
Before and after the death of the 10th Panchen Lama: the remains face north, and the tower body is made of 614 kilograms of gold and more than 20,000 jewels


[The content of this article is based on authoritative historical data, and there are citations at the end of the article, please be aware.] 】

In the early days of the founding of New China, although the whole country was basically liberated, our party still had more than enough power to control the localities. Especially in Tibet, because the local people are basically ethnic minorities, they all have their own beliefs, and unlike us Han people, how to get along with them is a problem that needs to be solved.

Fortunately, our country is fortunate that at this time, the leader of Tibetan Buddhism on the mainland is the 10th Panchen Erdeni Chokyi Gyaltsen, who has devoted his whole life to safeguarding the unity of the motherland and opposing national separatism, and is a staunch patriot.

It is precisely because of his existence that the mainland has made a breakthrough in handling Tibetan affairs, and thanks to his efforts, Tibet has truly been integrated into the big family of our nation. After his death, the government also spent a huge amount of money to build a stupa for him, the entire stupa cost 614 kilograms of gold, inlaid with more than 20,000 jewels, which can be described as extremely brilliant.

How did such a person devote himself to the reunification of the motherland during his lifetime, why was the government willing to spend huge sums of money to build a tower for him, and what outstanding contributions did he make?

Before and after the death of the 10th Panchen Lama: the remains face north, and the tower body is made of 614 kilograms of gold and more than 20,000 jewels

1. The determination of the candidate for the 10th Panchen Lama firmly upholds the reunification of the motherland

The choice of leaders in Tibet is different from that of other regions, where the Tibetan people mostly practice Buddhism and religion controls people's lives. Buddhists believe in the existence of karma, and after the death of the previous Buddhist leader, he will be reincarnated as a human and continue to lead the Tibetan people.

The reincarnated person is called a spirit child, and there are usually several such spirit children, until finally after a special ritual selection can be made to determine who is the reincarnated person, and this is how the 10th Panchen Erdeni Chokyi Gyaltsen was selected.

The 10th Panchen Lama was gifted and intelligent, he was able to read the scriptures and works by heart since he was a child, and his memory and understanding were very strong, and he would have been a qualified leader if he grew up. However, at this time, he was still young and the country was still in a state of turmoil, so many people thought of "coercing the Son of Heaven to order the princes" and wanted to use him to control the whole of Tibet, after all, the influence of the 10th Panchen Lama in Tibet was huge.

In this way, the 10th Panchen Lama has been trying to survive in the cracks. The Kuomintang also took a fancy to the influence of the 10th Panchen Lama, and when it was about to be defeated, it also vainly wanted to let the 10th Panchen go to Taiwan and tempted him with a lot of money.

Before and after the death of the 10th Panchen Lama: the remains face north, and the tower body is made of 614 kilograms of gold and more than 20,000 jewels

The Kuomintang knew that if the 10th Panchen Lama left, the whole of Tibet would fall into chaos, which would bring a lot of trouble to our party, and it would be difficult for Tibet to be reunified. Such an idea is despicable, but they underestimate the patriotism of the 10th Panchen Lama.

The 10th Panchen Lama was well aware of the great national righteousness, and in the face of national separatism, he was not tempted by the Kuomintang and refused to go to Taiwan, insisting on staying in Tibet to deal with Tibetan affairs. At the same time, he also actively contacted our party, hoping to establish ties with our party.

As early as many years ago, he saw the corruption of the Kuomintang and knew that such a party would not be able to win the world in the end, so he always stayed away from it, and when our party marched into Tibet, it treated the Tibetan people with a very friendly attitude and strict military discipline, and he felt that our party would eventually win the world.

Later, the founding of the People's Republic of China also verified his idea. As soon as New China was founded, he sent congratulatory telegrams to Chairman Mao and Commander-in-Chief Zhu, hoping that he could contribute to New China, which was greatly praised by Chairman Mao. Since then, he has held an important position in the government, and has always contributed to the cause of Tibet's liberation and firmly upheld the reunification of the motherland.

Before and after the death of the 10th Panchen Lama: the remains face north, and the tower body is made of 614 kilograms of gold and more than 20,000 jewels

2. Propaganda in Tibet, exhaustion to death

Tibetans believe in Buddhism, believe in reincarnation, and believe that every Buddhist leader is sent by God to guide all sentient beings who are confused. Therefore, after their death, those who believe in them will generally reshape their golden bodies and build spiritual pagodas for worship.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, in order to strengthen the relationship between the Han people and the Tibetan people, the mainland government decided to build a large spiritual pagoda and place the remains of the deceased Tibetan leaders in the pagoda.

This arduous task ultimately fell to the 10th Panchen Lama, who was also very happy to do such a thing, believing that when the pagoda was completed, the relationship between the two peoples would become even deeper.

Before and after the death of the 10th Panchen Lama: the remains face north, and the tower body is made of 614 kilograms of gold and more than 20,000 jewels

Time passed quietly, and soon the spiritual pagoda was about to be built. However, the weather in Tibet at this time is not suitable for people to enter Tibet, we all know that Tibet has a high altitude and thin air, and many people will have strong altitude sickness after coming here. However, the day was divined, and if it was modified, it would become very unlucky, and the 10th Panchen Lama finally decided to enter Tibet at this time.

After entering Tibet, he first attended a welcoming meeting held for him by the local people, and then began to deal with various religious affairs. His arrival attracted many pilgrims, and many Tibetans went to great lengths to come to Lhasa to see him.

This shows how important the position of the 10th Panchen Lama is in the eyes of the Tibetan people, and the 10th Panchen Lama personally received tens of thousands of believers and sent their blessings to them, regardless of physical fatigue.

After a short stay in Lhasa, he came to Shigatse, the site where the pagoda was built. This spiritual pagoda is a bridge connecting the Tibetan people and the Han people, and there is no room for error, and the 10th Panchen Lama must treat it with 12 points of spirit.

Before and after the death of the 10th Panchen Lama: the remains face north, and the tower body is made of 614 kilograms of gold and more than 20,000 jewels

After some careful examination, the 10th Panchen Lama was extremely satisfied with the pagoda, and he personally placed the bodies of several laminators and began chanting sutras for three days and three nights, hoping that the laminas would be able to die in bliss as soon as possible.

After that, he personally presided over the completion ceremony of the spiritual pagoda and successfully completed the task assigned to him by the central government, and he had not rested for several days and nights at this time. There are many things big and small in Tibet, and most of them have to be decided by him, which also puts a great load on his body.

Many staff advised him to take care of his body and not have to work so hard, but he knew that he had a heavy burden on his body and did not dare to relax for a moment. Under such high-intensity work, accidents finally happened.

The 10th Panchen Lama never slept and dragged his body down after several days and nights of work, and when he went to bed at night, his heart suddenly ached, and finally he died suddenly after ineffective rescue, and his life came to an end.

Before and after the death of the 10th Panchen Lama: the remains face north, and the tower body is made of 614 kilograms of gold and more than 20,000 jewels

3. Spend a lot of money to build a spiritual pagoda for it

The 10 th Panchen Lama devoted his whole life to safeguarding the reunification of the motherland and opposing ethnic separatism, and made no small contribution to the development of affairs in Tibet.

Many Buddhists have erected a spiritual seat for him to enjoy his offerings. The mainland government was also very saddened to learn of this news, and in order to commemorate the achievements of the 10th Panchen Lama, the government decided to build the spiritual pagoda of the 10th Panchen Lama even more brilliantly.

Buddhism pays attention to the plastic gold body, the monk will keep his body after his death, after a series of embalming operations, and then paste gold leaf on his body, so that the gold body is completed, in order to better for believers to pay homage and worship.

The same was true of the 10th Panchen Lama, who, after his death, had his body sculpted by his devotees. When the golden body was finished, his body was laid to rest facing north. You know, before him, all the Buddhist leaders were facing the east, because the sun rises from the east, and the sun symbolizes light and hope.

Before and after the death of the 10th Panchen Lama: the remains face north, and the tower body is made of 614 kilograms of gold and more than 20,000 jewels

Then why is the body of the 10th Panchen Lama placed facing north? In fact, this is also the last wish of the 10th Panchen Lama, the north is the direction of Beijing, the capital of the mainland, he has also lived and worked in Beijing for many years, has already regarded Beijing as his second hometown, and has a deep affection for Beijing.

Facing the north, he can better see Beijing, and at the same time, this also reflects his respect and support for the work of the mainland government, and no matter where he is, he resolutely supports the leadership of the government and is committed to the reunification of the motherland.

The construction of the pagoda was also extravagant, costing 614 kilograms of gold and more than 20,000 jewels, but even so, the government allocated funds for its construction. Why is that? In fact, the construction of the spiritual pagoda is said, the shape of the spiritual pagoda corresponds to several classic figures in Buddhism, what materials can be used to better reflect the merits of the tower owner.

This pagoda was designed by the 10th Panchen Lama himself during his lifetime, and the materials needed to build the pagoda were funded by the government and voluntarily donated by the believers, and people also hoped for the appearance of such a splendid pagoda.

Before and after the death of the 10th Panchen Lama: the remains face north, and the tower body is made of 614 kilograms of gold and more than 20,000 jewels

The 10 th Panchen Lama has made indelible contributions to the development of Tibet, and without his existence, our party would still have a long way to go in liberating Tibet, and it would not have been possible to go so smoothly. He devoted his life to the reunification of the motherland, opposed national separatism, and was a staunch patriot.

Gold jewelry is extremely precious, and he hopes to use these things to build a spiritual pagoda to express his patriotic heart, so that more people can see from this spiritual pagoda that the Tibetan people have always supported the leadership of the Communist Party of China, and that Tibet is an inseparable part of the mainland.

At the same time, it also shows his reverence for the Dharma, and hopes that he can use the spiritual pagoda to give more blessings to believers, so that they can eliminate their suffering and troubles, and truly live in peace and happiness.

Before and after the death of the 10th Panchen Lama: the remains face north, and the tower body is made of 614 kilograms of gold and more than 20,000 jewels

In this way, an endlessly brilliant spiritual pagoda was built, and people even called it "Shaksang Nanjie", which means "the victory of the Three Realms", referring to the spiritual pagoda treasure hall of the saints of the three worlds of heaven, earth and earth, which is also the highest praise for the 10th Panchen Lama.

The pagoda not only stores the golden body of the 10th Panchen Lama, but also many precious scriptures, and many important historical relics of Tibet are also placed here. For many years, people have come here to worship in the hope of receiving the blessings of the 10th Panchen Lama.

The 10th Panchen Lama has been practicing the promise of one China all his life, and he has also proved himself with practical actions, as a Tibetan Buddhist leader, he has done everything he can, which deserves people's respect and remembrance!



  1. 降边嘉措著.班禅大师[M].1989
Before and after the death of the 10th Panchen Lama: the remains face north, and the tower body is made of 614 kilograms of gold and more than 20,000 jewels
Before and after the death of the 10th Panchen Lama: the remains face north, and the tower body is made of 614 kilograms of gold and more than 20,000 jewels

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