
Does Married Life Affect Life Expectancy? The doctor reminds: After the age of 50, the "3 don'ts" when having sex with you can rest assured

author:Dr. Liang popularized science

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"Lao Zhang, what's going on with you during this time? Why do you always feel numb and a little painful in your legs and feet? Dr. Chan frowned as he looked at the examination report in his hand.

"Doctor, I don't know, this leg and foot are not quite right lately, especially with my wife...... After that, the sensation is more pronounced. Lao Zhang sighed helplessly.

Lao Zhang, whose full name is Zhang Dahai, is an engineer in a construction company, over 50 years old, his body has always been tough, and he usually loves sports. Recently, however, he noticed that his legs and feet were numb and sometimes painful, especially after having sex with his wife. This forced him to come to the hospital for a check-up.

Does Married Life Affect Life Expectancy? The doctor reminds: After the age of 50, the "3 don'ts" when having sex with you can rest assured

Dr. Chen read the results carefully and said earnestly, "Lao Zhang, your situation may have something to do with your married life. Do you know? In fact, married life has a great impact on our physical health, especially for people like you who are about 50 years old, and we need to pay more attention to some details. ”

When Lao Zhang heard this, he was even more puzzled, "Doctor, how can my married life affect my numb legs and feet?" ”

Dr. Chan put down the report in his hand and explained, "Actually, at your age, the frequency and manner of married life has a very significant impact on the body. If you don't pay attention, it will lead to various health problems, and the numbness of your legs and feet may be caused by some bad habits when you have sex. ”

Lao Zhang frowned, "Then what should I pay attention to?" ”

"There are three important points here," Dr. Chan says seriously, "and the first one is not to be overly frequent. Excessive marital life can increase the burden on the heart, especially if you are now in your fifties, and your body functions are not as strong as when you were younger, frequent marital life may lead to blood circulation problems, which in turn can lead to numbness in your legs and feet. ”

Does Married Life Affect Life Expectancy? The doctor reminds: After the age of 50, the "3 don'ts" when having sex with you can rest assured

Lao Zhang nodded, obviously agreeing with Dr. Chen's statement, "Well, we have been a little too frequent lately. ”

"The second 'don't,'" Dr Chan continued, "don't have sex when you're physically tired. Many middle-aged and elderly people have high work pressure and fast pace of life, and having sex when they are physically tired will lead to overwork, which will not only affect the work status of the next day, but also cause long-term damage to their health. ”

Lao Zhang touched his chin, "It seems that you have to pay attention to this in the future, I have been really busy with work recently." ”

"The third 'don't'," Dr. Chen said after a pause, looking at Lao Zhang, "don't ignore foreplay and afterplay. You may think that foreplay and afterplay are optional, but they are actually very important for good health. Foreplay allows the body to relax and blood flow more smoothly, while afterplay helps the body to recover gradually and avoid sudden physiological reactions. ”

Lao Zhang was a little surprised, "It turns out that foreplay and afterplay still have such a big effect." ”

"Yes," Dr. Chan nodded, "especially for your numb legs and feet, the neglect of foreplay and afterplay may be one of the reasons." ”

Does Married Life Affect Life Expectancy? The doctor reminds: After the age of 50, the "3 don'ts" when having sex with you can rest assured

After listening to Dr. Chen's words, Lao Zhang thought about it and decided that he must adjust the frequency and method of his married life after he went back. A few months later, he came to the hospital again for a follow-up examination and found that the symptoms of numbness in his legs and feet had been significantly reduced, and his physical condition had also improved.

This experience made Lao Zhang deeply realize that husband and wife life is not only a matter between two people, but also closely related to his own physical health. He began to pay more attention to daily health maintenance, not only adjusting the frequency of his life as a couple, but also paying more attention to his diet and exercise.

In the dialogue between Lao Zhang and Dr. Chen, it can be seen that the impact of marital life on the health of middle-aged and elderly people is multifaceted. In addition to the seemingly minor problem of numbness in the legs and feet, it is actually a reflection of the overall health of the body. Through Dr. Chen's advice, Lao Zhang learned how to improve his health by adjusting the way he lived as a couple.

Not only that, studies have shown that regular marital life has a significant effect on improving immunity, relieving stress, and improving mental health. For example, a long-term study in the United States found that middle-aged and elderly people with regular married life lived an average of 5 to 10 years longer than those who did not.

The results of this study are surprising, but they are also reasonable. Married life can not only promote blood circulation and help the heart work better, but also promote the secretion of hormones in the body, enhance immune function, reduce the occurrence of inflammation, and thus prevent chronic diseases.

Does Married Life Affect Life Expectancy? The doctor reminds: After the age of 50, the "3 don'ts" when having sex with you can rest assured

In addition, a harmonious couple life can also greatly relieve stress and improve mental health. Middle-aged and elderly people usually have a lot of pressure in their lives, and various pressures from work, family, and society can easily cause anxiety and depression. Intimate interactions in a couple's life can help release stress and bring emotional satisfaction, which in turn can improve mental health.

Not only that, a regular marital life can also help maintain good work and rest habits, promote the body's metabolism, and avoid obesity and other metabolic diseases. Exercise in the couple's life can also be seen as a moderate exercise, which is very beneficial for middle-aged and elderly people.

In summary, marital life has an important impact on the health of middle-aged and elderly people. Mastering scientific and reasonable knowledge and skills of married life can not only improve the quality of life, but also prevent the occurrence of chronic diseases to a large extent. For middle-aged and elderly people, a healthy married life is one of the important ways to maintain good health.

This makes us wonder if it is possible to prevent certain chronic diseases through a specific couple's lifestyle, given that couples have such a big impact on health.

Does Married Life Affect Life Expectancy? The doctor reminds: After the age of 50, the "3 don'ts" when having sex with you can rest assured

The answer is yes. First of all, a regular and harmonious life as a couple can help reduce the risk of high blood pressure and heart disease. Married life promotes blood circulation, helps the heart work better, and reduces the incidence of high blood pressure and heart disease. Secondly, marital life can also promote the secretion of hormones in the body, enhance immune function, reduce the occurrence of inflammation, and thus prevent chronic diseases.

Not only that, but living as a couple also contributes to the improvement of mental health. A harmonious couple life can effectively relieve anxiety and depression and help people maintain a positive attitude. The improvement of mental health can also indirectly prevent the occurrence of chronic diseases. Modern medical research has shown that the occurrence of many chronic diseases is closely related to mental health, such as hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, etc. Therefore, maintaining mental health is essential to prevent these chronic diseases.

Another benefit that everyone may not know about is that married life can also make the brain more flexible. Studies have found that living as a couple causes the brain to secrete more "happy hormones", such as dopamine and endorphins.

Does Married Life Affect Life Expectancy? The doctor reminds: After the age of 50, the "3 don'ts" when having sex with you can rest assured

These hormones are like seasonings for our mood, not only to make people feel happy, but also to improve memory and even prevent Alzheimer's disease. That is to say, living as a couple not only makes you mentally happy, but also makes your brain better.

The good news is that living as a couple also boosts our immunity. Scientists have found that regular marital life can increase levels of a protein called immunoglobulin A (IgA). This protein plays an important role in the immune system and helps the body fight off various infections and diseases. To put it simply, living as a couple makes our body's defenses stronger and less susceptible to illness.

In addition, it is impossible not to mention the "intimate contact" in the life of the couple. It's not just psychological intimacy, it's actually great for our bodies as well. Close contact promotes the body's oxidative stress response, increases the activity of antioxidant enzymes, and reduces free radical damage.

Does Married Life Affect Life Expectancy? The doctor reminds: After the age of 50, the "3 don'ts" when having sex with you can rest assured

Free radicals are like rust and can accelerate aging and the occurrence of various chronic diseases. The intimate contact in the life of the couple is like a maintenance for the body, which can delay aging and prevent chronic diseases.

Therefore, married life is not just a matter of two people, it is also closely related to our health. Scientific and rational conjugal life can not only improve our quality of life, but also prevent the occurrence of various chronic diseases to a large extent.

Finally, I would like to remind everyone that married life should pay attention to "moderation, regularity, and science". Especially for older friends, we should pay more attention to the frequency and method, and don't let the improper lifestyle of the couple affect your health.

At the end of the day, couples should be happy for our bodies and minds, not burdensome for us. I hope that everyone can enjoy the life of husband and wife scientifically and healthily and live a happier life.

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