
The best way to lose weight: No need to go on a diet, just lose visceral fat!

author:Gain muscle and lose fat

Most people go on a diet in order to lose weight, and the method of starving to lose weight will not make you lose weight in the end, but will make you lose more and more weight. To lose weight, we just need to lose visceral fat and lose weight without dieting.

The best way to lose weight: No need to go on a diet, just lose visceral fat!

What is visceral fat? It mainly refers to the fat around the internal organs, which cannot be easily detected, but the main reason for the protrusion of the abdomen is mostly due to excessive visceral fat, which can induce various health diseases. If the visceral fat is reduced, the waist circumference will decrease, and the figure will naturally be slimmed.

How to lose visceral fat? We need to correct some bad habits in life and adhere to the habit of self-discipline in order to fundamentally correct the problem.

1. Quit all kinds of unhealthy foods, such as: candy, spicy strips, potato chips, popcorn, chocolate and other junk foods, and eat less high-oil, salt, high-sugar, and heavy-tasting foods, such as fried chicken, cakes, pizza, fritters, pancakes and other fattening processed foods.

The best way to lose weight: No need to go on a diet, just lose visceral fat!

2. Eat more foods rich in dietary fiber, such as: vegetables of different colors, more than one pound of vegetables per day, can promote intestinal peristalsis and improve constipation.

In terms of staple foods, you can choose some low-GI, slow-glycemic whole wheat bread, brown rice, and potatoes, with a fist of portions per meal, which can effectively inhibit fat accumulation.

The best way to lose weight: No need to go on a diet, just lose visceral fat!

3. Develop the habit of exercising, get up more actively, and avoid sitting for a long time. Exercise for more than half an hour every day, starting with the sports you are interested in, such as skipping rope, swimming, playing ball, brisk walking, and square dancing.

In addition, a set of resistance training on alternate days can avoid muscle loss, and perform dumbbell squats, push-ups, goat push-ups and other movements to strengthen the body muscles, which can strengthen basal metabolism and improve fat burning and shaping efficiency.

The best way to lose weight: No need to go on a diet, just lose visceral fat!

4. Drink more water, quit drinks, beer, cola, milk tea and other drinks will make you consume excess calories, which is not conducive to weight loss. Changing the drink to lukewarm water can speed up the body's metabolic circulation and promote fat breakdown.

People who don't like to drink water can drink tea, wolfberry soaked water, lemon soaked water, drink 2-3L of water every day, and supplement a small amount many times, which can slow down the appearance of hunger and control appetite.

5. Measure your waist circumference regularly. In the process of visceral fat reduction, you will find that the waist and abdominal fat will slowly loosen, and the waist circumference will slowly become smaller, but this also requires a process, don't rush, we must maintain enough patience and perseverance, and persist in order to gain something.

The best way to lose weight: No need to go on a diet, just lose visceral fat!
