
Mobile phone photography will use this mode, and the effect is not inferior to SLR! Will you use it?

author:Photographer Little Star
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Nowadays, mobile phone photography is becoming more and more popular, and we can use our mobile phones to capture the inadvertent beauty in life anytime and anywhere, and weave them into moving poems.

Mobile phone photography will use this mode, and the effect is not inferior to SLR! Will you use it?

In the bustling city, we use our mobile phones to capture the flow of time. The pedestrians hurrying by, the city in the streets and alleys, and the scenery under the sunset all show a different charm under the lens.

Mobile phone photography will use this mode, and the effect is not inferior to SLR! Will you use it?

Mobile phone photography, like an enthusiastic traveler, takes us to discover the beauty of the city, so that we can feel the poetry and distance in our busy life!

Mobile phone photography will use this mode, and the effect is not inferior to SLR! Will you use it?

Many people think that if you want to shoot a blockbuster, you can only shoot it with a professional SLR camera. In fact, as long as we can use the [Pro Mode] function in the mobile phone, you can also use the mobile phone to take shocking photos that are not inferior to the DSLR camera!

Mobile phone photography will use this mode, and the effect is not inferior to SLR! Will you use it?

Open [More] in the phone's camera, and then tap the phone's [Pro Mode], and this function will be turned on. At this time, we will see 6 parameters, let's explain in detail how these 6 parameters should be set, let's take a look.

Mobile phone photography will use this mode, and the effect is not inferior to SLR! Will you use it?

1. Sensitivity ISO:

In the Pro mode of mobile photography, the sensitivity ISO is one of the key parameters that affect the image quality and exposure. The ISO value was originally used to measure the sensitivity of a film to light, but in digital photography, it represents the ability of an image sensor to sense light. By understanding and operating ISO correctly, you can take clear, bright photos in different lighting conditions.

Mobile phone photography will use this mode, and the effect is not inferior to SLR! Will you use it?

Higher ISO values increase brightness, but may increase noise and reduce image quality. A lower ISO reduces brightness while maintaining a more detailed image quality.

When the ISO value is low, such as ISO 100 or 200, the phone camera is less sensitive to light and needs more light to get a good exposure. This setup produces low-noise, detailed-quality photos in well-lit environments. Conversely, when the ISO value is high, such as ISO 1600 or 3200, the camera's sensitivity to light increases, and it captures enough light even in dim environments to produce a photo with sufficient brightness. However, high ISOs tend to introduce noise and graininess, which can affect the purity of image quality.

Mobile phone photography will use this mode, and the effect is not inferior to SLR! Will you use it?

In practice, it is important to select the appropriate ISO value. If shooting in bright daylight, it is recommended to use a low ISO value to maintain the best quality of the image.

And when the ambient light is low, such as shooting indoors or in the evening, increasing the ISO value can avoid blurring and shooting difficulties caused by long exposures. Especially if you can't use a tripod, increasing the ISO is a quick way to get a stable picture.

Mobile phone photography will use this mode, and the effect is not inferior to SLR! Will you use it?

High ISO is also useful when shooting high-speed moving objects, and by increasing sensitivity, you can use a faster shutter speed to freeze the action and avoid blurring. However, doing so often comes at the expense of image quality, so there is a trade-off between clarity and image quality.

Mobile phone photography will use this mode, and the effect is not inferior to SLR! Will you use it?

Adjustment of sensitivity ISO is essential to control exposure and maintain image quality. By adjusting the ISO value reasonably according to the needs of different shooting environments and subjects, you can get the best shooting results in a variety of lighting conditions. Mastering the skills of using ISO is an important step to improve the level of mobile photography.

2. Shutter speed S:

The shutter speed determines the brightness of the image, with a fast shutter speed freezing motion and a slow shutter speed capturing the trajectory of movement.

Mobile phone photography will use this mode, and the effect is not inferior to SLR! Will you use it?

Shutter speed is a crucial concept in photography and is often denoted by "S" or "Tv" in professional mode. It determines the length of time the mobile phone camera sensor samples the light, which directly affects the exposure of the picture and the sharpness of moving objects. Understanding and mastering shutter speed is critical to capturing the perfect shot.

Mobile phone photography will use this mode, and the effect is not inferior to SLR! Will you use it?

The unit of shutter speed is usually the reciprocal of the second, such as 1/60th of a second, 1/250th of a second, etc. The higher the shutter speed S, the longer the shutter is open, allowing more light to enter the sensor, and therefore the picture will be brighter; Conversely, the lower the number, the shorter the shutter opens, the less light enters, and the darker the image.

Mobile phone photography will use this mode, and the effect is not inferior to SLR! Will you use it?

When shooting landscapes such as waterfalls, it is often necessary to use a slower shutter speed to achieve a silk-smooth effect, so we need to stabilize the phone with a tripod to reduce the risk of shaking during shooting. Slow shutter speed also allows photographers to create the effect of moving water or clouds, adding movement to landscape photography. However, in well-lit environments, excessively slow shutter speeds can also lead to overexposure, where the image is too bright and detail is lost.

Mobile phone photography will use this mode, and the effect is not inferior to SLR! Will you use it?

If we want to capture something fast, such as an athlete, a running pet, a flying bird, or a speeding vehicle, we need to use a fast shutter speed to "freeze" the action. In this case, the shutter speed is set to 1/1000 of a second or faster) to ensure that moving objects are clearly captured and blur is avoided. The high-speed shutter speed is particularly good for capturing dynamic scenes in good light.

Mobile phone photography will use this mode, and the effect is not inferior to SLR! Will you use it?

However, too fast a shutter speed also has its downsides. In low-light environments, increasing the shutter speed often results in underexposure and underexposure, which is when the image is too dull and details are difficult to discern. A shutter speed that is too fast may also require an increased ISO or wider aperture to get a proper exposure, which may introduce more noise or reduce depth of field.

Mobile phone photography will use this mode, and the effect is not inferior to SLR! Will you use it?

Controlling the shutter speed can not only ensure that the image is correctly exposed, but also shoot long exposures or objects moving at high speeds. Mastering the use of shutter speed will greatly enhance the flexibility and creativity of mobile photography.

Mobile phone photography will use this mode, and the effect is not inferior to SLR! Will you use it?

3. Exposure Compensation EV:

Adjust the EV value to manually control the brightness or darkness of the screen.

In the Pro mode of mobile photography, exposure compensation (often abbreviated as EV) is a feature that allows photographers to manually adjust the brightness of a photo. By changing the EV value, we can affect the exposure of the photo, i.e., the overall brightness and darkness of the frame.

Mobile phone photography will use this mode, and the effect is not inferior to SLR! Will you use it?

Exposure compensation works by adjusting the amount of exposure of the camera so that it is different from the result calculated in automatic mode. If the lighting in the shooting environment is uneven, or if there are a lot of white or black areas, the camera's autometering system may misjudge the amount of exposure required, resulting in underexposure (too dark) or overexposure (too bright). At this time, exposure compensation is particularly important, and we need to use the exposure principle of "white plus black minus".

Mobile phone photography will use this mode, and the effect is not inferior to SLR! Will you use it?

Increasing the positive EV value (e.g., +1.0 EV) will brighten the image, and decreasing the negative EV value (e.g., -1.0 EV) will darken the image. By mastering the use of exposure compensation, we can achieve the ideal exposure effect even in complex lighting environments, so as to take expressive photos.

4. Metering mode M:

In the Pro mode of mobile photography, the metering mode (often labeled M) is a key feature in determining how to measure the light in the scene to get the correct exposure.

Mobile phone photography will use this mode, and the effect is not inferior to SLR! Will you use it?

Different metering modes are suitable for different shooting environments and subjects, and choosing the right metering mode is essential to capture an accurately exposed image.

Mobile phone photography will use this mode, and the effect is not inferior to SLR! Will you use it?

The common metering modes of mobile phone cameras are: matrix metering, center-weighted average metering, and spot metering.

Mobile phone photography will use this mode, and the effect is not inferior to SLR! Will you use it?

1. Matrix Metering: This metering method takes into account the light distribution throughout the frame and usually prioritizes the brightness of the central area of the frame. It is suitable for most regular scenes, especially environments where the light is relatively evenly distributed. Matrix metering provides well-balanced exposure results and is suitable for beginners.

Mobile phone photography will use this mode, and the effect is not inferior to SLR! Will you use it?

2. Center-weighted metering: This mode emphasizes the light in the center of the frame and gives less consideration to the light at the edges of the frame. This is especially useful when doing portrait photography or when the subject is in the center of the frame, as it helps ensure that important focal points are properly exposed.

Mobile phone photography will use this mode, and the effect is not inferior to SLR! Will you use it?

3. Spot metering: Spot metering only measures a small part of the frame (usually 2-5% of the center). This is useful for very complex lighting conditions, such as backlighting or other challenging scenes. With spot metering, it is possible to accurately metering a specific part, such as a detail of the sky or a building, to get the correct exposure of that part.

Mobile phone photography will use this mode, and the effect is not inferior to SLR! Will you use it?

With different metering modes, photographers can adjust the camera's exposure settings according to the specific needs of the scene. For example, in a high-contrast scene, the use of matrix metering can cause some areas to be overexposed or underexposed, while spot metering can target those specific areas for precise exposure.

Fifth, the focus mode

Here are a few of the most common focusing methods in Pro mode and how they affect the picture:

Mobile phone photography will use this mode, and the effect is not inferior to SLR! Will you use it?

1. One-shot focus (AF-S): This focus mode locks the focus point when the focus point is halfway down the shutter speed, making it suitable for stationary subjects. It is suitable for portraits, landscapes, and other static subjects. Using a single shot ensures that the subject is well focused, resulting in sharp detail in the final image.

Mobile phone photography will use this mode, and the effect is not inferior to SLR! Will you use it?

2. Continuous Focus (AF-C): In this mode, the camera constantly adjusts focus to track a moving subject, making it ideal for shooting sports subjects such as athletes, moving vehicles, or children in motion. With continuous focusing, photographers can capture clear images of moving moments and prevent blurring due to subject movement.

Mobile phone photography will use this mode, and the effect is not inferior to SLR! Will you use it?

3. Manual Focus (MF): This mode allows the user to manually adjust the focus to achieve the desired sharpness. This is useful in scenes where autofocus is difficult to judge correctly, such as in low-light conditions or when the background is complex and prone to camera misjudgment. Manual focus is also suitable for macro photography or creative shooting that requires fine control of depth of field.

Mobile phone photography will use this mode, and the effect is not inferior to SLR! Will you use it?

Choosing the right focus method is important to achieve the desired picture result. Proper focus can accentuate the subject of the picture and enhance the visual impact.

6. White balance WB:

In Pro mode for mobile photography, White Balance (WB) sets the color temperature to ensure that white and other colors are presented in different light sources to match what the human eye sees. Mastering white balance is essential for getting a photo with accurate and natural colors.

Mobile phone photography will use this mode, and the effect is not inferior to SLR! Will you use it?

The adjustment of white balance is based on the concept of color temperature, which is expressed in Kelvin (K) units.

Mobile phone photography will use this mode, and the effect is not inferior to SLR! Will you use it?
Mobile phone photography will use this mode, and the effect is not inferior to SLR! Will you use it?

White balance in Pro mode on a phone usually has several preset options, including auto white balance (AWB) and presets tailored to different light sources (e.g., cloudy, fluorescent, incandescent, sunny, etc.). Additionally, some phones offer the option to customize the white balance, allowing users to manually set a specific color temperature value or adjust it by taking a white or neutral gray card.

Mobile phone photography will use this mode, and the effect is not inferior to SLR! Will you use it?

If the white balance is set correctly, the colors in the photo will be accurately reproduced, resulting in a natural and pleasant look. However, if the white balance is incorrect, it can lead to color deviations: the environment is too warm or too cold, or some colors are distorted.

Mobile phone photography will use this mode, and the effect is not inferior to SLR! Will you use it?

Artistic use of white balance can create a unique atmosphere and mood. Sometimes photographers deliberately deviate from standard white balance to enhance the warm or cool tones of a scene to convey a specific feeling or emphasize a certain style.


Will you use the Pro mode on your phone? Whether you're chasing the traffic of the city at night or catching the stars in the quiet night sky, you can capture the beauty of those moments by adjusting these parameters in Pro Mode.

Mobile phone photography will use this mode, and the effect is not inferior to SLR! Will you use it?

In the flow of time, mobile phone photography is like a flower blooming in the palm of the hand, with its unique poetry, lighting up every corner of life. Mobile phone photography is not only the crystallization of science and technology, but also the carrier of emotions, the freeze frame of beautiful moments, and the portrayal of poetic life.

Mobile phone photography will use this mode, and the effect is not inferior to SLR! Will you use it?

Walking into the embrace of nature, mobile phone photography is like a fish in water. The rolling mountains, the clear lakes, and the blooming flowers all show endless charm under the lens. Mobile phone photography, like a romantic painter, uses color and light and shadow to depict the magnificent picture of nature, so that we can find a tranquility and beauty in the hustle and bustle of the world.

Mobile phone photography will use this mode, and the effect is not inferior to SLR! Will you use it?

In this fast-paced era, mobile photography, with its convenience and popularity, gives everyone the opportunity to become a recorder of life. It allows us to learn to observe, feel, and cherish with our hearts. It makes us understand that the beauty in life is often in those seemingly ordinary moments.

Mobile phone photography will use this mode, and the effect is not inferior to SLR! Will you use it?

Mobile phone photography allows us to see the beauty of life, feel the warmth of emotions, and experience the flow of time. Let's pick up our mobile phones, take pictures with our hearts, live with our hearts, and make every moment full of poetry!


Mobile phone photography will use this mode, and the effect is not inferior to SLR! Will you use it?

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