
The 63-year-old uncle insisted on swimming every day for decades, and went to the hospital to check his physical condition?

author:Old prescription medical miscellaneous

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In a well-known hospital, 63-year-old Uncle Wang is sitting in a spacious and bright examination room.

Waiting for his doctor to do a comprehensive medical examination for him. Uncle Wang is a retired librarian, although he has been retired for many years, he has never given up his pursuit of knowledge, and often uses his spare time to swim and read various books by the pool. He has been swimming for more than ten years, regardless of the scorching heat and cold.

The 63-year-old uncle insisted on swimming every day for decades, and went to the hospital to check his physical condition?

The doctor walked into the consultation room, looked at Uncle Wang with a smile, and then said, "Uncle Wang, I heard that you have been swimming for many years, which is very good for your heart, lungs and muscles. The doctor went on to explain in detail the positive effects of swimming on various organs of the body.

First of all, swimming is an excellent cardiovascular exercise. When a person swims in the water, blood circulation throughout the body increases, and the heart needs to work harder to pump blood throughout the body. People who swim for a long time usually have a healthier heart than people who don't exercise regularly.

The 63-year-old uncle insisted on swimming every day for decades, and went to the hospital to check his physical condition?

Next, the doctor mentioned the benefits of swimming for the lungs. When swimming, breathing must be regular and rhythmic, which not only increases the ventilation of the lungs, but also enhances the function of the lungs.

Exercising all year round can significantly increase lung capacity and reduce the occurrence of respiratory diseases. People who swim regularly have more than 20% higher lung function than the average person.

The 63-year-old uncle insisted on swimming every day for decades, and went to the hospital to check his physical condition?

The doctor talked about the effect of swimming on the muscles. Swimming involves the use of multiple muscle groups in the body, especially the core muscles.

This full-body exercise not only improves muscle strength and endurance, but also helps reduce body fat content. People who swim regularly usually have a lower body fat percentage than people who don't do any form of exercise.

The 63-year-old uncle insisted on swimming every day for decades, and went to the hospital to check his physical condition?

But Uncle Wang's focus today isn't entirely on the conventional benefits of swimming. He was particularly curious about why he could feel such a huge change in his body after swimming for so many years, especially in his digestive system.

The doctor was intrigued and began to explain: "It's a very unique point of view, but in fact, the effects of swimming on the digestive system are real and positive. ”

The 63-year-old uncle insisted on swimming every day for decades, and went to the hospital to check his physical condition?

When swimming, the buoyancy of the water can reduce the pressure around the intestines, while changes in body position and the temperature of the water during swimming can both stimulate intestinal peristalsis, helping to improve digestion efficiency and reduce constipation.

In fact, while swimming may seem like it has little to do with the digestive system, it does help improve the health of the digestive system in indirect ways.

The 63-year-old uncle insisted on swimming every day for decades, and went to the hospital to check his physical condition?

Uncle Wang listened to this explanation to the doctor, and Uncle Wang not only felt novel, but also a little surprised. He couldn't help but ask, "Then do you think that my insistence on swimming for so many years may have caused some special changes in my digestive system?" ”

The doctor nodded and said, "Indeed, long-term swimming not only improves your cardiopulmonary function and muscle mass, but also has a great impact on your digestive system.

The 63-year-old uncle insisted on swimming every day for decades, and went to the hospital to check his physical condition?

You may not have noticed that swimming increases your body's metabolic rate while also increasing blood circulation in the gastrointestinal tract. This means that your gastrointestinal tract is also more efficient at absorbing nutrients, which can lead to a higher level of overall health. ”

The doctor adds, "Also, swimming regulates your neuroendocrine system, which regulates stomach acid secretion and insulin sensitivity to some extent."

The 63-year-old uncle insisted on swimming every day for decades, and went to the hospital to check his physical condition?

That's why you feel your appetite increase after swimming, but at the same time your body is well managed. This regulation of gastric acid and insulin sensitivity is important in preventing the occurrence of conditions such as diabetes and gastroesophageal reflux. ”

Uncle Wang was deeply grateful for the doctor's explanation, but he had one last question: "So how should I adjust my eating habits to match my swimming workouts and further optimize my digestive health?" ”

The 63-year-old uncle insisted on swimming every day for decades, and went to the hospital to check his physical condition?

The doctor smiled and replied, "I suggest that you increase the amount of high-fiber foods in your diet, such as whole grains, fresh fruits, and vegetables. Not only can these foods help improve gut health, but they also provide long-lasting energy to support your swimming workouts. ”

What do you think about swimming? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

The 63-year-old uncle insisted on swimming every day for decades, and went to the hospital to check his physical condition?

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