
In the summer, the old man said, "Eat 1 treasure in summer, don't run to the hospital", what is this 1 treasure? How to eat

author:Think more


Summer is coming, the weather is getting hotter and hotter, people can't lift their appetite, I remember when I was a child, adults will cook a pot of mung bean soup in the summer, and often say to us: "Eat 1 treasure in summer, don't run to the hospital", I didn't understand what it meant when I was a child, and I didn't know when I grew up that it was because of the high nutritional value of mung beans.

Mung bean, this seemingly ordinary little bean, actually contains a huge amount of energy. Perfect for summer. It not only helps us to expel moisture from the body, but also removes heat toxins from the body, so that we can stay fresh and comfortable in the hot summer days.

In the hot summer, you might as well try these 6 soups made of mung beans, clear away the heat and relieve the heat, replenish water, simple and easy to make, let us welcome a refreshing and comfortable summer together!

In the summer, the old man said, "Eat 1 treasure in summer, don't run to the hospital", what is this 1 treasure? How to eat

1. Mung bean sweet potato soup

It is recommended that girls with dry skin drink more of this in summer, it is delicious, nutritious and healthy with low calories, and it is good to drink water and moisturize the skin.

Ingredients: 50 grams of mung beans, 1 sweet potato, 4 red dates, 8 dried longan, a little wolfberry


1. Soak the mung beans in advance.

2. Boil mung beans in a pot under cold water for 5 minutes, add cold water, cover and cook in a pressure cooker for 20 minutes.

3. Add red dates, longan and sweet potatoes and continue to cook for 10 minutes; Serve the wolfberries and sprinkle them.

In the summer, the old man said, "Eat 1 treasure in summer, don't run to the hospital", what is this 1 treasure? How to eat

2. Lily lotus seed mung bean soup

Ingredients: 200 grams of mung beans, 1 fresh lily, 30 grams of dried lotus seeds, appropriate amount of rock sugar


1. Remove impurities from the mung beans and wash them. In order to make mung beans easier to cook, it is recommended to add water and soak them for two hours in advance. At the same time, soak the dried lotus seeds, peel the fresh lilies and wash them for later use.

2. Put the mung beans in a pot and add about 1200ml of water. After the heat is boiled, turn to low heat and slowly cook until the mung beans begin to "bloom", that is, the mung bean skin begins to crack, revealing the mung bean kernels inside.

3. When the mung beans are boiled until they bloom, add the lilies and lotus seeds to the pot. Continue to simmer over low heat until all ingredients are crispy. Finally, add an appropriate amount of rock sugar according to personal taste. Stir until the rock sugar is completely melted, then turn off the heat.

In the summer, the old man said, "Eat 1 treasure in summer, don't run to the hospital", what is this 1 treasure? How to eat

3. Mung bean Ada seed

Summer is coming, and the mung bean Ada Zi that I have drunk since I was a child is arranged, and it is really delicious! Crystal clear, Q elastic refreshing and chewy, glutinous is better than pearls, with powdery mung beans and honey water, you can add some ice cubes, cold and cold not too cool!!

Ingredients: tapioca starch, mung beans, sugar, honey


1. First of all, add water to the mung beans and cook them for later use. You can also press it with a pressure cooker. Boil the sugar in water to make a syrup and set aside.

2. Then put 100 grams of tapioca starch into a small basin, add about 60 grams of boiled sugar water, slowly stir into a flocculent, then knead into a smooth dough, and then knead into long strips and cut into small pieces, this is Ada Zi

3. Boil the water, after the water boils, put the prepared Ada seeds into the pot, boil until they float, about 2 minutes, then take them out to cool, and finally add the cooled Ada seeds to the boiled mung beans and honey water and mix well.

In the summer, the old man said, "Eat 1 treasure in summer, don't run to the hospital", what is this 1 treasure? How to eat

Fourth, pumpkin mung bean polenta

The ingredients are healthy, the method is simple, and the handicapped party can also succeed in the summer nutritious porridge, come and try it!


1. Half a chestnut pumpkin/beibei pumpkin, cut into small pieces for later use;

2. A piece of corn, cut off the corn kernels for later use;

3. 1/4 cup of mung beans and rice, wash and put in a soup pot, add about 2000ml of water, boil over high heat, skim off the surface foam;

4. Add pumpkin pieces, first boil over high heat, turn to medium-low heat and cook for about 30 minutes, add corn kernels, continue to cook for about 15 minutes, the porridge begins to thicken, and the ingredients in the porridge become soft and glutinous, then turn off the heat.

5. After a little cooling, the porridge will become thicker and can be served! The glutinous taste of pumpkin flour combined with the fragrance of mung beans and the sweetness of corn, no one will refuse!

In the summer, the old man said, "Eat 1 treasure in summer, don't run to the hospital", what is this 1 treasure? How to eat

5. Mung bean lotus root pork rib soup

The mung bean and lotus root pork rib soup that I drank from childhood to adulthood strengthened the spleen and dispelled dampness, and it was the most suitable for a bowl in summer. If you don't have an appetite at night, come and do this!

Ingredients: mung beans, lotus root, pork ribs


1. Soak the mung beans in boiling water for about 10 minutes

2. Wash the lotus root and cut it into slices and set it aside for later use

3. Blanch the pork ribs in a pot under cold water, add water and cook for 30 minutes together. Isn't it simple? If you like salty, you can add a little salt.

In the summer, the old man said, "Eat 1 treasure in summer, don't run to the hospital", what is this 1 treasure? How to eat

6. Kelp mung bean paste syrup

Ingredients: shredded kelp, mung beans (2 cups), tangerine peel (a small piece about 3 cm in diameter), fresh lily (2 pieces), yellow sugar (prepare 2 pieces)


1. Wash the mung beans, break the fresh lilies into pieces and wash them, shred the tangerine peel or cut it into small cubes, wash and cut the kelp shreds into small pieces

2. Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, about half of the pot, and then boil over high heat, about half an hour, the mung bean shell will gradually float, use a colander to take out the floating mung bean shell, after fishing out a layer, then cover the lid, boil again (about 1-2 minutes later each time), and then open the lid to remove the floating mung bean shell (this step needs to be repeated several times, because the mung bean shell is floating layer by layer, not all at once)

3. After fishing the mung bean shell, you can put in kelp silk, lily and tangerine peel, turn to low heat after boiling over high heat, and cover half a lid (no need to cover all tightly, it is easy to overflow, you need to see if there is overflow from time to time during this process, stir it)

4. After boiling until thick, you can put in the yellow sugar, stir until the sugar melts, and then turn off the heat (depending on your sweetness hobby, you can put a piece first, and try how it tastes when it melts, and then add it if it is not sweet enough)

Committed to using the simplest ingredients to share the most delicious dishes for you, the 7 kinds of mung bean practices shared above, have you learned, learned to try to make it at home,! Welcome to like, follow, retweet and favorite, thank you for your support! We'll see you next time.

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