cooking, which not only masks the taste of the ingredients themselves, but also may react with certain ingredients in the ingredients, increasing the risk of food poisoning.

Some of the spices used to cook bracken, such as soy sauce and sesame oil, contain trace amounts of plant toxins, which, when combined with fern acid, may have adverse effects.

A plate of small fried bracken to get the whole family into the hospital? The doctor sighed: There are still many people who don't eat right

At the rehabilitation center, the doctor prescribed some medication to Qin Ying and advised her to be more careful in choosing ingredients and cooking methods in the future.

In order to ensure the safety of the family's diet, the doctor emphasized the importance of food sources and suggested that Qin Ying learn some basic food safety knowledge.

As Qin Ying slowly recovered, she began to pay more attention to food safety and healthy eating.

A plate of small fried bracken to get the whole family into the hospital? The doctor sighed: There are still many people who don't eat right

She realised that as a designer, she could use her expertise to design some promotional materials to raise public awareness of food safety.

In this food poisoning incident, one question that deserves in-depth discussion is: "How can we effectively identify and prevent potential health risks in wild ingredients in modern food culture?" ”

This issue is not only about personal health, but also about the broader topic of public health safety.

A plate of small fried bracken to get the whole family into the hospital? The doctor sighed: There are still many people who don't eat right

In answering this question, we need to consider all aspects of food collection, handling, and cooking to ensure that every step of the way, from source to table, meets food safety standards.

In addition, it is equally important to raise public awareness of food safety, which requires the joint efforts of the government, social organizations and the media to achieve this goal through education and awareness-raising.

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A plate of small fried bracken to get the whole family into the hospital? The doctor sighed: There are still many people who don't eat right