
Don't be fooled again! These "medical common sense" are actually fake, and many people still believe it

author:Cheng Yixian
All of the information stated in this article is based on reliable sources of information and is detailed at the end of the article

≺ Preamble≻

As people's lives in today's society are getting better and better, many people's health awareness and health awareness are unprecedentedly high, and there are many so-called "medical knowledge" on the Internet.

Some of these so-called scientific common senses seem to be reasonable and well-founded, but in fact they are completely misleading readers!

Don't be fooled again! These "medical common sense" are actually fake, and many people still believe it

For example, some people believe that "drinking alcohol and blushing means that the amount of alcohol is good", but they insist on having a hard mouth even though they have drunk too much, and eventually drink until they have stomach bleeding, which outweighs the loss.

The following "pseudo-popular science", see if you have been recruited?

Don't be fooled again! These "medical common sense" are actually fake, and many people still believe it

≺ Fruit meal replacement for weight loss ≻

Nowadays, many young people are thin for beauty, today "A4 waist", tomorrow "right-angled shoulders", thinking that they will look good in clothes if they are thin, but this is often not the case.

In order to lose weight, these people don't eat a meal all day, and when they are hungry, they take fruits instead of staple foods to satisfy their hunger, and this is the "fruit meal replacement for weight loss" that is popular all over the Internet, in fact, this is very unscientific!

Fruits contain a lot of sugar, which are extremely easily absorbed by the human body, and once consumed too much, it will lead to indigestion, high blood sugar, not only gain weight, but also easily induce diabetes.

Don't be fooled again! These "medical common sense" are actually fake, and many people still believe it

And if you just eat fruit every day, its mineral and vitamin content cannot meet the needs of the human body, and the best amount of fruit we need to consume every day is about 200-400 grams, so fruits not only can not replace meals, but also cannot replace vegetables!

If you really want to lose weight, you still have to have a reasonable diet, don't think about taking shortcuts, healthy weight loss through exercise is the king!

For example: control your diet, eat more fresh vegetables, don't eat fried, sweet, cold, irritating food, you can eat less and more meals, avoid overeating, and you can also try running, swimming, skipping rope, playing ball, etc.

Don't be fooled again! These "medical common sense" are actually fake, and many people still believe it

≺ Eight glasses of water must be consumed a day ≻

In many popular science, everyone should be familiar with this topic, and "drinking enough eight glasses of water a day" seems to be the unified cognition of many adults and children.

Eight glasses of water a day, about 2 liters, the conditions of these eight glasses of water are limited, and the amount of water required is different for different genders, weights, countries, exercise levels, age groups, etc.

Don't be fooled again! These "medical common sense" are actually fake, and many people still believe it

The study found that men aged 20~35 consumed more water per day on average, at 4.2 liters, and women aged 20~40 consumed an average of 3.3 liters per day.

In the same way, more water is needed for more exercise, and less water is needed for less exercise, and drinking water is not only the water needed, fruits and vegetables also contain a lot of water.

On the contrary, if we drink too much water and the drainage of the kidneys increases, it will also cause great harm to our body.

Therefore, the statement of eight glasses of water a day is strictly unscientific, and it is recommended that you judge and adjust your water intake according to your actual situation, and do not blindly follow the trend.

Don't be fooled again! These "medical common sense" are actually fake, and many people still believe it

≺ Drinking alcohol and blushing means that the amount of alcohol is better ≻

Wine is a very knowledgeable thing, and festivals, company annual meetings, friend gatherings, etc. are all related to "wine", the so-called "everything is in wine".

But people often say that "those who drink and blush and have a good face tend not to drink badly", but in fact it is not, but those who blush when they drink are those who drink badly.

Don't be fooled again! These "medical common sense" are actually fake, and many people still believe it

Most of the alcohol flush is due to alcohol, or it may be an allergy to alcohol, and it is most likely due to the lack of acetaldehyde dehydrogenase in the body, which can usually catalyze the oxidation of aldehydes to acetic acid, which can reduce liver damage.

On the contrary, without the protection of this enzyme, it is difficult to excrete acetaldehyde from the body, so it is recommended for patients with acetaldehyde dehydrogenase deficiency in the liver to drink a small amount of alcohol or not drink alcohol at all to avoid causing symptoms caused by drinking alcohol and damaging the liver.

Be sure to drink less, protect your body, and don't think that drinking alcohol and blushing means that you can drink!

Don't be fooled again! These "medical common sense" are actually fake, and many people still believe it

≺ If you have a cold, you must take medicine ≻ immediately

Some people can stand up to a cold, but some people can't stop taking medicine, so do you really have to take medicine immediately for a cold?

The common cold can be cured on its own, without special treatment or even treatment, just pay attention to rest, keep warm, drink plenty of water, etc., generally 7-14 days with time to slowly heal completely.

However, such as the elderly, children or other serious conditions, it is still necessary to seek medical attention in time, strictly follow the doctor's instructions, and take medicine on time.

The virus is cleared by its own body, do not underestimate our own immune system, if a large amount of medicine will damage other organs in the body, it is a three-part poison.

Don't be fooled again! These "medical common sense" are actually fake, and many people still believe it

≺ Should we believe "pseudoscience" or not≻

Through the Internet, we can learn a lot of knowledge, such as cloud travel without leaving home, cloud sucking cats, etc., the Internet is so developed, of course, there are all kinds of "tips".

When we identify these "pseudoscience", we will stick to our beliefs, even if they are wrong, as if we have been brainwashed, which is very likely to have serious consequences for us.

Therefore, we must remember not to blindly believe in "pseudoscience", everything is based on the facts, and look at it rationally.

Don't be fooled again! These "medical common sense" are actually fake, and many people still believe it

In today's society, "horoscope prediction" and "love horoscope" are also very hot topics, when we are looking at horoscope analysis, love horoscope, etc., we will be surprised to find, hey? Isn't that what I'm talking about, it seems to fit me quite well.

But people are sensual, they are complex, just like people say, "You are a person who eats when you are hungry and drinks water when you are thirsty." ”

In fact, everyone knows the answer in their hearts, and they can always find a suitable case to apply.

Usually horoscope analysis will use some encouraging, positive, and positive words and phrases to make everyone feel that they can be better, so they will listen to these positive descriptions.

There is no scientific basis for horoscope predictions, please maintain an optimistic and healthy attitude, do not blindly follow the trend, and do not overly disparage.

Don't be fooled again! These "medical common sense" are actually fake, and many people still believe it

≺ Conclusion ≻

Nowadays, we can always pass all kinds of "pseudoscience", including some "tips" and "tips" often said by our elders and family members, which are not only unreliable, but also harmful to ourselves, the so-called "irreversible parenting, stay away from pseudoscience".

If we want not to be brainwashed by health rumors, we must master scientific health knowledge, listen to the advice and methods of professional doctors to beware of being deceived, and we can also learn to distinguish which ones are true and which ones are false by reading relevant books, so as not to believe or spread rumors.

I like Mr. Hawking's famous saying: "There is no immortal scientific theory, it must be tested again and again, and only when the test is passed can it survive temporarily." ”

What else have you heard of "pseudoscience"?

Don't be fooled again! These "medical common sense" are actually fake, and many people still believe it

Information sources:

1. The Paper Lilac Doctor: On May 13, 2024, "Scientific Discovery: The Harm of Drinking and Blushing is Far Underestimated"

Don't be fooled again! These "medical common sense" are actually fake, and many people still believe it
2. The Paper X Science Factory (an independent science popularization brand under Dragon TV): On May 9, 2024, "Everyone needs 8 glasses of water a day? Wrong! This kind of population will increase the burden on the body."
Don't be fooled again! These "medical common sense" are actually fake, and many people still believe it

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