
As the saying goes, "if the relics are not burned, the children and grandchildren will be rich from generation to generation", after a person dies, which four things cannot be burned

author:The food of the living home

In many cultures, the burning of relics is a traditional custom, which is not only a farewell to a deceased loved one, but also an emotional catharsis and spiritual sustenance. However, when dealing with these precious relics, there are some items that should not be easily burned due to their special significance and value. This article will explore these relics that should not be burned and provide some ways to remember loved ones and help people with a healthier mindset.

The act of burning relics has carried multiple meanings since ancient times. Relics are used as objects for loved ones during their lifetime, and burning them can be seen as a farewell ritual to help the living express their remembrance and respect for the deceased. From a hygienic point of view, incineration can eliminate viruses and germs that may be carried on the relics and protect the health of the family.

As the saying goes, "if the relics are not burned, the children and grandchildren will be rich from generation to generation", after a person dies, which four things cannot be burned

The presence of relics can sometimes make it difficult for the living to move on from their grief, and burning relics can help alleviate this emotional burden. But for relics, there are also a lot of particulars, such as the old man said that "relics are not burned, and children and grandchildren will be rich from generation to generation", everyone must keep in mind. So what are the 4 things that can't be burned after a person dies? Let's explain it to you!

Despite the traditional significance of the burning of relics, the following four relics should be preserved because of their unique value.

1. Diaries, books, and account books: These relics often contain the life insights and life truths of the deceased, and they have irreplaceable educational significance for future generations. By reading these texts, future generations can gain a deeper understanding of the way of thinking and life philosophy of their predecessors.

As the saying goes, "if the relics are not burned, the children and grandchildren will be rich from generation to generation", after a person dies, which four things cannot be burned

2. Collectibles: Some relics such as calligraphy and paintings, antiques and other collectibles may have historical and cultural value. These objects not only carry the memories of the family, but also serve as a bridge between the past and the present. As family heirlooms, they should be properly preserved and passed down from generation to generation.

3. Bed and bedding: These items symbolize the warmth and possessions of the family. While they may carry the scent of the deceased, they can be transformed into shared memories for family members through disinfection and cleaning, continuing to bring warmth and tranquility to the family.

As the saying goes, "if the relics are not burned, the children and grandchildren will be rich from generation to generation", after a person dies, which four things cannot be burned

4. Photos of the elderly: Photos are an intuitive way to remember the deceased, and they evoke our memories and emotions of the deceased. Photographs of elderly people are especially precious because they record the bits and pieces of their lives and are an important part of the family history.

When dealing with these relics, we should carefully consider their emotional value and practical significance, so as to avoid irreparable damage caused by impulse.

In the digital age, there are more ways to preserve images of our loved ones. Printing these precious memories into a book is not only easy to read, but also part of the family legacy.

As the saying goes, "if the relics are not burned, the children and grandchildren will be rich from generation to generation", after a person dies, which four things cannot be burned

Writing letters is an ancient and affectionate way of communicating. Even if the recipient is no longer there, we can still express our thoughts and unspoken words through writing, which is a kind of emotional release and self-healing.

Knowing and fulfilling the unfulfilled wishes of your loved ones is the best memorial to them. This not only reflects our respect for the deceased, but also the continuation and affirmation of life.

The greatest wish of a loved one is often to see us live happily and healthily. Therefore, facing life positively and realizing personal value is the best memory of deceased relatives.

Bereavement is one of life's hardest blows, but life needs to go on. Accepting that a loved one has passed away is the first step out of grief. By reconciling with ourselves, we can begin to accept the new normal of life.

As the saying goes, "if the relics are not burned, the children and grandchildren will be rich from generation to generation", after a person dies, which four things cannot be burned

Engaging in a new activity or interest can help us divert our thoughts from the deceased and ease our grief. Remember, our deceased loved ones want us to be happy and their spirits will always be with us. For their sake, and for the sake of our loved ones who are still alive, we need to move on and live life to the fullest.

These relics are not only a memorial to the deceased, but also an important part of the family legacy. At the same time, we encourage relatives to adjust their mindset, regain confidence in life, and face the future with a positive attitude.

Through remembrance and remembrance, we are not only able to preserve the memory of our loved ones who have passed away, but also draw strength from their lives to continue our own life journey. Ultimately, our goal is to find a balance that honors and honors the deceased, while allowing the living to move forward and live a meaningful life.