
See the true meaning of marriage from "The Gift of the Magi": mutual affection and solidarity



Whenever I immerse myself in O. Henry's soulful work The Gift of the Magi, I am always struck by the author's deep insight into the depths of human nature and the fabric of life.

As the founder of the modern American short story, O. Henry is unique in the world of literature with his unique literary perspective and keen social insight.

In his creative world, "The Gift of the Magi" is undoubtedly the most representative and shining pearl. This work is like a mirror to see through the lives of the people at the bottom, through the seemingly ordinary trivial life, O. Henry skillfully excavates the deep emotions and profound philosophies hidden at the bottom of society.

In this touching story, O. Henry depicts how a young couple in distress give everything they have on the special occasion of Christmas, even giving up their most cherished treasures, just to express their selfless and deep love to each other.

At this moment, let us open this book "The Gift of the Magi", which carries the true feelings of the world and the bitterness and sweetness intertwined, under the delicate and affectionate brushstrokes of O. Henry, savor the luxurious emotions that transcend the material and go straight to the depths of the soul, and feel the true love story that shines and is incomparably precious in the difficult life.

See the true meaning of marriage from "The Gift of the Magi": mutual affection and solidarity

Care for each other and get through the pain of no money together

The great French writer Maupassant once profoundly revealed: "Life may not be as good as you think, but it is not as bad as you think." This wise word is like a beacon that guides us forward, illuminating the twists and turns of our life's journey.

In the vastness of life, we sometimes revel in the dream bubble of happiness, as if everything is under control; Sometimes he is knocked to the bottom by sudden distress and indulges in the endless abyss of despair.

After all, marriage is not an ethereal mansion in the air, it will eventually return to those seemingly insignificant but actually important trivialities of life, such as diet, daily routines, and even the accumulation of firewood, rice, oil and salt.

A marriage without a solid material foundation is like a gorgeous castle built on the beach, which will eventually overturn in the face of wind and rain.

However, Della and Jim in "The Gift of the Magi" show us a different philosophy of life with their way of life.

They live in a tiny apartment rented for only $8 a week, surrounded by dilapidated furniture that is almost indistinguishable from a slum. Jim earns a meagre $20 a week, and his life is stretched thin.

Despite this, their love has not been compromised by poverty. Whenever Jim returned home from a hard day's work, he was greeted by a well-prepared dinner and a warm embrace. Despite his physical and mental exhaustion, Jim still praised his wife for her beauty and virtue.

When Jim learns the reason behind Della's abandonment of her long hair, he comforts her affectionately: "Whether it's cutting, shaping, or washing, my love for you will never diminish." ”

This ordinary and resolute love is like a gorgeous rainbow across the difficult life, adding a touch of color to it. Even if life is full of bitterness, as long as it is nourished by love, sweetness will follow.

The true meaning of a happy marriage does not depend on the abundance of wealth, but on the fact that both husband and wife can walk side by side and cope with the ups and downs of life together, whether they are in distress or prosperity. Because the power of love is incomparably strong, it is enough to dispel the haze, spread light, and make the journey of life shine.

Life is like a complex picture, which is inlaid with countless small and tedious daily trivialities. However, it is precisely in every moment when people who love each other and support each other that life will show its otherworldly brilliance, overflowing with boundless joy and fun.

Let us all look forward to finding the partner who is willing to be in the same boat with us and spend the ups and downs of life together, and taste the sweet and mellow fragrance of happiness in ordinary days.

No matter the vicissitudes of the world, we will unswervingly protect each other and stick to this deep affection until eternity.

See the true meaning of marriage from "The Gift of the Magi": mutual affection and solidarity

Wedding cigarettes are not bought and sold, but paid regardless of gains and losses

In the philosophy of marriage, Mr. Qian Zhongshu once expressed his wisdom like this: "There is no need to pursue the great myth of love, only to stick to each other, and there is no need to expect equivalent returns." "If the husband and wife are only indulged in demand, lacking understanding and selfless giving, then what awaits them will be a growing alienation until they are separated.

Marriage is like a business run by two people together, and only by letting go of gains and losses can we move forward steadily and last. On Christmas Eve, Della is filled with a deep love and longs to give Jim a precious gift, but the reality is that he is stretched thin, and he has only two dollars left in his hand.

Faced with a difficult situation, Della stares in front of the mirror at her long, waterfall-like hair, which is her proud capital. So, she resolutely chose to give up this beauty in exchange for the platinum pocket watch chain that Jim had always dreamed of. However, when Della happily handed the chain to Jim, she was shocked to find that he had sold his beloved gold watch in order to buy her a hairbrush that she had longed for.

Although they each sacrificed the most precious thing, in exchange for a gift that the other party could not use, at that moment, the disappointment and loneliness in their hearts can be imagined. However, Della and Jim did not complain in the slightest, but were deeply moved by each other's actions, and shed tears of emotion. Because they know that the real effort is not in exchange for the same value of feedback, but from the heart of willingness and affection.

A happy marriage does not come from material abundance, but because of spiritual open-mindedness and indifference. The story of Della and Jim vividly illustrates their persistent and pure understanding of love. When a person is no longer too entangled in the minutiae of life, he will naturally gain more invisibly. On the contrary, if it is only a unilateral request and a baht, then the emotional bond between the two will gradually drift apart.

Only those who do not ask for anything in return, who are willing to give and stick to their marriage, can sail this marriage boat smoothly and sail into the distance. At this time, I can't help but think of Ms. Zhang Xiaoxian's classic words: "Every woman will be warmed and moved by the bowl of hot soup that the man brings back after work." This sentence aptly expresses the value of silent efforts in married life.

In fact, it is not because of the mellow taste of the soup itself, but from the deep affection that the man has always engraved in your heart. In a pure and deep emotional interweaving, the real value lies not in what valuable gifts you give, but in whether you care for and cherish each other with sincerity.

A person who loves you with all his heart, even if he has given everything for you, will still have a kind of worry in his heart, afraid that the love and dedication given to you will not be abundant enough. They are willing to endure hardships and hardships on their own, but they do their best to plan all kinds of ways to make your life more full of laughter and happiness than others.

See the true meaning of marriage from "The Gift of the Magi": mutual affection and solidarity

A good wedding cigarette is mutual understanding and joint efforts

Mr. Yang Jiang once elaborated with affectionate words: "The relationship between husband and wife is like a pair of chopsticks, chewing the five flavors of life together, sharing the simplicity and tranquility of coarse tea and light rice, working together to raise their children and grow up, and spending time together until the end of the day; No matter how many gorgeous sweet words there are, they are not as good as the real collision of life, they rely on each other in times of distress, and cherish each other's existence when they are rich. ”

Marriage is not a solo dance of individuals, but a common spiritual journey between two people.

The cornerstone of a mellow and happy marriage is the deep emotional accumulation of both parties.

Even if life is full of thorns, it can't wear down the sincere emotional bond in their hearts.

In order to give their partners the most sincere gifts, they are willing to give up what is most precious to them.

Della burst into tears when she saw the comb Jim had given her.

These tears do not come from the hardships of life, but from the deep touch brought by each other's selfless dedication.

This affection, far from diminishing in the impoverished environment, was transformed into a ray of light that illuminated their path to a happy life.

Others may feel a lot of emotion about what happened to them, thinking that they have lost their most precious things, and even the gifts they have given seem to have lost their practical value.

However, so what? Hair that has been cut off will be revived, and lost gold watches can be recovered.

Although the gift seems to have lost its usefulness at this moment, they already have the most precious treasure in the world - that is, immeasurable true love.

A happy marriage is contained in understanding and dedication, and contains the joint efforts and perseverance in ordinary years.

In the TV series "In the Blizzard", the love chapter between Lin Yiyang and Yin Guo is like a hymn, affectionately interpreting the mellow and majestic power of love. In the process of getting to know each other, the two weave the warp and weft of their dreams together with the tacit understanding and firm support of their hearts.

Once upon a time, Lin Yiyang had to give up his beloved snooker stage because of a sudden unfortunate accident, as if he had lost the beacon of life in an instant. However, the ingenious arrangement of fate allowed a woman with both wisdom and courage - Yin Guo to enter his world.

With his perseverance, Yin Guo inspired Lin Yiyang to rekindle his passion for snooker and helped him bravely face his deepest fears. With her encouragement and companionship, Lin Yiyang once again held his head high and returned to the snooker arena, working tirelessly to realize his dream. This experience of spending the wind and rain together has made the relationship between the two deeper.

Whenever he encounters difficulties and challenges, Yin Guo is always like a bright light, illuminating Lin Yiyang's way forward and becoming a source of strength for him to move forward bravely. After countless trials and tribulations, they will eventually embrace each other tightly and go to every stage of life together.

Their love story is like a realistic version of a fairy tale, full of dreamlike romance, but also full of sweetness and ups and downs in real life. They are convinced that a beautiful love requires the joint cultivation and dedication of both parties, and unilateral efforts can only create a sad monologue.

Marriage is not a stage for one person to dance alone, but requires both parties to work together and support each other, only in this way can the deep emotional bond withstand the baptism of the years and last for a long time.

They understand that a happy marriage is when two people go through ups and downs side by side, and only by working together can this marriage be as solid as a rock and not afraid of any difficulties and obstacles ahead.

Life is to forge a solid marriage journey in struggle, perseverance and true love.

See the true meaning of marriage from "The Gift of the Magi": mutual affection and solidarity

I am deeply attracted to a proverb of Mr. Yang Jiang: "Marriage is like a tacit dance, and the first to break the intoxication is the humble concession in this game." ”

The ocean of life is vast and surging, and it is inevitable to encounter storms and storms along the way, which is troublesome and heart-wrenching. However, in this troubled world, an ideal partner is like a resilient barrier, with selfless and deep love, building a shelter from the wind and rain in the softest places of our hearts.

Despite the bumpy road ahead and the challenges that followed, the deep friendship that originated from the true nature of life has always been as solid as a rock and has never wavered.

I hope that we can all be lucky enough to be the lucky ones favored by the goddess of fate, and reap the mysterious and precious gift from Maggie - a love that is unswerving and shares adversity.