
The 56-year-old aunt died of heart failure, and she used to practice in the morning to love health, and the doctor was sad: ignorance hurts people

author:Dr. Chua's health talks

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"Does the daily morning exercise you said really work?" This is a question that Aunt Li often faced before her death. At 56 years old, she has always been recognized as a model of health in her neighborhood.

No matter what the weather is, every morning, she walks to the park track as scheduled and starts her day with the morning breeze. However, on a seemingly ordinary morning, Aunt Li suddenly collapsed on the runway and unfortunately died of heart failure after being taken to the hospital.

The 56-year-old aunt died of heart failure, and she used to practice in the morning to love health, and the doctor was sad: ignorance hurts people

After the incident, Dr. Zhang, a cardiologist who participated in the treatment, was very saddened by the death of Aunt Li. When communicating with his family, he said helplessly: "Many people think that as long as they keep exercising, they can live a long and healthy life, but the truth is not always so simple. ”

Dr. Zhang explained that although Auntie Li appeared very healthy and had good weight control, she ignored the potential enemy of heart disease. She often does more exercise than her heart can handle, especially without a detailed heart assessment, where long-term high-intensity exercise can cause damage to the heart.

The 56-year-old aunt died of heart failure, and she used to practice in the morning to love health, and the doctor was sad: ignorance hurts people

Aunt Li's job is relatively stable, but the pressure of the teaching profession should not be underestimated, especially in the face of the dual pressure of grades and teaching quality. Long-term psychological stress combined with overload of physical exercise has created a hidden health killer.

Dr. Zhang further mentioned that the formation of heart disease does not happen overnight, but is the result of multi-factorial, long-term effects. In Aunt Li's case, in addition to excessive exercise, her eating habits may also be a source of burden on the heart. Although she is very focused on a low-fat diet, she ignores other heart-healthy components of food, such as omega-3 fatty acids.

The 56-year-old aunt died of heart failure, and she used to practice in the morning to love health, and the doctor was sad: ignorance hurts people

Such a monotonous diet can lead to an imbalance of important nutrients in the body, which can adversely affect heart health. Dr Teo emphasises that maintaining heart health is not just about exercising moderately and eating a balanced diet, but also includes regular medical check-ups.

He recounted another case, an athlete who regularly trains for marathons, and because of regular cardiac function tests, doctors detected his heart problems in time and treated them, thus avoiding possible serious consequences.

The 56-year-old aunt died of heart failure, and she used to practice in the morning to love health, and the doctor was sad: ignorance hurts people

Returning to Auntie Lee's example, Dr Teo said that if she had been regularly assessed for heart function, there might have been different results. He emphasized that the prevention and treatment of heart disease is a systematic project, which requires the joint efforts of doctors, patients and families.

Only through reasonable exercise, scientific diet, regular medical check-ups and timely medical intervention can we effectively maintain heart health. When dealing with heart disease, Dr Teo often mentions that the misconception of "healthy living" is quite common.

The 56-year-old aunt died of heart failure, and she used to practice in the morning to love health, and the doctor was sad: ignorance hurts people

He pointed out that many people think of health as simply exercising more and eating less greasy foods, while ignoring the overall adjustment of lifestyle, including stress management and emotional balance. For Aunt Li, her lifestyle is almost perfect in the eyes of outsiders, but in fact, the pressure and tension in her heart are little known.

Dr. Zhang also shared that modern people tend to rely too much on material and technological means in their pursuit of health, while neglecting mental and emotional health. He mentioned that the "heart" is not just an organ in many cultures, but also an emotional and spiritual symbol.

The 56-year-old aunt died of heart failure, and she used to practice in the morning to love health, and the doctor was sad: ignorance hurts people

Dr. Zhang emphasized the importance of early education in his communication with Auntie Li's family. He believes that educating children from an early age to understand and pay attention to their bodies, especially heart health, is the key to preventing potential heart disease in the future.

This education should include not only healthy eating and exercise, but also emotional management and stress management techniques. He believes that society should provide more popular science education about heart health to help people establish a more comprehensive and scientific concept of health.

The 56-year-old aunt died of heart failure, and she used to practice in the morning to love health, and the doctor was sad: ignorance hurts people

Dr Zhang also suggested that local governments should provide more first-aid facilities in public places, such as automated external defibrillators, and popularize basic cardiac emergency knowledge to improve the public's ability to cope with heart attacks.

Dr. Zhang hopes to raise awareness of their health conditions, especially those who appear to be healthy but may have hidden risks. His ideas and recommendations may lead people to re-examine their lifestyles and health strategies.

The 56-year-old aunt died of heart failure, and she used to practice in the morning to love health, and the doctor was sad: ignorance hurts people

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The 56-year-old aunt died of heart failure, and she used to practice in the morning to love health, and the doctor was sad: ignorance hurts people

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