
Drink when water, high school students have tophi on their feet, gout expert Zhou Guilan tells you what to do!

author:Gout expert Zhou Guilan

In the fast-paced modern life, many young people, even high school students, are accustomed to sugary drinks as a daily drink, or even a substitute for water. However, such bad habits can bring serious health problems, one of which is the formation of tophi. Today, we're going to learn about tophi and how to prevent and treat it.

High school students drink drinks as water, resulting in tophi on their feet

Xiao Li is a high school student, he is lively and active on weekdays, and he is loved by his classmates and teachers. However, he has a not-so-good habit of drinking carbonated drinks in particular, and almost uses these high-sugar drinks as a daily source of hydration. At first, Xiao Li didn't think there was anything wrong with this, after all, many classmates around him were like this. But as time went on, he began to experience occasional discomfort in his toe joints, and it was still painful.

Drink when water, high school students have tophi on their feet, gout expert Zhou Guilan tells you what to do!

Until one day, Xiao Li suddenly found that a small bag bulged out at the thumb joint of his right foot, which was hard to the touch, and there were bursts of stinging pain from time to time. His parents brought him to the hospital, and after a series of examinations, it was found that his uric acid level was as high as more than 600, and the bag on Xiao Li's feet was a tophi, which was formed due to the high level of uric acid in the body caused by long-term intake of too many sugary drinks.

Drink when water, high school students have tophi on their feet, gout expert Zhou Guilan tells you what to do!

Gout expert Zhou Guilan's advice for tophi:

1. Dietary adjustment

First of all, it is necessary to change bad eating habits and reduce the intake of high-purine foods, such as animal offal, seafood, etc. At the same time, drink plenty of water to promote uric acid excretion. Avoid sugary drinks as a daily drink and drink water instead.

2. Medication

On the advice of a doctor, you can take uric acid-lowering medications such as allopurinol, febuxostat, etc. These medications can help dissolve uric acid crystals and reduce the bulk of tophi. At the same time, for acute onset of gout, the doctor will also prescribe anti-inflammatory painkillers to relieve the symptoms.

Drink when water, high school students have tophi on their feet, gout expert Zhou Guilan tells you what to do!

3. Surgical treatment

Surgery may be needed for larger tophi or tophi that affect joint function. Surgical methods include arthroscopic stone removal, joint replacement, etc., to remove crystalline deposits and restore joint function.

Drink when water, high school students have tophi on their feet, gout expert Zhou Guilan tells you what to do!

4. Lifestyle improvement

Increase your physical activity, maintain a healthy weight, and avoid prolonged sedentary lifestyles. These measures can help lower uric acid levels and reduce the occurrence of tophi.

Dr. Zhou Guilan emphasized

The key to preventing tophi is to maintain a good lifestyle and diet. For young people such as high school students, it is more important to focus on a healthy diet and moderate exercise, and avoid over-reliance on sugary drinks. If you have symptoms such as joint pain and swelling, you should seek medical attention and receive treatment in time.

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