
Why is the 43-degree flying sky not welcomed?

author:Sauce Xiang Yan Sake Brewery

Speaking of Moutai, the most popular is the 53-degree 10-billion-dollar single product Feitian Moutai, in contrast, the 43-degree Feitian Moutai is much cheaper, but it is not as popular as the 53-degree Feitian:

Why is the 43-degree flying sky not welcomed?

>> Success is also a degree, and defeat is also a degree

43 Degrees Moutai was originally launched for young people, positioning it as young, fashionable and healthy, in line with modern consumer values. However, 53 degrees is the classic proof of soy sauce wine. The ethanol molecule and water molecule of soy sauce are the most tightly combined, and it is in the best state in terms of taste and quality. Compared with 43 degrees, there is naturally a gap in quality and taste.

Although they all use the traditional 12987 process, the flavor is elegant, the taste is delicate and mellow, and the body is soft. However, soy sauce distilled at high temperatures is usually above 52 degrees, and to make a soy sauce at 43 degrees, it is necessary to adjust the degree of the liquor and mix it with other degrees, which makes it difficult to maintain the original quality.

Why is the 43-degree flying sky not welcomed?

>> Differences in taste

Flying at 53 degrees, the rich aroma of sauce, elegant orchid and other indescribable aromas, the entrance is mellow, the sauce flavor is overflowing, filling the mouth, the fragrance is long-lasting after swallowing, warm irrigation of the internal organs, and the aftertaste is long, as if it surrounds the body for three days. Compared with 43 degrees Feitian, it is lacking, the aroma is acceptable, the taste is not mellow enough, the sauce flavor is not as strong as 53 degrees, and the aftertaste is not as long-lasting as the former.

Why is the 43-degree flying sky not welcomed?

>> Differences in collectible value

The longer the liquor is stored, the lower the ethanol content, the higher the acetaldehyde content, and the stronger the aroma of the liquor. However, the longer the alcohol is stored, the more acidity will increase. In the process of long-term storage, 43 degrees Feitian will face the problem of gradual volatilization and decomposition of ethanol, acids and esters in the wine, and the quality of the wine is difficult to guarantee, which will affect the taste of the soy sauce wine over time. In contrast, 53 degrees of sauce-flavored liquor is more stable and suitable for long-term storage, which is one of the important reasons why 53 degrees Feitian Moutai is more popular.

53 degrees to fly, buy back and save for three or five years, the value doubles. The 43-degree flying sky is almost all for drinking, not suitable for collection, and the value-added space is limited, so it is relatively less concerned.

Why is the 43-degree flying sky not welcomed?

>> Big businessmen hype

Moutai is delicious, but expensive. Many people buy Moutai, mostly for gifts! Moutai is known as the "national liquor", whether it is used for gifts or treats, it is very suitable, and the problems that a few bottles of Moutai can solve can be said to be countless. The second is for collections. 53 degrees Moutai is of excellent quality, and after being stored for several years, the taste and value will rise by several grades, and it will definitely not lose money when you buy it back for collection.

There are also some people who buy Moutai to make money. According to Moutai's supply and marketing system, one way is that Moutai sells to dealers at the ex-factory price, and then the dealers resell it to consumers; Another way is for Moutai to sell to consumers at a price of 1,499 yuan per bottle through Moutai shopping malls or directly operated stores. As a result of this, it seems that every year new Moutai liquor is put on the market, but in fact a considerable part of it is "hoarded" and collected by some wealthy people or distributors. However, this practice has made it more difficult for consumers to buy Moutai, and it has also led to the high price of Moutai.

43 degrees Moutai is relatively low-key, and most of the buyers are for drinking, and a few are for gifts. There's not much hype, so there's less attention.

Why is the 43-degree flying sky not welcomed?

In short, 53 degrees is a high degree flying, has an outstanding taste, and can be stored to add value, whether it is for self-drinking or giving away, it is very suitable, so it is often in short supply. The 43-degree flying sky has no great value-added space, and there are many competing products that can be replaced, so few people care. But the quality of 43 degrees flying is undoubted, it is a trustworthy choice, and when you don't want to compete for a premium, it is better to experience the charm of low-alcohol soy sauce wine.