
Behind the Xuan Jing incident, what is she trying to do, and what is Baidu's problem?

Behind the Xuan Jing incident, what is she trying to do, and what is Baidu's problem?

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2024-05-14 07:39Posted in Guangdong science and technology creators

Xuan Jing single-handedly created one of Baidu's biggest public relations crises in recent years, with a market value of 6 billion, and the current news revealed that Xuan Jing did not leave on her own initiative, but was personally "taken" by the Baidu boss, and the boss lady still personally flew back to Baidu from abroad and began to deal with it.

Behind the Xuan Jing incident, what is she trying to do, and what is Baidu's problem?

In response to Yu Xuanjing's incident, Robin Li said emotionally to outstanding employees, you represent Baidu, you represent the real Baidu, and you are the most authentic representative of Baidu!

Behind the Xuan Jing incident, what is she trying to do, and what is Baidu's problem?

Robin Li's remarks meant that Jingjing's remarks were completely separated from Baidu's values and culture, and that Jingjing could not represent the company, let alone the company's outstanding employees. But the problem is that a person who has achieved the position of vice president, you say that she cannot represent the excellent employees of Baidu, it is unreasonable.

This happened in Baidu, a high-tech company that has always emphasized technology, which makes people a little more surprised and alarmed.

Behind the tranquility is Baidu's traffic crisis, which has deformed the actions of executives

First of all, there is a vice president of public relations No. 1, who has a very big traffic anxiety, which is actually abnormal, a screenshot shows that Xuan Jing and her public relations team are required to engage in self-media on major social platforms and link them to year-end performance. even went to learn the golden sentences of Brother Sam, it is said that Xuan Jing is Brother Sam's "female disciple", and once distributed "Golden Sentences of Brother Sam" to the subordinate groups.

Behind the Xuan Jing incident, what is she trying to do, and what is Baidu's problem?

Some people think that Xuan Jing is to one day be able to speak directly to the public and bring goods for their own products. This also makes sense from the anxiety of the traffic behind Baidu. With the rise of short video as the first traffic entrance, BAT used to be anxious, but now Tencent Video is rising, Baidu is the first search giant to do information flow layout, as the former traffic king, is now falling into the secondary echelon camp.

Behind Xuanjing's eagerness to make a short video to make a position, we see that at present, Zhou Hongyi and Lei Jun have personally gone down to make IP and short videos, and the effect is very good. Xuan Jing laid out a short video at this time, which captured the boss's problems very well.

And all her videos are loved by bosses, and there is a momentum of declaring war on migrant workers. "300 report letters were written by subordinates", "employees are required to travel for 50 consecutive days", "mobile phones are turned on 24 hours a day", "managers do not need to provide emotional value to subordinates"......

But what the boss likes to watch is often an offense to the workers, causing conflicts through a conflicting and sharp style, and finally causing huge controversy.

Behind the Xuan Jing incident, what is she trying to do, and what is Baidu's problem?

But the question is, if you have an annual salary of 15 million, will you prepare to leave your job and start a business? As the number one public relations position, will you personally go out to create problems and create conflicts? Why is it that in the eyes of former Huawei employees, the current tranquility is different from the past? These questions are worth thinking about at Baidu.

Therefore, there may be more than just traffic anxiety behind this. One detail is that she asked the public relations department to stop investing money in external KOLs, and to build the public relations department into an Internet celebrity IP. According to Lu Songsong, an Internet industry insider, what is the purpose of Xuan Jing's doing? Could it be that he wants to use the power in his hands to take orders from Baidu, and then send out the Internet celebrities and self-media under his control to profit from Baidu's public relations fees?

Of course, this is just a guess, and the traffic anxiety she experienced is essentially a reflection of the traffic anxiety of large manufacturers. But not every boss understands the scale and bottom line of Internet marketing, Lei Jun and Zhou Hongyi, who are full of network sense. If you don't grasp the size well, the traffic you get is the Mimon-style traffic, and if you don't grasp it well, you will encounter the backlash of the torrential traffic on the controversial and negative traffic path that dances in this sharp knife.

Second, internal management chaos

When everything is guided by the goal of traffic acquisition, this kind of traffic anxiety often leads to action deformation, and even rushes to the doctor, such as finding Brother Sam, creating a treasure book of its short videos for everyone to learn, and generalizing this unreachable pressure to all employees, so it also caused internal management chaos, it is said that after the outbreak of public opinion, the employees of Baidu's public relations department are as happy as a holiday, and their faces are full of smiles.

Therefore, at present, some people in the industry question that the problem of Xuan Jing may only be the tip of the iceberg of Baidu's internal management.

Behind the Xuan Jing incident, what is she trying to do, and what is Baidu's problem?

According to the available information, in Baidu's public relations department, Xuan Jing implemented her wolf style. She once asked employees to go on a business trip with her for 50 days, and when employees didn't go, they said that the other party was not dedicated. Xuan Jing tried her best to take attendance, and asked to arrive at 9 o'clock on a snowy day, because she couldn't arrive, and said that she was late until 9:30. However, soon an employee broke out that Xuan Jing's home was in Shenzhen, and every time she arranged a business trip for herself, it was near Shenzhen, and it was around the holiday.

Now judging from Xuan Jing's newly registered brokerage company, it seems that entering Douyin is not just for Baidu to work, but to have more personal preparations, with an annual salary of tens of millions of senior positions, it is obviously unreasonable to be ready to leave and work alone, and the current entrepreneurial environment is not good, and the more reasonable possibility is to build your own short video team and have your own careful thoughts.

Whether this is a personal problem of Xuan Jing or an environmental impact on people may be worth pondering within Baidu.

Behind the Xuan Jing incident, what is she trying to do, and what is Baidu's problem?

If the vice president is not an excellent employee, how will Baidu's cultural values be implemented, and who will adhere to it?

At Baidu's annual advanced awards event, Cui Shanshan, senior vice president of Baidu Group, said that to defend Baidu's culture, innovation will never stop. "You can't just sing hymns and not talk about problems." In her speech, Cui Shanshan pointed out a number of big factory diseases, including "demarcating the territory, setting the threshold, and it is difficult for each to fight and cooperate", "coaxing up and bluffing downward, and working overtime to show the work attitude", "the communication between superiors depends on the communication of subordinates, and they still say beautiful things when they end up".

These speeches directly pointed to Baidu's internal Dachang disease.

But from the current point of view, under the pressure of traffic anxiety, Baidu's wolf culture may be difficult to completely eradicate internally. If the phenomenon of senior management upwards and oppression does not stop, then one Jing Jing leaves, and the other Jing Jing will quietly rise inside.

Robin Li hinted that Xuan Jing is not an excellent employee of Baidu, but the core backbone and executives of a company have always been the firm transmitters and executors of corporate culture and company philosophy.

If the senior management cannot adhere to the corporate values, then Baidu will not be able to form a convincing and authoritative core backbone, without the backbone is a rabble, the internal strategy implementation will lack cohesion, disagree with each other, distrust each other, and become a force.

The Jingjing incident fully demonstrates that in the era of traffic, don't be led by the nose by the traffic, otherwise the chase traffic that gives up the bottom line will inevitably be eaten by the traffic, secondly, the appointment of executives is a science, both morality and ability, EQ and IQ are indispensable, Baidu to form a better combat effectiveness, the internal to have the core backbone that can unite the internal rather than promote internal friction, the essence of external traffic anxiety is the crisis of the internal management of the grass platform, which may be Robin Li's biggest problem.

Author: Wang Xinxi, Senior Reviewer of TMT This article is not reproduced without permission

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  • Behind the Xuan Jing incident, what is she trying to do, and what is Baidu's problem?
  • Behind the Xuan Jing incident, what is she trying to do, and what is Baidu's problem?
  • Behind the Xuan Jing incident, what is she trying to do, and what is Baidu's problem?
  • Behind the Xuan Jing incident, what is she trying to do, and what is Baidu's problem?
  • Behind the Xuan Jing incident, what is she trying to do, and what is Baidu's problem?
  • Behind the Xuan Jing incident, what is she trying to do, and what is Baidu's problem?

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