
Is it a long lifespan, just look at the ears to know? Do people with more fleshy earlobes live longer? Listen to what the doctor has to say

author:Dr. Chua's health talks

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At a community clinic in the heart of the city, Uncle Li, a retired man, is sitting in the doctor's office. Uncle Li recently saw a discussion on TV that said that people with more fleshy earlobes live longer.

This made him feel mixed feelings, he was a little suspicious, and he was a little expectant, because there was such a small piece of meat on his earlobe. Dr. Chan has seen several similar patients who have been drawn to this claim.

Is it a long lifespan, just look at the ears to know? Do people with more fleshy earlobes live longer? Listen to what the doctor has to say

"Uncle Li, I know you may feel very strange when you hear such a statement, but about the relationship between earlobes and lifespan, it is not simply a matter of looking at the meat and the meat." Dr. Chan began to explain in detail.

Dr Chan first explained that the earlobe is actually a part that is not supported by bones and is mainly made up of skin and a small amount of fat. The size and shape of this part is determined by genetic factors, but it can also be influenced by age, weight, and even health status.

Is it a long lifespan, just look at the ears to know? Do people with more fleshy earlobes live longer? Listen to what the doctor has to say

Actually, there's one idea you may not have heard of. We know that an earlobe can reflect some health information, but not by its size, but by its texture and some special markings on it. ”

Dr Tan said. For example, some studies suggest that transverse folds on earlobes may be associated with cardiovascular disease. While this requires more medical validation and research support, it provides a whole new perspective to observe and study the relationship between the ear and health.

Is it a long lifespan, just look at the ears to know? Do people with more fleshy earlobes live longer? Listen to what the doctor has to say

Uncle Li was very interested in these explanations, and he had never realized that there were so many scientific principles hidden behind the earlobes. Dr. Chen's presentation opened up a new perspective on this body part. Dr. Chan went on to tell him about some relevant medical cases.

"Once, I met a patient who had very noticeable folds in his earlobes, and when he was examined, it was found that he did have signs of cardiovascular disease. While this is not a universal phenomenon, it is a noteworthy signal. Dr. Chan used these real-life cases to enhance his arguments.

Is it a long lifespan, just look at the ears to know? Do people with more fleshy earlobes live longer? Listen to what the doctor has to say

During the discussion, Uncle Li raised some of his other questions, such as he heard that eating certain foods can lead to longevity, or doing certain exercises can prolong life. Dr Tan patiently answered his questions one by one, emphasizing that the overall health management of the lifestyle is more important than any single factor.

"Uncle Li, in fact, people's lifespan is affected by a variety of factors, including genetic inheritance, daily habits and social environment. The earlobe is just a very small point of observation in it, and it can't decide everything. Dr Chan concluded.

Is it a long lifespan, just look at the ears to know? Do people with more fleshy earlobes live longer? Listen to what the doctor has to say

This conversation gave Uncle Li a lot of inspiration. He began to understand that health was more important than some superstitious beliefs. In talking to Dr. Chan, he learned how to look at various health messages objectively and began to think about how to implement a healthier lifestyle in his daily life.

Dr. Chan noticed the change in Uncle Lee's attitude and encouraged him further: "Actually, in addition to paying attention to the earlobe, it is more important to have regular medical check-ups, pay attention to a balanced diet and moderate exercise. These are key factors in maintaining health and prolonging life. ”

Is it a long lifespan, just look at the ears to know? Do people with more fleshy earlobes live longer? Listen to what the doctor has to say

At the end of the conversation, Dr. Chan also recommended some simple and effective daily activities such as walking, swimming and yoga to Uncle Lee, which are healthy activities for the elderly. He also stressed the importance of maintaining social activities, which not only improves quality of life, but also contributes to mental health.

"Uncle Li, your daily communication with friends and participation in community activities are all very good secrets of longevity." Dr. Chan added with a smile.

Is it a long lifespan, just look at the ears to know? Do people with more fleshy earlobes live longer? Listen to what the doctor has to say

Towards the end of the meeting, Uncle Li felt that he had benefited a lot. He thanked Dr Tan and promised to start implementing the recommendations in the hope of improving his lifestyle and moving towards a healthier age.

As Uncle Li left the clinic, Dr. Tan was very relieved. He knows that such exchanges can really help patients and get really useful health advice from oversimplified or misinterpreted medical information.

Is it a long lifespan, just look at the ears to know? Do people with more fleshy earlobes live longer? Listen to what the doctor has to say

Dr. Chan sat in his office and reflected on today's consultation. He thought that if more people like Uncle Li were willing to open their minds and actively learn and accept new knowledge, then the overall health level of society would be greatly improved.

What do you think about the relationship between the ear and lifespan? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Is it a long lifespan, just look at the ears to know? Do people with more fleshy earlobes live longer? Listen to what the doctor has to say