
Of the communists who participated in the Xinhai Revolution, two became the founding marshals and one became the founding generals

author:Ahua History says

Famous communists who participated in the Xinhai Revolution, two of them became the founding marshals and one became the founding generals. This is a little-known piece of history. In that turbulent era, a group of enthusiastic young people cherished the ideal of saving the country and the people, held high the banner of opposing decadent rule, and threw themselves into the great cause of overthrowing the Manchu dynasty and establishing a democratic republic. They came from all walks of life, from intellectuals to ordinary people, and even some old warlords who had been loyal to the Qing Dynasty. However, who would have thought that among these participants in the Xinhai Revolution there would be some future communists hidden? Moreover, two of them later became the founding marshals of New China, and one became the founding general, making major contributions to the independence and liberation of the Chinese nation. Who are these Communists who have been beaten out of the torrent of revolution? What kind of twists and turns did they go through? Let's find out.

Of the communists who participated in the Xinhai Revolution, two became the founding marshals and one became the founding generals

The germ before the Xinhai Revolution

Since the second half of the 19th century, a powerful force for change has been brewing in Chinese society. The invasion of the Western powers, coupled with the decaying rule of the Qing Dynasty, plunged the vast majority of the people into deep suffering. In this turbulent era, a group of people of insight began to wake up to the rising tide of calling for the promotion of ideological emancipation and democratic reform.

Of the communists who participated in the Xinhai Revolution, two became the founding marshals and one became the founding generals

Many of the first pioneers to advocate democratic ideas later joined the Communist Party and devoted themselves to a more thorough revolutionary cause. For example, Lan Gongwu, Tian Feng, Wu Yuzhang and others, they joined secret revolutionary societies such as the Guangfu Society and the League in their early years, and actively participated in the movement against the Qing Dynasty and the restoration of the Ming Dynasty. Especially after 1905, as the fuse of the Xinhai Revolution was ignited day by day, more and more progressive young people threw themselves into this vigorous anti-imperialist and anti-feudal struggle.

At the same time, some people with lofty ideals also play an important role in the army. For example, Liu Shaobai, a Communist Party member originally from Anhui, was admitted to Shanxi University in 1908 and served as a county official after completing his studies. When the Wuchang Uprising broke out in 1911, he cut off his braids, put up slogans on the streets, and participated in revolutionary activities in Shanxi. Yang Mingxuan, a native of Shaanxi Province, also enrolled in Xi'an Fu Middle School in 1909, and after the outbreak of the Xinhai Revolution, he joined the student team to maintain street security. Zhu Luxian was an old warlord, and before the Xinhai Revolution, he served as the commander of the new army battalion and was stationed in Nanjing.

Of the communists who participated in the Xinhai Revolution, two became the founding marshals and one became the founding generals

These young students, teachers, landlords, gentlemen, and former soldiers with progressive ideals came from all walks of life. It was under the special circumstances of that time that they were awakened to their national self-esteem and slowly awakened their political consciousness of safeguarding the interests of the country and the nation. Although their social status and background were different, they all ignited the energy and determination to oppose the Manchu rule and overthrow the old system. This undoubtedly paved the way for important ideological preparation and organization for the upcoming Xinhai Revolution.

During the Xinhai Revolution

Of the communists who participated in the Xinhai Revolution, two became the founding marshals and one became the founding generals

On October 10, 1911, the Wuchang Uprising broke out, opening the prelude to the overthrow of the decadent Qing Dynasty and the establishment of a democratic republic. As the vanguard of the revolution, a group of progressive elements who had established the idea of democracy in their early years stepped forward one after another and became the backbone of this vigorous revolution.

After Wuchang first sounded the clarion call for revolution, all parts of the country responded one after another, setting off a surging revolutionary wave that overthrew the Manchu Qing Dynasty. In this great tide of changes, many revolutionaries who later became communists played an important role.

Of the communists who participated in the Xinhai Revolution, two became the founding marshals and one became the founding generals

For example, in the organization and instigation of the Wuchang Uprising, Zhu Luxian played a key role. As the commander of the new army battalion garrisoned in Nanjing by the Qing Dynasty, he led his troops to respond to the call of the Wuchang Uprising in an extremely dangerous environment, and personally commanded the troops to attack Yuhuatai, the base camp of the royalist army. Lan Gongwu, on the other hand, actively supported the uprisings in various parts of the north and directly participated in the instigation of the independence movements in Luanzhou, Tianjin and other places.

In April 1911, at the age of 25, Lin Boqu went to Guangzhou and participated in the famous Huanghuagang Uprising. Although the uprising ultimately failed, it was an important trigger for the Xinhai Revolution. Lin Boqu then returned to Hunan and engaged in propaganda work in the New Army and patrol battalions, making a significant contribution to promoting Hunan's independence.

Of the communists who participated in the Xinhai Revolution, two became the founding marshals and one became the founding generals

At the same time, some students studying abroad also rushed back to China after hearing the news and threw themselves into the torrent of revolution. When Xu Teli, who was far away in France, learned of the event, he returned to Changsha overnight and gathered some progressive teachers to give speeches everywhere, calling for support for the revolution. He was soon elected vice chairman of the Hunan Provincial Provisional Assembly, becoming one of the first Hunan people to respond to the uprising.

After the successive successes of the independence movements in various places, the unification of the whole country and the overthrow of the Manchu regime became a top priority. At this time, some Communists played the role of key organizers and warlords. After the independence of Sichuan, Wu Yuzhang served as the commander of the Sichuan Defense Army, and maintained the revolutionary regime by force. At this time, Tian Feng also served as a member of the Sichuan Military Government.

Of the communists who participated in the Xinhai Revolution, two became the founding marshals and one became the founding generals

In general, in this great Xinhai Revolution, many revolutionaries who later became communists played an extremely important role. Some launched and organized uprisings, some held important military and political positions, and others engaged in propaganda and agitation. It was precisely these people, who, in a difficult environment and regardless of their personal safety, stepped forward to join the revolution and finally overthrew the decadent feudal rule and realized the long-cherished wish of the Chinese nation to oppose foreign aggression and internal oppression for hundreds of years.

A new position in the early days of the Republic of China

Of the communists who participated in the Xinhai Revolution, two became the founding marshals and one became the founding generals

The victory of the Xinhai Revolution did not bring democracy and freedom to China, on the contrary, the country fell into chaos for the rest of the year. In the absence of a strong centralized power and the interference of foreign powers, warlords in various regions divided one side and fought each other, causing social unrest.

In this turbulent era, some communists who had participated in the Xinhai Revolution began to play a new role. Some of them were entrusted with important military and political posts by the revolutionary government; Others joined the different warlord camps and fought their way through those turbulent years.

Of the communists who participated in the Xinhai Revolution, two became the founding marshals and one became the founding generals

In 1920, Lin Boqu was hired by Sun Yat-sen's government as a senator of the Generalissimo's Office, and he was an important figure in the revolutionary government. Lan Gongwu, a veteran revolutionary, taught at Peking University, China University and other universities after 1923 and engaged in academic work.

In contrast, Zhu Luxian's experience is more tortuous and turbulent. After the victory of the revolution, he was once promoted to the commander of the Second Division of the Army and became an important warlord. But soon he joined Duan Qirui's Zhiwan Front to confront Sun Yat-sen's Cantonese warlord group. Immediately, Zhu Luxian switched to the Jingzhong Gang and followed the banners of Wang Jingwei, Tang Jiyao and others.

Of the communists who participated in the Xinhai Revolution, two became the founding marshals and one became the founding generals

Similar to Zhu Luxian, Li Xijiu served as a member of the House of Representatives after the Xinhai Revolution, and seemed to be in a high position, but in fact he was in a very passive position in the turbulent political situation at that time. In 1930, he had to join Yan Xishan as the head of the General Political Department of the Army, Navy and Air Force General Headquarters.

After the independence of Sichuan, Tian Feng had already held important positions in the Sichuan Military Government. But soon, he was forced into exile and experienced a life of wandering and homelessness. It was not until the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression that he re-involved in the revolutionary movement and served as a member of the Joint Defense Committee of the Henan-Anhui Soviet Border Region.

Of the communists who participated in the Xinhai Revolution, two became the founding marshals and one became the founding generals

Wu Yuzhang played an important role as a warlord during the Xinhai Revolution, serving as the commander of the Sichuan Defense Army, and was inevitably devastated by the war. It is said that Wu Yuzhang's home was destroyed during those years, and his wife and several sons died one after another. What happened to this old revolutionary illustrates the cruelty of the environment back then.

It can be said that in the turbulent years of the early Republic of China, these communists who participated in the Xinhai Revolution experienced many ups and downs in life. Some were once in important positions, but were eventually drawn into warlord warfare; some have become wanderers, and their families are ruined; Still others have to follow different warlord camps and struggle to survive. These bumpy experiences undoubtedly made their yearning for democracy and freedom even more thirsty, and laid an ideological foundation for joining the Communist Party and devoting themselves to a new revolutionary cause in the future.

Of the communists who participated in the Xinhai Revolution, two became the founding marshals and one became the founding generals

The struggle to join the Communist Party of China

Although the Xinhai Revolution overthrew the rotten Qing Dynasty, it failed to truly achieve democracy and freedom. Instead, China is in a state of warlord warfare. Just as the broad masses of the people were once again plunging into deep suffering, a new force began to emerge on the land of China -- that is, Marxism-Leninism.

Of the communists who participated in the Xinhai Revolution, two became the founding marshals and one became the founding generals

A group of progressive elements who participated in the Xinhai Revolution were influenced and enlightened by communist ideology during the turbulent years, gradually awakened, joined the Communist Party of China, and made unremitting efforts to overthrow the old order and establish a new China.

The first to join the Communist Party of China were Lan Gongwu and Tian Feng. In 1921, they witnessed the birth of the Communist Party of China in Shanghai. Lan Gongwu then returned to Beijing to carry out the party's organizational development work. Tian Feng, on the other hand, was active in Shaanxi all the year round, recruiting party members and propagating Marxism.

Of the communists who participated in the Xinhai Revolution, two became the founding marshals and one became the founding generals

In 1922, under the introduction of the party, Li Xijiu secretly joined the Communist Party of China. From then on, the veteran revolutionary began to engage in party building in his hometown of Anping County, Hebei Province. In 1923, he returned to Anping and, in accordance with the party's instructions, vigorously carried out the party's grassroots organization work.

The following year, Wu Yuzhang was introduced to the Communist Party in Shanghai and joined the Communist Party of China. In the years that followed, he was actively engaged in the party's propaganda work, and was responsible for the publication of the party's organ newspaper, the Herald. Wu Yuzhang presided over the Sichuan Provincial Congress in Chengdu.

Of the communists who participated in the Xinhai Revolution, two became the founding marshals and one became the founding generals

At the same time, more participants in the Xinhai Revolution joined the ranks of the Chinese Communist Party. In 1925, Lin Boqu joined the party in Guangzhou; In 1926, Xu Teli joined the party organization in Changsha; In 1929, Liu Shaobai promoted Marxism and recruited party members in Hebei Plains and other places.

After joining the Communist Party, these revolutionaries of the older generation further strengthened their conviction in pursuing democracy and freedom. Since then, they have lived a life of secret hiding, underground work, and paid great sacrifices. Xu Teli was arrested and imprisoned, and Lin Boqu was engaged in secret struggle for a long time.

Of the communists who participated in the Xinhai Revolution, two became the founding marshals and one became the founding generals

In the 30s, the Chinese civil war was cloudy, and there were many military conflicts between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party. Some veteran communists took a direct part in these battles. For example, Lan Gongwu participated in the Pingjiang Uprising and was brutally suppressed; Zhu Luxian led the Red Army in the Fourth Kuomintang-Communist Civil War.

After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, more and more Communist Party members gathered in the base areas of Yan'an and northern Shaanxi to devote themselves to the great cause of anti-Japanese national liberation. Lin Boqu, Wu Yuzhang and others all joined the anti-Japanese forces in Yan'an during this period and experienced a period of eventful years.

Of the communists who participated in the Xinhai Revolution, two became the founding marshals and one became the founding generals

Generally speaking, after joining the Communist Party of China, these revolutionaries of the older generation who participated in the Xinhai Revolution went through a period of eventful years, made tremendous sacrifices, and made indelible contributions to the eventual realization of national independence and the liberation of the people. Under the leadership of the party, they worked from underground work, guerrilla warfare, and fought all the way to the final liberation of the country. This tragic journey demonstrates their persistent pursuit of ideals and beliefs.

The highest honor of the Founding Fathers

Of the communists who participated in the Xinhai Revolution, two became the founding marshals and one became the founding generals

After a long period of guerrilla warfare and frontal battlefield operations, the Communist Party of China finally won the great victory of the New Democratic Revolution in 1949. A brand-new People's Republic came into being, marking the Chinese nation's embarkation on the road of independence and freedom.

In this magnificent revolutionary process, a group of revolutionaries of the older generation who participated in the Xinhai Revolution played an important role. They experienced the vigor of Xinhai, witnessed the birth of the Communist Party, and made indelible contributions to the birth of New China. At the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, some people were even more highly commended and appreciated.

Of the communists who participated in the Xinhai Revolution, two became the founding marshals and one became the founding generals

In September 1955, the Chinese People's Liberation Army held its first military parade, demonstrating the armed forces of New China. At this grand military parade, Lan Gongwu and Zhu Luxian, two revolutionaries of the older generation, were awarded the highest honor - the rank of founding general. This is not only an affirmation of their outstanding contributions in the revolutionary war, but also represents the respect of the people of the whole country for their revolutionary exploits.

Previously, on October 1, 1949, Zhu Luxian also served as the commander-in-chief of the first National Day military parade in New China. As a famous warlord during the Xinhai Revolution, Zhu Lu joined the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army and served in the people's army, making significant contributions to the final victory of the Liberation War.

Of the communists who participated in the Xinhai Revolution, two became the founding marshals and one became the founding generals

In addition to Zhu Luxian and Lan Gongwu, Lin Boqu also received quite high military ranks at the beginning of the founding of New China. In 1955, he was awarded the rank of general of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, one of only 12 founding generals at that time. Lin Boqu not only participated in the Xinhai Revolution, but also held important command positions in the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation.

Tian Feng was awarded the rank of major general, and the reason for this higher rank was that he had performed well in the Yan'an Rectification Movement and was commended and appreciated by the party organization. In addition, Wu Yuzhang, Liu Shaobai and other revolutionaries of the older generation also received quite high military and political positions.

Of the communists who participated in the Xinhai Revolution, two became the founding marshals and one became the founding generals

The fact that these communists who participated in the Xinhai Revolution were able to receive such high honors is not only the highest affirmation of their revolutionary merits, but also reflects the high importance and trust that the party and the government have placed in them. From the turbulent revolutionary years to the early days of the founding of New China, they have experienced a magnificent life journey.

It is precisely because of the arduous struggle of this generation of revolutionaries of the older generation that the Chinese people have finally realized their long-cherished wish of national independence and the people being masters of their own affairs. The goal of their bloody struggle is to make the Chinese nation stand again among the nations of the world. The founding of the People's Republic of China marks the beginning of a new era full of hope. Therefore, these communists during the Xinhai Revolution deserved the supreme glory and the highest appreciation.