
The history of the queen of heaven's heroic love: love Cai Guoqing, cohabited with Gao Feng unmarried and gave birth, and was injured and married to Meng Tong to be happy

author:Doulai said
The history of the queen of heaven's heroic love: love Cai Guoqing, cohabited with Gao Feng unmarried and gave birth, and was injured and married to Meng Tong to be happy

Recently, 57 Naying has become popular again with "Singer".

In the past, when Na Ying's name was mentioned, our first reaction was - this person is not easy to mess with!

However, the outspoken Na Ying is really a "treasure singer", and her love life is far more twists and turns than her singing.

The history of the queen of heaven's heroic love: love Cai Guoqing, cohabited with Gao Feng unmarried and gave birth, and was injured and married to Meng Tong to be happy

01 fell in love with his fellow disciple Xie Xiaodong

Na Ying's most exciting love affair is the love with her junior brother Xie Xiaodong and the athlete Gao Feng.

Before falling in love with her junior brother Xie Xiaodong, Na Ying had already experienced two emotional wounds, and at this time she also saw it, isn't it love? The old doesn't go to the new, and he is already a newcomer in the music industry with a little achievement, so there are always people who like themselves.

The history of the queen of heaven's heroic love: love Cai Guoqing, cohabited with Gao Feng unmarried and gave birth, and was injured and married to Meng Tong to be happy

Soon, Na Ying set her eyes on her fellow junior disciple Xie Xiaodong. Xie Xiaodong became famous earlier than Na Ying, both of them were under Gu Jianfen, and they were considered to be the same disciples.

In the past, when chasing Cai Guoqing, Na Ying never paid attention to this unknown little junior brother, but after Cai Guoqing rejected him, Na Ying suddenly found that this little junior brother Xie Xiaodong had changed, as if he had grown up, and not only looked more handsome than before, but also seemed to have a little talent in singing, and he was a potential stock.

The history of the queen of heaven's heroic love: love Cai Guoqing, cohabited with Gao Feng unmarried and gave birth, and was injured and married to Meng Tong to be happy

Na Ying is the kind of character who will chase after a person desperately, she began to frantically show her love to Xie Xiaodong, at that time, the media also took photos of Na Ying and Xie Xiaodong entering and leaving the same community together, thinking that the two had lived together in a high-profile manner, but later both denied it.

Na Ying, who has a big personality, is not the type that Xie Xiaodong likes, and Xie Xiaodong rejected Na Ying.

The history of the queen of heaven's heroic love: love Cai Guoqing, cohabited with Gao Feng unmarried and gave birth, and was injured and married to Meng Tong to be happy

Soon, Xie Xiaodong found a new girlfriend, who had long hair and a gentle personality, and was completely different from Na Ying.

After the first few wrong relationships, Na Ying suddenly had an epiphany, those crepe men are not my sister's dish, and my sister doesn't like it. After opening her mind, Na Ying met the love of her life, Gao Feng.

The history of the queen of heaven's heroic love: love Cai Guoqing, cohabited with Gao Feng unmarried and gave birth, and was injured and married to Meng Tong to be happy

04 The peak of the love of this life

After so many unrequited loves, Na Ying finally met the peak of football players who went both ways with her.

Gao Feng and Na Ying are fellow countrymen, the two met each other at a party, as football players, Gao Feng and Na Ying used to like men are different, Gao Feng has something to say, never hides it, and boldly confesses when he meets someone he likes, which is especially appetizing with Na Ying.

The history of the queen of heaven's heroic love: love Cai Guoqing, cohabited with Gao Feng unmarried and gave birth, and was injured and married to Meng Tong to be happy

After that meeting, Na Ying, who also had a hearty personality, left a deep impression on Gao Feng, he took the initiative to add Na Ying's contact information, and usually called Na Ying when he had anything to do.

Gao Feng and Na Ying soon got together, and they announced their romance to fans and fans.

The history of the queen of heaven's heroic love: love Cai Guoqing, cohabited with Gao Feng unmarried and gave birth, and was injured and married to Meng Tong to be happy

However, Gao Feng and Na Ying's fans did not approve of this relationship, Na Ying's fans thought Gao Feng was unreliable, and Gao Feng's fans thought that his early relationship would affect his football career.

Even if no one blesses this relationship, Gao Feng and Na Ying are still crazy in love, they will kiss and hug in public, and they will also bless each other at important points in each other's lives.

The history of the queen of heaven's heroic love: love Cai Guoqing, cohabited with Gao Feng unmarried and gave birth, and was injured and married to Meng Tong to be happy

Some people say that the longer you are in love, the harder it is to get married. Gao Feng and Na Ying have been in love for a total of ten years, but they have never received a certificate. It is rumored that Na Ying wants to get married, but Gao Feng doesn't want to tie himself up with a certificate, so he has been dragging on and refusing to give Na Ying a name.

The most important thing for women to drag on is time, seeing that the people around them are getting married one by one, Na Ying's heart is also anxious. In the end, Na Ying was forced to have no choice but to tie up Gao Feng with an unmarried child.

The history of the queen of heaven's heroic love: love Cai Guoqing, cohabited with Gao Feng unmarried and gave birth, and was injured and married to Meng Tong to be happy

However, the bloody thing is that when Na Ying thought that she was in her hands and Gao Feng would definitely marry her, a strange woman appeared, and she claimed that the three-year-old boy next to her was Gao Feng's son.

The history of the queen of heaven's heroic love: love Cai Guoqing, cohabited with Gao Feng unmarried and gave birth, and was injured and married to Meng Tong to be happy

Na Ying didn't believe it at first, until Gao Feng cried and admitted his mistake in front of her, Na Ying knew that Gao Feng had made a mistake with a woman three years ago, and he himself didn't know about it.

This woman didn't want Gao Feng to know about the existence of this child, but the news of Na Ying's birth gave her a sense of crisis, and she was afraid that her child's interests would be threatened, so she made such a preemptive move.

The history of the queen of heaven's heroic love: love Cai Guoqing, cohabited with Gao Feng unmarried and gave birth, and was injured and married to Meng Tong to be happy

Na Ying was angry and disappointed at the time, she thought that the child would allow her to marry Gao Feng smoothly, but she didn't expect to kill a Cheng Biting Jin halfway.

Although she was angry, Na Ying still loved Gao Feng, and she said to the public that she forgave Gao Feng and was willing to give him another chance.

The history of the queen of heaven's heroic love: love Cai Guoqing, cohabited with Gao Feng unmarried and gave birth, and was injured and married to Meng Tong to be happy

However, how could Na Ying, who has an upright personality, tolerate her boyfriend's "stealing food", plus she had just given birth to a child at the time, Na Ying suffered from severe depression, and in the end, Na Ying and Gao Feng regretted breaking up.

The history of the queen of heaven's heroic love: love Cai Guoqing, cohabited with Gao Feng unmarried and gave birth, and was injured and married to Meng Tong to be happy

So why is Na Ying's emotional path frequently frustrated? This is actually related to her first love.

The history of the queen of heaven's heroic love: love Cai Guoqing, cohabited with Gao Feng unmarried and gave birth, and was injured and married to Meng Tong to be happy

03 The first relationship hurt Na Ying very much

Don't look at Na Ying now in the music world, she is the eldest sister, but in fact, when she first debuted, Na Ying was just an ordinary talented little singer, because of her pure Northeast personality, bold and straightforward, she also used to have a nickname, called "That Dasha".

Na Ying's first love was a colleague of the Shenyang Song and Dance Troupe, but it was also the first relationship that made Na Ying feel cheated.

The history of the queen of heaven's heroic love: love Cai Guoqing, cohabited with Gao Feng unmarried and gave birth, and was injured and married to Meng Tong to be happy

After Na Ying and her male colleague were together, they quickly fell in love, her boyfriend's family conditions were not very good, in order to maintain the love life of the two, Na Ying went around making money and handed over all the money she earned to her boyfriend.

However, what Na Ying didn't expect was that after she saved enough money for the two of them to buy a house, her boyfriend ran away without saying a word.

This heart-to-heart dedication made Na Ying very hurt, but she was disappointed in love and proud in her career. Na Ying riveted her strength, wanting to prove that her boyfriend's departure was a mistake, and she was "stunned" and signed up for the "Sunshine Cup" singer competition.

The history of the queen of heaven's heroic love: love Cai Guoqing, cohabited with Gao Feng unmarried and gave birth, and was injured and married to Meng Tong to be happy

This game was a great turning point for Na Ying's career. Na Ying sang Su Rui's "I Found Myself", which shocked the audience and sang to Gu Jianfen's heart.

Gu Jianfen is a very good female composer, and the popular songs of that era, such as "Mother in the Candlelight" and "Today is Your Birthday", were all written by Gu Jianfen.

Gu Jianfen threw an olive branch to Na Ying, saying that he wanted to support Na Ying, but there was one condition, that is, he wanted Na Ying to develop in Beijing.

The history of the queen of heaven's heroic love: love Cai Guoqing, cohabited with Gao Feng unmarried and gave birth, and was injured and married to Meng Tong to be happy

When Na Ying heard that the other party was Gu Jianfen, she didn't think about anything, and immediately sent a letter of resignation to the Shenyang Song and Dance Troupe, and came to Beijing Beipiao overnight.

After arriving in Beijing, Na Ying's life has undergone earth-shaking changes, she has her first masterpiece - "The Mountain Doesn't Turn and the Water Turns", and at the same time, Na Ying's heart is also filled by a new man.

He is Cai Guoqing, who has just become popular with "To the Distance".

The history of the queen of heaven's heroic love: love Cai Guoqing, cohabited with Gao Feng unmarried and gave birth, and was injured and married to Meng Tong to be happy

Cai Guoqing is gentle and elegant on the stage, and he sings very well, which is very infectious, the two got acquainted because of Gu Jianfen, and Na Ying felt that Cai Guoqing liked him at that time, otherwise why did he feel shy every time he faced himself?

After the end of a cooperation stage, Na Ying plucked up the courage to confess to Cai Guoqing, but she didn't expect to be rejected by Cai Guoqing.

It is rumored on the Internet that Cai Guoqing likes Na Ying's sister, but what the truth is, it is estimated that only the parties themselves will know it.

The history of the queen of heaven's heroic love: love Cai Guoqing, cohabited with Gao Feng unmarried and gave birth, and was injured and married to Meng Tong to be happy

04 The destination of life - Meng Tong

In fact, before marrying Meng Tong, Na Ying once had a relationship with a rich man named Xu Ming, and it is said that Zhao Benshan was still pulling the thread, but this relationship came and went quickly, and Na Ying, who had read thousands of sails, was not too sad.

At this time, Na Ying has shaped her former glass heart into a crystal heart, which can be seen from her performance as a mentor in "The Voice".

In the past, the upright girl has been able to deal with her emotions quietly, and many of the replies are humorous and humorous with high emotional intelligence.

The history of the queen of heaven's heroic love: love Cai Guoqing, cohabited with Gao Feng unmarried and gave birth, and was injured and married to Meng Tong to be happy

After breaking up with Gao Feng, Na Ying was sad for a long time, she even felt that she might never meet love again in this life, but she didn't expect to meet Meng Tong and marry him in the end.

Na Ying herself said that she was lucky to be able to marry Meng Tong, and only Meng Tong could tolerate her bad character with her kind of character.

Many people think that Meng Tong is an "honest man" and a "fool", but in fact, before meeting Na Ying, Meng Tong has the title of "Prince of Nightclubs", on the one hand, Meng Tong has the most senior nightclub in Beijing, and on the other hand, it also proves from the side that he really loves to play.

The history of the queen of heaven's heroic love: love Cai Guoqing, cohabited with Gao Feng unmarried and gave birth, and was injured and married to Meng Tong to be happy

Meng Tong, who studied abroad as a child, opened the VICS bar near the Beijing Workers' Stadium after returning to China, and the bar is now one of the most famous bars in Beijing.

In 2005, Na Ying, who had just finished her emotional injury, came to the VICS bar to get drunk and met Meng Tong, the owner of the VICS bar.

The history of the queen of heaven's heroic love: love Cai Guoqing, cohabited with Gao Feng unmarried and gave birth, and was injured and married to Meng Tong to be happy

Meng Tong fell in love with Na Ying at first sight, and a year later, Meng Tong successfully hugged the beauty.

After getting married, Meng Tong regarded Na Ying and Gao Feng's son as his own, Na Ying was very moved, and the two soon had a lovely daughter.

On Na Ying's 45th birthday, Meng Tong specially customized a heart-shaped cake for Na Ying, and at the same time called several of Na Ying's best friends to celebrate her birthday together, and Na Ying, who was used to seeing big scenes, cried in front of the camera several times.

The history of the queen of heaven's heroic love: love Cai Guoqing, cohabited with Gao Feng unmarried and gave birth, and was injured and married to Meng Tong to be happy

Na Ying, who has been wandering all her life, is also determined to put her focus back on her family after meeting Meng Tong and teach her husband and children at home.

Although many people are laughing at Meng Tong for being stupid, in fact, a man like Meng Tong is not stupid at all, handsome and cute, Na Ying is like a little woman in front of Meng Tong, she is so happy.

The history of the queen of heaven's heroic love: love Cai Guoqing, cohabited with Gao Feng unmarried and gave birth, and was injured and married to Meng Tong to be happy

06 Summary

Although she has only just finished half of her life, Na Ying is definitely a very controversial figure in the Chinese music scene. However, no matter how dark it is, Na Ying is Na Ying, even if she doesn't go out of the rivers and lakes, the status of the rivers and lakes has not wavered, but it is even more popular.

Live the way you want to be! Do whatever you want, a lifetime of waves! This sentence can be said to be the truest portrayal of Na Ying.

The history of the queen of heaven's heroic love: love Cai Guoqing, cohabited with Gao Feng unmarried and gave birth, and was injured and married to Meng Tong to be happy

Everyone has the right to pursue happiness, when they meet a scumbag, give up decisively, dare to love and hate, Na Ying is indeed a real woman!

People really don't live like fog, rain and wind, just be real.

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