
Is longevity related to mealtimes? Study: Many of the long-lived elderly eat at these times

author:Dr. Liang popularized science

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"I see that your symptoms may be related to your recent eating habits." Doctor Li Wei said while looking at the physical examination report of patient Chen Ming.

Chen Ming is a typical urban white-collar worker, over 40 years old, working in a well-known advertising company. Recently, he has been feeling numb in his legs and feet, and even almost fell down a few times when he stood up in the office. This forced him to put aside his work for a while and go to the hospital for a full check-up.

After a series of examinations, Dr. Li Wei found that Chen Ming's physical condition was not as bad as he imagined, but it was not too good. His blood sugar was a little high, his blood pressure fluctuated slightly, and more importantly, he did have some problems with his eating habits and sleep schedule.

Is longevity related to mealtimes? Study: Many of the long-lived elderly eat at these times

"Mr. Chen, I have a question for you," Dr. Li Wei closed the report and looked up at Chen Ming, "Do you usually eat at a fixed time?" ”

Chen Ming frowned, thought for a while, and replied, "To be honest, it's not very fixed. When I was busy, breakfast was sometimes saved, lunch was often moved to two or three o'clock in the afternoon, and dinner was even more casual, and I often socialized until late. ”

Dr. Li Wei nodded and continued, "Recently, some studies have found that many long-lived elderly people have a fixed eating time. This is not just a coincidence, but may have a lot to do with our biological clock and body metabolism. ”

Speaking of this, Chen Ming suddenly became interested. "Oh? What's going on? Does a fixed eating time really affect longevity? ”

Is longevity related to mealtimes? Study: Many of the long-lived elderly eat at these times

The doctor's explanation made him reflect deeply on his long-neglected eating habits.

Seeing Chen's interest, Dr. Li Wei explained in detail: "Our body is like a delicate machine, which needs regular maintenance and maintenance. Most of the long-lived elderly have a fixed and regular diet, which not only helps the digestive system to be healthy, but also maintains the metabolic balance in the body. ”

In order to make Chen Ming understand more intuitively, Dr. Li Wei recounted several typical cases. The first is Grandma Wang, an eighty-year-old man he once treated. Grandma Wang is not only in good spirits, but also able to go up and down stairs with ease. She wakes up at six in the morning, eats breakfast at half-past six, eats lunch at twelve, and eats dinner at six o'clock in the evening. Over the years, her routine has hardly changed.

"This lifestyle not only helps her maintain a good digestive system, but also keeps her body functions in a stable state." Dr. Li Wei said.

Is longevity related to mealtimes? Study: Many of the long-lived elderly eat at these times

"I remember a study that showed that when people eat at a fixed time, the body's metabolic rate will be higher, and the digestive system will be more efficient." He went on to explain, "And if you don't eat on time, your body's biological clock will be disrupted, leading to metabolic disorders, which can easily lead to various health problems in the long run. ”

Chen Ming nodded frequently when he heard this, and seemed to have found the crux of the problem. As a planning director of an advertising agency, he has a high level of work pressure and a fast pace of life, often unable to eat on time and have extremely irregular eating habits. Such a lifestyle is undoubtedly one of the main culprits of his health problems.

Dr. Li Wei continued, "Of course, the regularity of eating time is only one aspect. There are some other common characteristics of the diet of the long-lived elderly, such as a light diet, less oil and less salt, and moderate exercise. ”

In order to give Chen Ming a more comprehensive understanding, Dr. Li Wei shared some more data. For example, a study surveyed the eating habits of people living in several longest-lived regions of the world and found that they generally ate at regular times and ate a balanced diet. Not only do people living in these areas live longer, but they also suffer from lower rates of chronic diseases.

"These data show that regular eating times and good eating habits have a positive impact on longevity." Dr. Li Wei concluded.

Is longevity related to mealtimes? Study: Many of the long-lived elderly eat at these times

Chen Ming thought about it and decided to adjust his lifestyle from now on, especially the timing of his meals. So, together with Dr. Li Wei, he developed a detailed diet plan, stipulating the time and types of food to eat each day, and minimizing the number of social interactions, avoiding excessive alcohol consumption and irregular eating.

A few months after adjusting his lifestyle, Chen Ming clearly felt the changes in his body. The symptoms of numbness in the legs and feet disappeared, and the whole person's mental state was much better. He was pleasantly surprised to find that his productivity had also improved significantly.

However, the story doesn't end there. Chen Ming not only benefited a lot from himself, but also decided to pass on this health concept to more people. At an internal meeting of the company, he shared his personal experience and Dr. Li Wei's advice with his colleagues. And on the company's health promotion board, some popular science articles about the importance of fixed eating times were posted.

Gradually, employees in the company began to pay attention to their eating habits. Many people find that eating at regular times not only makes them feel healthier, but also enhances their focus and productivity at work.

One day, while flipping through a health magazine, Chen Ming came across an article about "Biological Clock and Health". This article details how the body's biological clock works, explaining why a fixed time to eat is so important for health.

Is longevity related to mealtimes? Study: Many of the long-lived elderly eat at these times

The article points out that there is a complex biological clock system inside the human body, which is responsible for regulating various physiological functions. This system controls our sleep, body temperature, hormone secretion, and metabolism through circadian rhythms. A fixed eating time can help keep the biological clock running normally and avoid disorders.

"It's the same as Dr. Li said before," Chen thought to himself, "It seems that there is a scientific basis for the fixed eating time." ”

Some interesting studies are also mentioned in the article. For example, some studies have found that between 7 and 9 a.m. is the time when the body's metabolism is most active, and eating at this time allows for better absorption of nutrients. After 9 p.m., the body's digestive system begins to slow down, and eating is easy to accumulate fat, increasing the risk of obesity and diabetes.

"It makes so much sense," Chen Ming lamented, "it seems that I have to be more strict with my eating time." ”

In the following days, Chen Ming not only insisted on eating at a fixed time, but also actively promoted this health concept in his circle of friends. His friends followed suit and began to pay attention to their eating habits.

One day, Chen Ming's friend Li Qiang came to him and said excitedly: "Lao Chen, I tried the fixed-time meal you said last time, and the effect is really obvious!" I feel a lot more relaxed, and even my wife compliments me on looking younger. ”

Is longevity related to mealtimes? Study: Many of the long-lived elderly eat at these times

Chen Ming smiled and said, "I also listened to what the doctor said, it seems that this does make sense." We all have to pay attention to our own health, after all, the body is the capital of the revolution! ”

Li Qiang nodded yes, and then they discussed together, planning to organize a health lecture to spread this health concept to more people.

As a result of these efforts, more and more people are becoming aware of the importance of regular eating times, and their physical health has improved significantly.

However, it doesn't end there. Chen Ming saw some new research in health magazines that found that eating at regular times not only helps maintain health, but also helps improve sleep quality and mental health.

According to the latest research, a fixed eating time can help regulate melatonin secretion and promote a good night's sleep. A good night's sleep, in turn, strengthens the immune system and improves the body's ability to fight disease. In addition, a fixed eating time can reduce blood sugar fluctuations, stabilize mood, and reduce the occurrence of anxiety and depression.

Is longevity related to mealtimes? Study: Many of the long-lived elderly eat at these times

"It's amazing," Chen Ming lamented, "that a simple diet can bring so many benefits." ”

He decided to share these new research results with the people around him, hoping that everyone would benefit from them.

"In addition to regular eating times, what other lifestyle habits have an important impact on health and longevity?"

Next, he analyzed some other healthy habits in detail, such as adequate sleep, moderate exercise, and a good mindset.

Getting enough sleep is essential for the body's repair and recovery. Studies have shown that adults should maintain 7-8 hours of high-quality sleep per day to maintain good physical and mental health.

Sleep deprivation increases the risk of obesity, heart disease and depression. Long-term sleep deprivation can lead to metabolic disorders, making the body unable to effectively regulate blood sugar and increasing the likelihood of obesity.

In addition, poor sleep quality can also affect mood, increase the risk of anxiety and depression, and seriously affect quality of life in the long run.

Is longevity related to mealtimes? Study: Many of the long-lived elderly eat at these times

Moderate exercise is equally important. Engaging in 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise a day, such as walking, running, or swimming, can significantly reduce the risk of chronic disease, enhance cardiorespiratory fitness, and improve mood.

Exercise not only helps burn calories and reduce body fat, but also boosts blood circulation and strengthens the function of the heart and lungs. Regular exercise also promotes the secretion of endorphins, which makes people feel happy and relieves stress.

In addition, exercise can also improve sleep quality and make it easier for a person to fall into deep sleep, which can further enhance the body's ability to repair and recover.

A good mindset is also an important factor in a long and healthy life. Maintaining a positive and optimistic attitude, learning to deal with stress, and building good interpersonal relationships can effectively improve the quality of life and prolong life.

A positive and optimistic mindset can promote the release of "happy hormones" such as dopamine and endorphins in the brain, which can boost immunity and improve overall health.

In addition, good interpersonal relationships can provide emotional support, make people feel loved and understood, and reduce the risk of loneliness and depression. Together, these factors form the foundation for a long and healthy life.

Is longevity related to mealtimes? Study: Many of the long-lived elderly eat at these times

Chen Ming concluded: "Eating regularly is only one part of a healthy lifestyle, and we also need to improve our health in many ways. ”

Through these analyses, Chen Ming hopes that everyone can pay more attention to their own living habits, start from the details, and jointly pursue health and longevity.

He believes that as long as we adhere to a scientific lifestyle, everyone can have a healthy and long future.

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