
Anti-drug popularization into the unit, work together to build peace

author:Guizhou drug rehabilitation
Anti-drug popularization into the unit, work together to build peace
Anti-drug popularization into the unit, work together to build peace

In order to further implement the spirit of the province's anti-drug work video and telephone conference, continue to strengthen the publicity and education of anti-drug and drug rehabilitation popularization, so that public officials can have a more intuitive understanding of drugs, and improve their ability to prevent and reject drugs. Recently, more than 20 staff members of the Party Committee and Government of Jonchang Town, Qinglong County, Qianxinan Prefecture went to the drug prevention and education base of the Qianxinan Prefecture Compulsory Isolation Drug Rehabilitation Center (hereinafter referred to as the Qianxinan Institute) to carry out drug prevention warning education activities for public employees.

Anti-drug popularization into the unit, work together to build peace

During the activity, the police of the "Pioneer Duxing" team of the anti-drug and drug rehabilitation propaganda of the Southwest Guizhou Institute reported and analyzed the current drug situation in Southwest Qianxinan Prefecture, Guizhou Province and even the whole country, comprehensively and systematically explained the drug-related knowledge and anti-drug laws and regulations, and analyzed the causes and psychology of drug use by public officials, focusing on the impact and harm of drug use by public officials, the punishment of drug-related violations of public employees, and how to prevent drugs by public employees in detail, and warned everyone to recognize the serious harm of drugs and keep themselves clean. Enhance the awareness and ability to consciously resist drugs.

Anti-drug popularization into the unit, work together to build peace

In the next step, the Qianxinan Institute will continue to uphold the work idea of "taking treatment as the foundation, giving full play to the professional advantages of drug rehabilitation, actively extending work functions, and actively integrating into the social governance and public service system", actively cooperate with relevant units, make every effort to do a good job in the "seven advances" of anti-drug publicity and education, and widely carry out more targeted publicity and education on drug prevention and drug rehabilitation in the whole society.

Source: Qianxinan Institute

Author: He Mingxing

Photo by Deng Daikui

2024 No. 638 (Total No. 10932)

Anti-drug popularization into the unit, work together to build peace
Anti-drug popularization into the unit, work together to build peace
Anti-drug popularization into the unit, work together to build peace
Anti-drug popularization into the unit, work together to build peace

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