
Who a person will marry is actually predestined, and the answer can be seen in 3 places

author:ALEX Talks about Growth

When we were young, we probably loved someone. But the last person to get married is not necessarily this.

This is indeed a regrettable phenomenon.

In fact, who a person will marry is often predestined, which can be seen from 3 places.

Who a person will marry is actually predestined, and the answer can be seen in 3 places

01 What are your real needs?

In reality, what kind of person we will marry in the end is directly related to our real needs.

For example, some people need love. Some people need beauty. There are also people who just need a partner in life, that's all.

Your core needs determine what kind of person you are marrying with.

For example, some people's core needs are to find a virtuous woman to marry and take care of themselves and their children. In the future, it is best to serve your mother and father.

For this kind of person, he may fall in love with the person he likes, but the final marriage partner will still be looking for virtuous people.

And some people, their core need is to have a good material life. He didn't care much about feelings.

He will give preference to those who meet the material requirements. Or even compare among several people to find the best one.

It's that simple.

Exactly who a person marries depends on what his real needs are.

Some people need emotional value, as long as there is love, it is enough.

For some people, material conditions come first, and everything else can be compromised.

Others require the other party to have a sense of responsibility or be able to take on household chores.

Everyone's needs are different. This determines the direction in which he chooses a mate.

Who a person will marry is actually predestined, and the answer can be seen in 3 places

02 Are there some obstacles

In reality, when we choose a marriage partner, we will also take into account our own inner obstacles.

Some relationships look very good, and the conditions are good, but they just can't get married.

This is also because, there are some obstacles that are difficult to overcome.

For example, some people can't get married because they have already experienced some emotional trauma, so they just want to fall in love and don't want to get married.

There are also lovers who have a good relationship, but there are difficulties in getting along with their elders.

Or there are some material conditions that are not up to standard.

In fact, there are many types of obstacles when it comes to getting married.

For example, personality and emotional problems, family problems of origin, or health problems.

Two people, if they want to smoothly transition from love life to marriage, they need to remove obstacles.

If some obstacles exist, you can't get married, and you have to change people.

Who a person will marry is actually predestined, and the answer can be seen in 3 places

03 It has to do with the outlook on life

In reality, what kind of spouse a person ultimately chooses is directly related to his outlook on life.

Some people's outlook on life is to get married and have children as soon as possible, and then work step by step to raise the children.

But some people's outlook on life is to prioritize their careers and not care about marriage.

What is everyone's outlook on life, determines the direction of his marriage, the length of marriage, and so on.

For example, some people think that they are in their early twenties, so they get married quickly, and then their lives are more normal. This is his outlook on life.

So most of him, he is the type of early marriage. What is more important may be the matching of conditions.

There are also people who do not believe in marriage, but choose to work their own, earn money and enjoy life.

This kind of person will not easily enter into marriage, unless it is a cognitive change.

In reality, who our positive fate is has long been written in our cognition and in our outlook on life.

Face up to your needs, understand your outlook on life, and objectively assess the obstacles to marriage.

These things will help you narrow down the filter and choose the person you like.