
Don't believe rumors, don't spread rumors, Cialis Automobile responds to four major questions about the M7 high-speed collision accident

author:The owner is forgotten
Don't believe rumors, don't spread rumors, Cialis Automobile responds to four major questions about the M7 high-speed collision accident

There are four major doubts behind the tragic car accident on the Shanxi Expressway of Cialis

On April 26, a major highway crash that shocked the whole country occurred in Houma City, Shanxi Province. A Cialis new energy vehicle collided with a road maintenance vehicle on the highway, resulting in three unfortunate deaths, serious damage to the vehicle and fire. This tragic accident has aroused widespread attention and heated discussions, and many rumors and speculations have appeared on the Internet.

The vehicle involved in the accident is the new M7 Plus pure electric SUV owned by Celis Automobile. As a high-end intelligent new energy model, it was endowed with many intelligent driving assistance functions, but it seemed to have failed in this accident. People naturally ask: why did this so-called "smart and safe" car have such a serious rear-end accident? Why didn't the vehicle's automatic emergency braking system prevent a collision?

Don't believe rumors, don't spread rumors, Cialis Automobile responds to four major questions about the M7 high-speed collision accident

Even more puzzling is that the accident vehicle caught fire and burned after a violent collision. For new energy vehicles, battery safety has always been the focus of attention. Could it be that the fire was caused by the spontaneous combustion of the power battery? If this is the case, then Cialis cars have serious shortcomings in terms of battery safety.

In addition to these two major questions, was the airbag of the accident vehicle open? Can the doors open properly to facilitate escape? It has also become the focus of widespread attention. As a high-end intelligent model, it should have perfect active and passive safety protection measures.

Don't believe rumors, don't spread rumors, Cialis Automobile responds to four major questions about the M7 high-speed collision accident

The Accident Begins and Finishes: Tearing Through the Veil of Mystery

At around 4 p.m. on April 26, a tragic car accident occurred on a highway in Yuncheng, Shanxi. A new M7 Plus electric vehicle owned by Celis Motors slammed into a working road maintenance truck at an astonishing speed of 115 kilometers per hour while driving in the inner lane of the highway.

The accident was undoubtedly a nightmare, the impact force was so great that the front part of the car was completely crushed and deformed. What's even more terrifying is that the vehicle caught fire in an instant after the violent collision, and the fire quickly spread and enveloped the whole vehicle. Although rescuers arrived quickly, unfortunately none of the three people in the car survived.

Don't believe rumors, don't spread rumors, Cialis Automobile responds to four major questions about the M7 high-speed collision accident

Such a tragic car accident naturally aroused widespread attention and questions from public opinion. Many people are asking: why does a new energy vehicle, which is known as "intelligent safety", have such a serious rear-end accident? Why did its automatic emergency braking system fail? What caused the vehicle to catch fire? Did the battery spontaneously combust? Are the airbags deployed? Why can't I open my car door?

In the face of so many doubts and speculations, Sailis Automobile and AITO Automobile issued an official statement on May 6 to answer the four major technical questions involved in the accident. By reconstructing the accident process and data, we were finally able to uncover the truth of this tragedy.

Don't believe rumors, don't spread rumors, Cialis Automobile responds to four major questions about the M7 high-speed collision accident

Although the new M7 Plus is equipped with a Level 2 driver assistance system, its automatic emergency braking function is limited to 4-85 km/h. At the time of the incident, the speed of the vehicle was as high as 115 km/h, which was far beyond the working range of the AEB, so the system could not intervene in braking.

The vehicle fire was not caused by the spontaneous combustion of the power battery, but by a short-circuit spark caused by severe damage to the front engine compartment and passenger compartment and the cutting of the wiring harness due to a violent impact. Although the fire spread rapidly, the battery pack itself did not spontaneously combustion.

Don't believe rumors, don't spread rumors, Cialis Automobile responds to four major questions about the M7 high-speed collision accident

According to background data, the vehicle's airbags did open at the time of the collision, but because only the main driver's seat was wearing a seat belt, and the co-pilot and the rear three seats were not wearing seat belts, the personnel still suffered huge impact injuries.

Although the new M7 Plus has the function of automatic unlocking in the event of a collision, due to the protruding beam-like structure at the rear of the front car, which seriously invaded the interior of the car and cut off the power cord and signal cable, the door handle controller could not receive the pop-up signal, and the rescuer could only pull the mechanical door handle from the inside to open the door after the window was broken to carry out the rescue.

Don't believe rumors, don't spread rumors, Cialis Automobile responds to four major questions about the M7 high-speed collision accident

There is a long way to go in the safety of new energy vehicles

We can see that the safety of new energy vehicles is indeed worth paying attention to. Although the rate of spontaneous combustion may be lower than that of gasoline vehicles, the consequences are often more serious in the event of an accident. This is not only related to battery safety, but also closely related to the intelligence of new energy vehicles.

While intelligent driver assistance systems have improved driving convenience, it remains to be seen how reliable they will behave at their limits. As shown in the Shanxi accident, although the new M7 Plus is equipped with Level 2 driver assistance systems, the automatic emergency braking function is no longer able to intervene at a high speed of 115 kilometers.

Don't believe rumors, don't spread rumors, Cialis Automobile responds to four major questions about the M7 high-speed collision accident

This shows that it is dangerous for drivers to rely too much on intelligent assistance systems. No matter how smart a car is, safety still needs to be controlled. For example, obeying traffic rules, controlling speed, and maintaining a reasonable distance are the top priorities to ensure driving safety.

The safety performance of new energy vehicles also needs to be further improved. Although Cialis Motors claimed that the airbag of the accident vehicle was opened, three people were still killed because the occupants were not wearing seat belts. This once again shows that no matter how advanced the car is, the importance of active and passive safety protection measures cannot be ignored.

Don't believe rumors, don't spread rumors, Cialis Automobile responds to four major questions about the M7 high-speed collision accident

For new energy vehicle companies, it is imperative to improve the intrinsic safety of products. Battery safety is undoubtedly a top priority, but driver assistance systems, body structural strength, passive protection and other aspects cannot be ignored either. Only by examining and solving safety issues from the perspective of the whole vehicle can we truly win the trust of consumers.

The government and relevant departments also need to strengthen supervision and establish a more complete safety evaluation and testing system for new energy vehicles. For example, as soon as possible, the "New Energy Vehicle Operation Safety Performance Inspection Regulations" and other relevant standards will be issued to promote the development of new energy vehicle safety performance inspection technology and equipment.

Don't believe rumors, don't spread rumors, Cialis Automobile responds to four major questions about the M7 high-speed collision accident

It is also necessary to strengthen the collection of new energy vehicle accident data, in-depth study of the accident mechanism, and find out the crux of the problem. After all, only by prescribing the right medicine can we fundamentally solve the safety hazards of new energy vehicles.


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