
Is there any cancer, do you know when you walk? Doctor's reminder: If there are 4 abnormalities, or cancer will come to the door

author:Dr. Zhang's health talks

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Zhao Dahai's daily work is to deal with all kinds of accounts, and today is his weekly rest day.

Zhao Dahai planned to take advantage of the good weather to go out for a walk and enjoy a rare leisure, but he didn't expect that as soon as he walked, he felt heavy in his steps, as if he had lead on his ankles.

Is there any cancer, do you know when you walk? Doctor's reminder: If there are 4 abnormalities, or cancer will come to the door

As he walked longer, he found that the unusual pace was not simply explained by fatigue, and that he needed to stop and catch his breath every few steps. This went on for a few days, and he began to realize that it might not be a minor problem.

Zhao Dahai decided to go to the hospital for a check-up. After listening to Zhao Dahai's description of the abnormality in his walking, Dr. Wang reminded him with a solemn expression that if there is a specific abnormality in walking, it may be a sign of some serious disease.

Is there any cancer, do you know when you walk? Doctor's reminder: If there are 4 abnormalities, or cancer will come to the door

"Your symptoms may be related to several conditions, including cardiovascular problems, but there's another possibility, as less common as it sounds, and that's certain types of cancer."

Dr Wong explained that he mentioned that there are at least four abnormal gaits that may be associated with an underlying cancer condition. The first is a noticeable feeling of fatigue when walking, which may be related to anemia, and long-term anemia may be caused by chronic bleeding caused by visceral tumors.

Is there any cancer, do you know when you walk? Doctor's reminder: If there are 4 abnormalities, or cancer will come to the door

Instability when walking, which may be a disorder of balance control caused by a brain tumor. In addition, there is heavy footing, which is sometimes related to bone marrow disease or bone tumor. If accompanied by sudden weight loss and loss of appetite, this may be a systemic tumor reaction.

In response to Zhao Dahai's symptoms, Dr. Wang arranged examinations, including blood routine and tumor marker tests. During the few days of waiting for the results, Zhao Dahai couldn't help but imagine all kinds of possible illnesses, and his mood was extremely anxious.

Is there any cancer, do you know when you walk? Doctor's reminder: If there are 4 abnormalities, or cancer will come to the door

When the test results came back, fortunately, no obvious signs of cancer were found, but Zhao Dahai's hemoglobin levels were indeed low, which explained his fatigue and heavy steps.

Dr. Wang explained that although there was no cancer this time, Zhao Dahai should have regular medical check-ups and watch for any abnormal changes in his body.

Is there any cancer, do you know when you walk? Doctor's reminder: If there are 4 abnormalities, or cancer will come to the door

In the process of diagnosis and treatment, Zhao Dahai learned a lot about how to prevent diseases through daily observation. He learned that many serious diseases may be hinted at in their early stages through common physiological changes.

For example, an abnormality in walking is not just about physical fatigue, it may be something the body is trying to tell us about something deeper.

Is there any cancer, do you know when you walk? Doctor's reminder: If there are 4 abnormalities, or cancer will come to the door

Dr. Wang also mentioned the role of body language and gait in health diagnosis. While this is not a mainstream diagnostic method in conventional medicine, analyzing the way a person walks can reveal signs of neurodegenerative diseases such as early Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.

Through long-term observation and data accumulation, doctors can use these seemingly unrelated body language to detect and intervene in the development of diseases early.

Is there any cancer, do you know when you walk? Doctor's reminder: If there are 4 abnormalities, or cancer will come to the door

Zhao Dahai asked Dr. Wang, "If I continue to feel tired, are there any other lifestyle habits I can change to help improve this condition?" ”

"Mr. Zhao, improving the quality of your diet, increasing foods rich in iron and vitamins, and maintaining a moderate amount of exercise can help you improve your physical fitness and relieve fatigue. From the previous patients' cases, a balanced diet and a regular routine often bring unexpected improvements. ”

Is there any cancer, do you know when you walk? Doctor's reminder: If there are 4 abnormalities, or cancer will come to the door

Zhao Dahai began to adjust his lifestyle habits according to Dr. Wang's advice, and he tried to change his diet and increase exercise to improve his physical fitness and improve his physical fitness.

He began to eat more leafy greens and iron-rich foods, and insisted on walking or light running every day. After a few weeks, he noticed that his physical strength had improved, but he still occasionally felt a bout of fatigue for no apparent reason.

Is there any cancer, do you know when you walk? Doctor's reminder: If there are 4 abnormalities, or cancer will come to the door

Zhao Dahai returned to the hospital and said to Dr. Wang: "Dr. Wang, I have adjusted my diet and exercise habits according to your advice, and although I feel better, I still feel inexplicably tired occasionally. Do you think there are any other factors besides diet and exercise that might affect my recovery? ”

Dr. Wang replied, "Mr. Zhao, your condition may also be affected by the quality of your sleep. Deep sleep can significantly increase the rate of hemoglobin synthesis, which is a direct help in alleviating anemia and fatigue. ”

Is there any cancer, do you know when you walk? Doctor's reminder: If there are 4 abnormalities, or cancer will come to the door

Dr. Wang then advised Zhao Dahai to pay attention to his sleep patterns, avoid excessive caffeine and sugar at night, and try to do light relaxation activities before bedtime, such as reading or meditation, to promote the quality of sleep.

"You can try to keep track of how much sleep you get each night and see if it improves." Zhao Dahai, who has never directly linked sleep to his fatigue, has decided to pay more attention to the management of sleep quality.

Is there any cancer, do you know when you walk? Doctor's reminder: If there are 4 abnormalities, or cancer will come to the door

He pledged to implement the recommendations carefully with a view to improving his overall health.

What do you think about whether there is cancer or not? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Is there any cancer, do you know when you walk? Doctor's reminder: If there are 4 abnormalities, or cancer will come to the door

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